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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. You guys aren't helping much at all here. So are you saying ANY seller on ebay selling China LED's are ok?
  2. eww lol And we just had chicken at the last one, Mark.
  3. That's why I posted to suggest a place and location. Of course we can drive out that direction.
  4. No it isn't. Ebay doesn't give a crap if I buy pos ones or good ones. Lol I just don't want to buy cheap stuff that's gonna fail. So you've had good luck with all of them you bought on ebay no matter who the seller?
  5. OK guys and gals...lay on the suggestions for the next DDR meetup. Maybe we can vote on the place once there are a few good ideas posted. Please include what area of town it's in and what kind of food they have to offer. The next meet & eat will be on Tuesday, May 8th. I suggest tacos next. Any Roberto's will do for me.
  6. Oh no! Sorry to hear, Bruce. Glad it wasn't worse.
  7. I don't see any 1157 bulbs on there for sale. Looks like just the 1156 (single terminal) and interior RV housing fixtures.
  8. those won't work. I need a 360 degree bulb for the way it sits in the tail light. Did you just google those or did you buy some? I saw those but wanted a good recommendation.
  9. I'm searching all over and can't find a place online that I can trust to buy some decent 1157 LED bulbs. Does anyone have a place they've bought quality LED bulbs from for a decent price? I need one for my bike but I'll be buying some for the hauler too.
  10. Holy crap, Brian. What happened? Or how did that happen rather? haha
  11. No I didn't. I figured it was already a dead giveaway from your guys' comments.
  12. I'm talking about going out to play in the sand regardless of the shoot and then help out and participate once you're there. If they required a bunch of bs from you then guess what?...leave! Forget it! Man you guys sound like you're all grumpy and broke. Good thing he came here for help! You guys shut him down in no time flat. lol
  13. Sounds like the only cheap guys are the ones who want to get paid to go play in the sand! Lol If I didn't already have plans and wasn't done for the season, I would have made the trip. I'm guessing he was asking for guys with buggies that might have already been out there.
  14. It's too late anyways. We're already voting.
  15. Maybe you should put a post up and clue everyone in first. Kind of a bigger deal don't you think?
  16. I can't make it out because I already have other plans, but it will be cool to see the show air. It's always cool seeing Dumont on TV. Good luck with the filming!
  17. That is an insane amount of car for the money.
  18. It was a good turnout. Sanddunesaddict, ISBB, vegas style, chadwick, tattooed whiteboy, ynot, Joe Duer, duniemonkie and me. I can see this being a fun thing to do every other week. The chicken shack was pretty good. The wings were better than the fingers I thought. So where's the next meet & eat going to be?
  19. Way cool. Lookin forward to seeing you all. See you at 7 for the first DDR eat yer meat...or meet n eat rather.
  20. Who in the Vegas or Hendo area wants to meet up, grab some grub and shoot the sh*t? Let's try and make this a weekly or every other week event for DDR. It gives us duners a chance to hang out and see each other over the spring & summer months and might even be able to get to know some new faces. Tuesday, April 24, 7:00PM The Chicken Shack 4606 East Sunset Road Henderson, NV 89014 Green Valley Town Center III‎ (702) 456-2669 http://www.mychickenshack.com/ <iframe width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Chicken+Shack+near+Sunset+Way,+Henderson,+NV&aq=0&oq=chicken+shack+sunset&sll=36.039525,-114.981721&sspn=0.740672,1.454315&t=h&ie=UTF8&hq=Chicken+Shack&hnear=Sunset+Way,+Henderson,+Clark,+Nevada+89014&cid=7500393050612977269&ll=36.071927,-115.073977&spn=0.0333,0.054932&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=Chicken+Shack+near+Sunset+Way,+Henderson,+NV&aq=0&oq=chicken+shack+sunset&sll=36.039525,-114.981721&sspn=0.740672,1.454315&t=h&ie=UTF8&hq=Chicken+Shack&hnear=Sunset+Way,+Henderson,+Clark,+Nevada+89014&cid=7500393050612977269&ll=36.071927,-115.073977&spn=0.0333,0.054932&z=14&iwloc=A" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>
  21. Post up a pic now. (only one) The winner's dune pic will be posted on the homepage after the contest is over. The member's screen name will be posted up with it as well. You may also post a caption or description included with the pic. Please limit posts in this thread to pictures only until voting has begun. Dune Pic of the Month- Rules 1. The picture must be YOURS. Do not go surfing the internet looking for one to submit. You cannot post any copyrighted pics. 2. The picture must not have any watermarks or logos on it. 3. The picture must be at least 600 x 600 pixels. It will be displayed on the home page if it wins the most votes so therefore we would like it to be a decent size picture. 4. The picture must abide by the terms and conditions (rules) of this board. 5. Post only ONE picture per contest
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