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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Well duh! Lol I bet it sucks a$$ at Nelson singletrack though. Hahaa Sweet bike.
  2. . We'll keep it in mind for the next one. Will you show up or do you just want the business? Put it in the suggestion thread. Tonight we're meeting at 4 Kegs. Come on out!
  3. Calendar? It's tomorrow.. Do you have that much going on between now and then?
  4. Right on, Michael. Keep me posted when the first DDR boat party will be. Sweet. You found one. Can't believe you didn't tell me yet. Fugger. How ya like it?
  5. Smokin deal! Congrats Andy. Forest River makes a solid toyhauler. Mine is holding up great and it's an 06
  6. Nice shot. No pics, but man o man it was bright last night! I could see the mountain range around Henderson because the sky was glowing so much. Would have been a perfect night for a night ride.
  7. Sad news. A huge part of hip hop history has died. Rest in Peace, MCA http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/beastie-boys-co-founder-adam-yauch-dead-at-48-20120504
  8. ok let's do it. 4 Kegs it is. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=17492
  9. Tuesday, May 8th at 7:00 PM Four Kegs (Jones & 95) 276 North Jones Blvd # B, Las Vegas, NV (702) 870-0255 ‎ · fourkegs.com <iframe width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=4+kegs+jones+&aq=&sll=36.039525,-114.981721&sspn=0.740672,1.454315&t=h&ie=UTF8&hq=4+kegs+jones&hnear=&cid=958260056013841460&ll=36.176128,-115.223923&spn=0.133023,0.219727&z=12&iwloc=A&output=embed"></iframe> <small><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=4+kegs+jones+&aq=&sll=36.039525,-114.981721&sspn=0.740672,1.454315&t=h&ie=UTF8&hq=4+kegs+jones&hnear=&cid=958260056013841460&ll=36.176128,-115.223923&spn=0.133023,0.219727&z=12&iwloc=A" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>
  10. ok good ideas. Maybe I'll just pick a place central or on the north end of town and post the place and time unless anyone objects. Pizza, burgers or tacos sounds good to me.
  11. Trying to keep these meetups cheap and simple without the hassle of reservations, group bill to split, etc, etc. Places like the last meetup at the Chicken Shack are perfect.
  12. So far we have 3 suggestions: Robertos, BWW, and 4 kegs. I was hoping we could focus these gatherings more around the food instead of alcohol. Any other suggestions or should we vote now??
  13. Then I guess it didn't happen. haha I didn't take any. I was grubbin!
  14. YES! That was the whole point of this thread! LOL
  15. See that's what I thought until I read a few reviews on Amazon. Some say if you wiggle them they stop working.
  16. You guys aren't helping much at all here. So are you saying ANY seller on ebay selling China LED's are ok?
  17. eww lol And we just had chicken at the last one, Mark.
  18. That's why I posted to suggest a place and location. Of course we can drive out that direction.
  19. No it isn't. Ebay doesn't give a crap if I buy pos ones or good ones. Lol I just don't want to buy cheap stuff that's gonna fail. So you've had good luck with all of them you bought on ebay no matter who the seller?
  20. OK guys and gals...lay on the suggestions for the next DDR meetup. Maybe we can vote on the place once there are a few good ideas posted. Please include what area of town it's in and what kind of food they have to offer. The next meet & eat will be on Tuesday, May 8th. I suggest tacos next. Any Roberto's will do for me.
  21. Oh no! Sorry to hear, Bruce. Glad it wasn't worse.
  22. I don't see any 1157 bulbs on there for sale. Looks like just the 1156 (single terminal) and interior RV housing fixtures.
  23. those won't work. I need a 360 degree bulb for the way it sits in the tail light. Did you just google those or did you buy some? I saw those but wanted a good recommendation.
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