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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Sounds messed up. That's not cool or funny. I'm sure if they were the ones getting sprayed they wouldn't think it was a good joke. We need to start a douchebag of the month section and nominate people like this.
  2. You can remove yourself now. Click topic moderation then the drop down box on the left. Congrats on the sale Jeff.
  3. OK so who's in for this Saturday and then again on the 31st? I added a poll to the topic. We can start a separtae thread to discuss the details if we ave some duners in for this Saturday! Let me know.
  4. sh*t! That sucks, Andy. So sorry to hear this.
  5. So far I'm leaning toward Saturday, March 31st. Maybe we can do a couple different day trips before the season is over. ?
  6. This was a few days before the regatta when I was playing around with different camera angles and mounts. It's nothing crazy. Just me playing around on the finger dunes and popping a couple wheelies. That day was awesome. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/37227368?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="700" height="525" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href=" playing around at Dumont</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/pgreep">Pete Greep</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
  7. Yeah Memorial weekend and Dumont have never really been a thing. Way too hot. That's already lake season.
  8. Not to say buggies aren't welcome, but I was trying to get a group of riders together like quads or dirtbikes for the day. Buggies and bikes don't mix well on dune runs.
  9. You're crossing the line with name calling, Dave. C'mon. Play by the rules.
  10. This has been on my mind lately. Maybe if I put this out there now, it gives everyone enough time to plan for it. Let's do a DDR group day trip to Dumont and ride sometime before the end of the season. I'm thinking sometime at the end of March or early April when it's nice and warm. Ya know... like t-shirt riding weather, a nothing weekend where the dunes are empty and the days are plenty long in order to get LOTS of duning in. For those who live close enough to do so and want to get together, let's see what kind of group we can put together. In the past we've gotten quite a good group of riders together even in the middle of summer. I know Chadwick is going to be more than ready after just moving back from Minnesota. If you're interested, chime in and let's see how many wanna do this.
  11. I agree and disagree with you, Dune Dad. I completely understand you're frustration towards certain law enforcement. Many of them have quite the power trip and do NOT know how to deal with certain situations. Some of them don't know how and when to address certain issues. Many of them are very unprofessional. Trust me, I have had my own run-ins with a few "bad apple" LEO's out at Dumont over the years and they definitely make you have a sh*tty attitude towards all of them. BUT, you can't. You have to remember that just because there are one or two bad ones that don't know how to professionally do their job, the rest of them are there to serve and protect us all the while dealing with more BS than we ever know or hear of. They are there doing their job. If you pay buy a pass, have all of your registration, follow the rules, etc etc...they are cool and don't harass you. If you take a step back and look at this situation, you might be overreacting just like that one bad cop. Let's just say hypothetically he dealt with some mouthy, disrespectful jerks right before you and then took out his aggression on your camp. Was it professional? No. Should he have handled your instance differently? Heck yes. Maybe you should do the same. What I'm getting at is you shouldn't stereotype the BLM because of one bad run in with a "bad apple" ranger. You seem to be no better than him in dealing with your anger.
  12. Dune...poon...both good things! That shouldn't get any weird looks. Hahaa
  13. Here lies the problem. Sounds like everyone was doing the same thing: just sitting back looking at each other expecting something to happen. You can't expect people to come walking up and introduce themselves when you just sit there. Make a move and say hello to a complete stranger. I do it out there all the time. Only problem I have had with that is people who bring along their friends from camp who never even heard of DDR or a meet & greet. Kinda weird look on their face when you introduce yourself and then say your screen name.
  14. Great shots and trip report, John! Welcome to the site.
  15. I'm shooting for cleanup weekend next. 16-18th
  16. I'm disappointed in all of you. The door was wide open!
  17. I over read that they were kids. I would hope you wouldn't give a 12 yr old a beatdown. lol As Marble MD said, did you talk to their parents? I'm wondering if they had something to do with it. That's some sh*t.
  18. WTF! So you got it back then. Did you give them a good azz whoopin? That's nuts.
  19. Here's a little more info that is posted on the coroner's page...
  20. I read on GD there were 2 fatalities down at Glamis over the weekend as well.
  21. Great shots! Some photoshop is needed for the Funco flag on Terry's car though.
  22. So how crowded was it out there? Post up any highlights or photos you've got from from the weekend. Let's hear about how it was.
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