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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. wow, crazy! That must have been their Dodge Durango then across the street with some of their stuff they could salvage.
  2. The previews were posted the week before the regatta. http://www.dumontdun...ndpost&p=228040
  3. So almost 200 shirts weren't enough apparently. I'll be putting in another order for them soon if you want to order more. Let me know asap. Shirts will still be $15. Paypal might work best. I might even eat the shipping and just mail them all out to you guys. I need to know: quantity/ size/ color
  4. BTW, those who weren't able to get a shirt or certain color, etc, I'll be putting in another order for them soon if you want. I'll start a thread in the ATC70 section. Otherwise if you're reading this and aren't registered, email me the sizes and colors at pete@dumontduneriders.com.
  5. We saw this on the way home along the Old Spanish Trail Hwy near the 160. It looked like they managed to get a few things out and they were ok, but the coach was a total loss. I don't think they were duners, but I'm not sure. The looks on their faces were so sad as they walked around the motorhome just looking at all the destruction.
  6. ok I'll throw my phone pics up first. Some of my friends have seen these as I was throwing them randomly on FB throughout last week, but they are cool pics from our 6 days out there. It felt great. Wed AM I woke up and realized we needed more room So I moved the hauler down a few football fields and then managed to get the car and tow the atc down at the same time. lol OK, this should do. Then the damn W word came and went most of the day. It was annoying. However it calmed down enough for us to take advantage of those bitchen dunes. Thurs AM
  7. You guys weren't the only ones. Anna and I were out there for 6 days. Those dunes were nice! We got a handful of great runs in. I got some on the go pro too.
  8. Thanks Andy. I was bummed when you weren't there Fri night and then again when Saturday morning came. Then just in the nick of time you showed up in full force! hahaaa I was super stoked you made it happen. Yeah that track was brutal. It's all your fault though. You said, "Pete, make it big!" So I did. Careful what you wish for. Fugg it, next year it's going to be much smaller and it's going to be a simple, oval track! hahaaa Thanks to all the other GD.com guys who made it out as well. I know a couple regulars couldn't make it, but hopefully next year they can swing it.
  9. One of the funniest highlights of the day was when Brandon's ATC was giving him trouble. He pulled off the track, ditched the bike, did a full on sprint over to krusty, pushed him off his ATC that he was sitting on watching the races, fired it up and took back off to finish the race. The look on krusty's face was priceless. He got it all on his Go Pro too! We watched it on the big screen numerous times. That was just CLASSIC! Skinner has a copy and we'll get it posted eventually.
  10. Hey guys I just got in and unloaded. Man am I wiped out! Just wanted to say thanks again to everyone who came out and was part of the 4th annual 70 regatta. It was a great turnout and a very long, but FUN-filled day. Every year gets better and better. The best part about the 70 regatta is, by far, the people. Everyone has the same mellow attitude and is there to have a great time. I wasn't able to meet everyone individually, but everyone had a smile on their face and looked to be having a ton of fun- mission accomplished! There were so many people who came up to me after the day's event were done and thanked me personally. I was blown away by that and all the comments of how well they thought of the event. Thanks to all the awesome help from everyone. We had alot of great volunteers. This year's races were more of an endurance contest I guess. lol Yeesh. Sorry guys- we should have kept it down to 5 laps instead of 10 or made that track a bit smaller! hahaa We were all wiped out after 20++ laps of racing those little trikes. Ouch! Super fun though. The only thing we didn't have time for was the barrel races, but those weren't too important. I do owe a huge apology to Aaron though. There was a big misunderstanding about his modified class bike and the trophy went to tres instead for the modified main. Ugh, sorry dude! Lunch was amazing as usual. Brian, Dan, Nicki, and the rest of the Smokin Al's BBQ crew got everyone fed very promptly and just like Al would have wanted it. Great job, guys. That's all I got for now. There will be plenty more including lots of pics and videos to come I'm sure. If you were there, please chime in and give us a few words about your experience from the regatta.
  11. These last couple weeks have been very hard for me and Anna too. I have had Al in my thoughts daily and can't hold back the tears every time I think about what he's going through. He's such a great guy and has always put a smile on my face. This just doesn't seem real.
  12. Here's a heads up on camp. We're parked just a little farther down than last year. Out of the 4 whole camps that are here, someone was already parked right where we planned to be. No biggie though. We have a great spot that isn't as soft with plenty of space just a couple hundred yards or so. Here's a pic. My truck is on the left.
  13. Sorry to hear about your dog. I will be out there tomorrow for a few days and I will keep a good eye out for him for you. Do you have a picture you can post up?
  14. Hey Woods, does the service engine light come on too or is it just the stabilitrak message on the DIC?
  15. Hey if everyone could try and bring plenty of 5's and 1's for the shirts and meals that would help a ton. I don't think I have enough time to pick up change before I leave. Or if someone can bring out $100 worth of 5's and 1's, I can swap you out. I've been busy!
  16. Almost looks like the driver cranked the wheel and threw it on its side. http://www.dumontdun...wtopic=17195
  17. Our Costco always stocks them. $75/ ea
  18. I would. 2 wheelers don't get around too great out there without one, especially a 125. Go with a 6 cup for a 125.
  19. Pretty much the same for me as most already mentioned. I have a diesel, big toyhauler, sandcar, bikes, etc. The only thing I owe on now is the hauler, but that's getting down there too. I started out small....just a dirtbike and a pickup and worked my way up from there and payed things off as I went. I put dune trips ahead of other luxuries in life because it's what love to do. Some people make other things a priority and treat duning as a secondary or occasional thing. It's an all or nothing sport if you want to have it all (the hauler, sandcar, multiple toys, etc) and spend an entire weekend out there at least once a month). Otherwise it's just too expensive to have the stuff just sit in the garage and suck you dry.
  20. Badass. That's cool you got to experience alot more of Dumont this time. Thanks for sharing your report of the weekend.
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