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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Wow, that is crazy! I really glad you two are ok. Looks like that was a hard hit. With any less safety equipment or a lesser quality car it may have been ugly. It just goes to show anything can happen and can happen REAL quick...even to a skilled driver like Terry. It's happened to a few others in our group too. It's starting to seem more like a question of WHEN and not IF you'll roll. I have the wrist restraints but haven't used them in my Tech 3 car. I am going to get in the habit again though. Adam, how did the camera and housing hold up?
  2. The only time I have heard of people getting harassed is over at Banshee Hill. They're usually getting a talking to for something else though (lack of equipment like a flag or headlight, helmet, etc). It's kind of a secondary ticket if you get stopped and the ranger wants to be a jerk, but most of them are pretty cool now.
  3. There's not many new topics anymore so I might as well use this site to b*tch to you all. Hey at least I followed it up with something positive. It's just an attempt to get some conversation going and this is what was on my mind. That's what the site is for remember?
  4. It's pissing me off how it's not aired live on SPEED for every race. The replay coverage on CBS sucks a$$. It's on CBS at 3:30 today and the lites are on SPEED at 2. From what I read, Stewart got his sh*t together and took podium last night in Oakland. I DVR'd it so I can watch how it went down. The finals here in Vegas are going to be interesting. I can't wait. Villopoto, Reed and Dungey are pretty much tied for points and now Stewart might be making a comeback. I can't wait until May!
  5. Oh and I think Sat night's drive movie movie feature will be Hangover 2 this year.
  6. I doubt there will be any skinamax this year. lol Those were just the rules from the past 2 years that I copied and pasted. Wish you could join us in camp, but we'll hook up.
  7. Almost forgot to post up the regatta rules. They are the same every year. 4th ANNUAL 70 REGATTA – RULES 1) Don't be a jerk. The goal is to have a great time at this event so don't show up with an attitude or take the races too serious. In the end it’s just bragging rights and a plastic trophy. 2) Every participant MUST be registered, have a 70 Regatta wristband on at all times, and a number on their paper number plate (provided at sign in). 3) All participants must wear a helmet and some sort of ankle protection. SAFETY FIRST! 4) You do NOT need a flag on your ATC in camp or on the track. All races or regatta events are inside camp this year due to stricter regulations. 5) There will be absolutely NO drinking and riding tolerated during the event. 6) All spectators and participants plus abide by BLM rules. Anything that is against the rules at Dumont is not allowed in camp. 7) It is the participants’ responsibility to be on time for whatever events or races that are taking place. Please pay attention. Ya snooze ya lose! 8) Absolutely NO intentional bumping or crashing will be tolerated. Those who are caught doing this will be disqualified. 9) Please note: AFTER the event is over (ie: nighttime), there will be some movies and music provided by the Custom Shop on the big screen projector like last year. The music can get a little loud and the movies might include more than "PG" material. If this is not your style, please do not plan on camping in the same circle or have your kids put to bed if you do not want them exposed to it. We’re not saying this is going to happen, but there is a good chance of a “party atmosphere”.
  8. So I know there are a few funny things within Google Maps like google directions from Japan to China. They tell you to jet ski across the ocean or whatever. Well how about some funny satellite images? 1) Go to Google Maps 2) Type in: harman-geist stadium, hazleton, pa 3) Zoom in on satellite mode
  9. haha Lookin good, Jason! You need an ATC operating table.
  10. Will you take $2000? How about trade for an old wore out 87 Banshee and some cash? Or I can make payments. What's your lowest price you'll take? Im not too serious, but give me your address and I might show up unexpected at your door to look at it just to kick the tires. Can I test ride it for free?
  11. They will be available out there. There should be enough to go around.
  12. YIAH! choke that sucker. Sounds lean. haha
  13. Nope. I don't have a need for that app. Nothing wrong with my trucks. Besides you know I have scan tools for that that tell me alot more than a phone will. Lol
  14. Hey everyone don't forget to bring any rakes, shovels and as many cones as possible (preferably the tall ones) to help set up the track. We'll be setting upon Thurs and Friday so any early help we can get is much needed and appreciated. .
  15. Wtf. I thought you didn't want him to know about it. Turned out awesome, Brian! What did Dan break now? Lol
  16. Most or all the apps I use are already free and downloaded to my phone. "Only crashes a little"... oh lemme download it right now then! lol
  17. Post up a pic now. (only one) The winner's dune pic will be posted on the homepage after the contest is over. The member's screen name will be posted up with it as well. You may also post a caption or description included with the pic. Please limit posts in this thread to pictures only until voting has begun. Dune Pic of the Month- Rules 1. The picture must be YOURS.This means you MIKE! Do not go surfing the internet looking for one to submit. You cannot post any copyrighted pics. 2. The picture must not have any watermarks or logos on it. 3. The picture must be at least 600 x 600 pixels. It will be displayed on the home page if it wins the most votes so therefore we would like it to be a decent size picture. 4. The picture must abide by the terms and conditions (rules) of this board. 5. Post only ONE picture per contest
  18. haha how did the surf board do in the sand? BTW, post your lost phone in the lost and found section. Many times duners find things out there and they check that section out. You'd be surprised what people get back!
  19. Friggen awesome, Andy. That thing is gonna rip!
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