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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Thank you, Curtis! Wish you could make it out. Hit me up whenever. You know where to find me. Too cool, Brian. Thank you and Extreme Performance!
  2. How is it much different than Latitude?
  3. It's very hard to match it because those blue plastics change color in different lighting. I had Kens Colors match mine and it came pretty close.
  4. Please delete your ad when your items sells. Here's how... 1) at the bottom right in your topic, click topic moderation 2) Click hide Any questions? Don't hesitate to ask them here.
  5. That right there sounds like a perfect, memorable trip. I'm glad you had a great weekend, Paul. Thanks for sharing and happy new year!
  6. Yeah, trying to eliminate that this year completely and still keep it a ton of fun. I think I got finally this.
  7. yeah. It's cutting it real close, but my guy says he has enough time. I'm just going to order about the same sizes and quantities as last year (plus a few extra of each) and make them first come/ first served to those who are registered. Then if there are any left after that then I'm sure they will sell. I'm not doing any of the pre-order stuff like last year. Too much stress!
  8. Right on! I don't really have a banner guy anymore since they've all moved out of state.
  9. Was everyone's New Year's weekend not even worth sharing or what? How did it go out there? How were the dunes, weather, etc? Any pictures?
  10. That's a bit far from Hendo. hahaa Jason, I can give you the gate code to a storage place I go to here in Henderson. They have a dump there.
  11. Hey everyone, I just wanted to put it out there that we are offering sponsor packages for this year's 70 Regatta. Sponsorship opportunities available are as follows... $100 sponsor package: We place your banner at the event and give mention of your company where the sponsors are mentioned (ie: at the end of the event and in our writeup on our website) $250 sponsor package: It includes everything in the $100 package plus your company logo goes on the event t-shirts. Please note: Time is of the essence to get in on the $250 package because we only have a couple weeks before the cutoff to have the shirts printed. To handle payment, I will just email you a Paypal invoice and you can pay however you'd like. Then we'll need your company logos emailed over to us plus we'll make arrangements to get any physical banners from you so we can display them at the event. Raffle Sponsorship: For those companies who donate over $200 (retail) worth of raffle prizes, you will get your logo on the shirts as well. Just make sure you email those over to me asap! pete@dumontduneriders.com Any other raffle donations are very much appreciated and we will make sure to give mention of your company at the Regatta and in the writeup. We can use any and all help this year as the insurance premiums have doubled and we have even more costs for setup this year (like all the broken EZup's that need to be replaced because they got destroyed last year in that damn wind storm) Thanks everyone! Pete
  12. Don't even mess around with the bolt on crap. Start out with a good cam and good heads and get a guy who knows what he's doing as far as tuning goes.
  13. Are you gonna actually join the group this year or go camp with your football group way far away?
  14. Ohhh hahaa I remember now. Probably not this year. We might just be having an intermission or break for lunch. Smokin Al probably can't make it out this year and I don't want him to stress with any additional burdens right now as he deals with some health problems. There will also be some other minor changes this year but you can still count on one hell of a time!
  15. Ok people, let's do this! The new year is here and that means the REGATTA is right around the corner! 4th Annual ATC70 Regatta presented by DumontDuneRiders.com Saturday, February 4th, 2012 8 AM - 6 PM (all day and festivities into the night) Last year we had just over eighty ATC70's show up. Do you think we can break 100 this year? Don't worry about pre-registering this year. Just come out, pay/ sign in at registration, and let the games begin. Many more event details to come very soon so stay tuned. Sorry for the delay in event info, but our permit has taken quite a bit more to process this year so everything has gotten a bit delayed. Hope to see you all there!
  16. Seems as though we have an impostor in the house. WTF Mike? Read rule #1. http://www.portwallp...late-tract.html Looks like Chadwick won this one.
  17. I'm not sure why everyone has so many issues with uploading pics on here. Is it because your pics are super huge in size? Here ya go... http://www.dunebuggy...w?iUserID=68109
  18. What kind of low life steals a license plate? What are they gonna do with that? Mount it on the wall in their garage and when their friends come over and ask about it, then they can lie and say it's theirs? Wow...cool! Morons. Get a life and stay the eff outta Dumont!
  19. It's happened to me as well. Just push the clutch in and hit the brake. Let the motor hit the limiter. Who cares. Better than an accident. Then shut it down. Sometimes it all happens so quick some people might panic though. This is a sad story for sure.
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