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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. That thing is badass, Sean. Congrats!
  2. Wow not much feedback from DDR people anymore when it comes to things like this. Oh well, we had a blast last night. Steve reserved a huge table and we had like 15-20 people that showed. Killer show as always from Andy and the band. They even played and sang happy birthday to Steve. Andy singing to Steve... Ernie playing some sweet, sexy saxophone birthday tune while Andy gave Steve a little grinding birthday dance. GOOD TIMES!
  3. Damn that was just this last weekend? The dunes got alot of rain! Thanks for sharing.
  4. Hahaaa let's do it. Andy will love it. Todd too lol.
  5. Tomorrow night we are celebrating steveo's bday at the Brew Pub in Boulder City. Andy Frasco will be there jamming from 7PM until ? The dude is one amazing musician. You don't wanna miss it. So if you know Steve or just wanna hang out and join us, come on out! http://boulderdambrewing.com
  6. Good job, Neal. It's about damn time! Great coverage of the whole weekend. So what's up with Mike's girl? Was she following you around all weekend jumping in front of the camera or was it the other way around.
  7. He did. I will when I get them done. The garage is still a disaster and everything needs to get put away or thrown away before it's done.
  8. Terry is it possible your fuel lines were just old? Maybe it would have happened sooner or later regardless of what fuel you ran. Just curious. I'm kinda skeptical as well if fuel could eat up rubber like that. The only time I have heard of something like that is alcohol (E85) doing damage to fuel systems. My car ran great on Sunoco as well and I hate to switch, but damn that is pricey.
  9. Wow awesome upgrades. Looks great, Steve. You are all dialed in. Now you just need to finally get out to the dunes.
  10. Neal you are the man. Great coverage on the wedding! The lighting and shots are perfect. How cool. Jacob and Dez...congratulations!! You guys did it right. Very classy and memorable. I'm happy for you two.
  11. Nicely done. Very clean. Someone should sweep this up for the next regatta. Nothing needed to run and have some fun out there!
  12. Nice! They look great. Glad you were able to use them and they fit in just right in your shop! I made pretty good progress today in my garage and now I kinda wanna hang out in there more than the house. It's NICE!
  13. Sorry. I fixed it for ya. The HTML setting for this forum was turned off. I enabled it and now it works.
  14. Great coverage and awesome shots as always, Neal. Man those guys put some time and $$ into that setup and it shows. Looks so awesome! Lots of creativity.
  15. Right on, Mike! Looks like you guys had a decent RV spot. I really wanted to go to LOORS this weekend but I gotta get my garage project done. Sucks. It only comes to LVMS once a year too. Grrrr!
  16. Yep exactly, but I'm not sure why they would have expected a real fast run on that one. There is a time and place to open it up and it definitely wasn't then.
  17. I guess I'll post up some sort of report from my trip now. haha We rolled in Thurs night. As soon as I pulled into camp my trailer sank and I buried my whole setup. Damn it! After unloading the trailer I managed to get it unstuck though. Friday was the best day for duning. It wasn't too beat up and there weren't that many people in the dunes. It was a pretty relaxing day. We didn't do too many runs mostly because we kept waiting for other friends to show up. That's ok though. We got a few good ones in and it was more of a social weekend than anything. Friday night at comp was brutal! It was so dusty we didn't hang out long. We did manage to race a handful of other sandcars though. What a rush. Racing up comp at night is like 3 times the thrill. I am surprised how many people are finally getting back to racing up at night other than sitting at the bottom and drinking themselves into retardation. It feels really stupid when hundreds of people are sitting over at the hill and nobody is racing...and you are one of them. haha Saturday was crazy packed in the dunes. I can't remember if it was Friday or Saturday, but I had a very close call with another buggy. It was nobody's fault, but we came really close to getting tangled up. We were both transitioning a semi fast line/ razor when Steveo (my passenger) pointed out the buggy on the other side. I cranked the wheel, chopped the throttle and scrubbed off enough speed to nearly miss him. I think he might have sh*t his pants a lil bit because he didn't see me until I was about 2 feet away from t-boning him. Close call for sure. Next time I will be a little more cautious with the lines I choose. Other than the close call, our dune runs remained fairly tame due to the conditions. I led a couple runs and I guess I disappointed a couple of guys in our crew but I don't care. Leading a pack of 10+ buggys, a couple quads, and a dirtbike or two from one end of the dunes to the other takes a little concentration in order to keep everyone together and not collide with other groups. Oh well, I had fun! The weather was great all weekend and the company was even better. I had a blast hanging out and socializing with everyone. I even lost my voice by Saturday night from all the laughing and partying. It was really cool to have my buddy, Scott come out too. He was the one that pretty much introduced me to the dunes back in like 1998 or so. His buggy was the first buggy I ever rode in out at Dumont and it was cool to bring him out for a quick spin in my car. I see a LT buggy in his future and many more trips to the dunes. Well that's most of the highlights I can remember. lol I got my one holiday weekend fix in and now I think I'm ready for some quiet, empty-dune weekends for the rest of the season to go tear it up!
  18. It's funny how half way around the world some things are exactly the same. Great pics!
  19. We have a winner. Good job, Neal. There were some awesome pics submitted this month.
  20. until

    Thanks for the info!
  21. Sorry, David. If I didn't have so much going on this week plus having to work Saturday I would get more involved. Next time for sure though. Sounds like a good time.
  22. Awesome! Thanks for sharing.
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