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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. And here I thought this guy went through alot of honey while at the dunes. I'm thinking, why the hell does he need so much honey and where does he need it pumped? Onto a giant biscuit or something.
  2. NICE! This is a very good relief to read. Finally, this whole lizard thing is done with. I think the Barstow BLM (especially Roxie) and Dr. Presch (sp?) deserve a huge thanks from the dune community for everything they did with handling this matter. Thank you, guys!
  3. Donnie, this time 2 years ago (10-3-09), doing what he does on comp,
  4. Very nicely done! Glad you like those skat~traks. You can't go wrong with those paddles. We need to hook up this season and show you some good lines out there.
  5. Damn! Congrats you guys. Can't wait to check it out.
  6. You scored, Jason! That thing is clean.
  7. Man, I leave for a week and nobody gets the DPOM started? Hurry up and post up a pic. We'll have to start voting like tomorrow. lol Post up a pic now. (only one) The winner's dune pic will be posted on the homepage after the contest is over. The member's screen name will be posted up with it as well. You may also post a caption or description included with the pic. Please limit posts in this thread to pictures only. Dune Pic of the Month- Rules 1. The picture must be YOURS. Do not go surfing the internet looking for one to submit. You cannot post any copyrighted pics. 2. The picture must not have any watermarks or logos on it. 3. The picture must be at least 600 x 600 pixels. It will be displayed on the home page if it wins the most votes so therefore we would like it to be a decent size picture. 4. The picture must abide by the terms and conditions (rules) of this board. 5. Post only ONE picture per contest
  8. Lookin good, Dale! I like the arched cage.
  9. Thanks Terry. hahaa oh yeah I will be very cautious, but then again I'll have the experienced scuba-monkie with me too to keep me in check while were down there.
  10. Oh yeah...tonight was my last scuba session. I am officially SCUBA certified!
  11. Jackass. That's not what he meant. The feed show has nothing to do with the mermaids. And Anna is one of the safety divers, not mermaids.
  12. Nice. We'll check it out and let ya know.
  13. I don't agree. I won't be buying any used gear. Used gear that just sets gets old, degrades, and needs to be reinspected, rebuilt, and recertified. Seals dry up, hardware gets old, etc. We bought some used gear once and had to cough up about $300-350 to get it in working order.
  14. Anna dives and swims with them daily. I just read this to her and she says you were being a retard.
  15. No, I don't know what happened to that plan. We just went out to the same place as yesterday, but we ventured out a bit farther this time. Nice! Yeah I can't wait to get into some clear ocean with some cool sh*t to see. With all the traveling we plan on doing over the years to come, I am stoked to finally get certified. I want to go check out all kinds of places now. I think the going rate for most classes ranges from $250-350 to get certified. My instructor (Anna's boss at the Silverton) provided all the gear for me. I agree, it's way to cool to share the experience with Anna. She was so pumped to hear I took to it very easily and loved it. She would have been crushed if I hated it, just like if I brought her to Dumont and she hated the dunes. That would bllllow! haha Fortunately neither one of those is the case though. We both got lucky.
  16. Badass pics, Andy! I can't wait to get down to the Caribbean and do some diving down there. Very soon! Today I completed my 2nd day of open-water diving. We went pretty far out from shore this time and deep enough to feel the thermocline at about 40 feet deep. It's crazy to hear the sound of boats above/ nearby. super nice out there this morning...about 76 degrees. Water was nice and warm too. Jerry woohoo 2nd open water dive Jerry hey a friggen fish Get back here dude. Come kick it with us! underwater self portraits haha Doing compass exercises Beautiful Lake Mead Doing some more swimming around. Very murky waters when the lake floor gets stirred up. Jerry scored a buck!
  17. I am in the process of getting SCUBA certified. I've done one pool session for a few hours, and now as of this morning I got my first open water dive completed! We dove for about 2 hours down to about 27 feet. Jerry, my instructor, has been amazing. He says I have been doing very well with all the exercises. I originally thought I wouldn't take to it very well because I have never been much of a water person, but there isn't much to it. I am very comfortable with it and look forward to doing some dives in some amazing waters soon. Here are some pics from this morning. damn it's early. The sun wasn't even up over the mountain yet. ahh there's the sunrise Jerry tying off our dive bouy me and Anna posing in our goofy masks. It was really cool to be able to share my first open water dive with her since SCUBA is so much a part of her life. ok here I go... regulator recovery exercises Anna me and Anna more swimming around buddy breathing exercises "I'm okay!" Then as we're talking about what were going to do next, a giant group of triathlon swimmers (at least 20-40 total) comes right at us. So we just descended until they passed to make it easier on them. I bet since they were wearing swim goggles they were able and surprised to see us below. haha Another exercise: clearing my mask after filling full of water on purpose Some fish we saw below... Jerry Heading back with the dive bouy. We were using the buddy breathing method while swimming as more practice. Bud Light fish Good times!
  18. dunefreak


    Thanks for the pics, Eddy! Very nice SCU's and Funco's in there. Sweet.
  19. Looks like the end of October for us. Lots of other trips and things going on over the next month.
  20. I never thought that was the case. This whole management plan was explained at the last sub group meeting in Barstow. It was long and boring, but I understood it was created in order to keep Sperry an open route and was in our favor for the most part. I was just curious if there were people who showed up trying to object and make some changes to try and overrule it. I talked with sda and sand~snake today and they filled me in on the rest of the meeting details as well. Sounds like it was went ok and there are alot more on our side than we thought. That's good to hear. I don't know why the hell people would complain about the traffic through their little towns going to and from the dunes. It is nothing new. People have been taking that route to get to and from Dumont for ages...probably well before they moved there. Thanks to all that showed up to take a stand for the community. MUCH appreciated.
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