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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Any idea how much longer you will be down there? Glad you are staying busy, mafacka!
  2. I would guess highs in the mid 90's. http://www.weather.com/weather/monthly/UTSPCPS:13 -The one way trail is always fun. -If camped at the meadow (preferred), my favorite line to take is up to the left all the way until it ends, then come down the middle through the trees and then it dumps you down a steep trail into the dunes. I'm sure you have no idea what I'm talking about if you've never been there, but that's the best I can describe it. haha Just go exploring but watch for drop offs. That place is gorgeous but dangerous. Try staying away from the right side (south end) during hours that the sun is up sigh. There are no shadows and it is nearly impossible to see some of the drop offs coming back from that end going north.
  3. wtf dude!??? I'll know as it gets closer. I still need to weld up my broke a$ pipe on my Raptor.
  4. I don't think I will be bringing my hauler or sandcar. My generator is having issues once again and I don't feel like dealing with all that in this heat. I'm down to roll out EARLY Sun AM though with the quad. That would be the 14th. I'm pretty sure Chadwick is in too. Maybe I can round up Sand_700R and sandslug for this ride as well.
  5. The richer the blonde...the dumber they are? http://autos.yahoo.c...der-bender.html
  6. So jealous. One of these days. Any more pics from your trip, Pat?
  7. I was thinking of heading out Sat night when all the hillshooters are going. As for a 12pk at midnight...no thanks! Not in this heat. Heat + hangover = no duning.
  8. Sure why not. I might even have a few gallons of race fuel left in the drum. Those dunes are pretty technical this time of year, but that doesn't matter. I don't have to haul a$$. I'd love to just get the car out and drive the damn thing. It's been staring at me all summer. Let me know if you are in, Eric. I'll only bring it if other buggies are going.
  9. Is everybody over the dunes or what? Remember back in like 07/08 and 08/09 when there was a huge crowd that always made it out for the summer night trips? Wassup? No more interest or what?
  10. ouch! <-- Don't feel bad, it almost looks like he might need a new prop too!
  11. It could be a few things. Does the fan and compressor come on? Hit my buddy's shop up. His name is Gabriel and owns Pro Tech on Decatur between Russel and Trop. Tell him Pete from Chevy sent ya. He can handle it. Pro Tech (702) 364-0993 5370 S Decatur Blvd Ste 2 Las Vegas, NV 89118
  12. Only 5 1/2 short months later and I finally managed to put together the write up page with all the awesome pics and videos from everyone. click here for the write up page---> http://www.dumontdun...ual/report.html Please let me know if I left out any sponsors.
  13. Cool. Glad I got it right. haha Thanks again for driving that day and thanks to Woods for the awesome grub and cool place to chill and hang out. Good times!
  14. So 2 weeks later and I guess I can finally post up the details from the meeting. Anyways, there wasn't much talked about that we didn't already know. Fencing: The fencing project will begin sometime in August. There will be two areas they will be putting cable and post fence up to protect vegetation, the lizard, and mostly to designate the boundary of the legal riding area. Entrance road: Some new asphalt grindings have or will be delivered soon to be layed down on the entrance road. Larry Blaine mentioned there should be a nice firm top layer for the start of next season. SRP's: With the new guidelines and procedures for processing special recreation permits for events and vendors, permit applications must now be turned in no later than 180 days before the date of the event or vending. The BLM mentioned they would work with some of the vendors for the upcoming season since this is all very new, but this is how the new process must be followed in the future. Budget: The budget: they went over this in way too much detail thanks to a person from the public requiring an in-depth explanation on every item, but in the end the BLM has a decent amount of carry-over going into next season which means the area is well managed and not in debt like other areas are. Passes: In an attempt to simplify the pass situation so we don't have 4 different passes, the BLM will be submitting to the RMP committee a new pass idea...$30 for a weekly pass and $120 for a season pass. The pass will be good on ANY weekend, non-holiday OR holiday weekend. There was also mention of trying to come up with a tear-off pass for a second vehicle with no toys. For example, if you go out for Halloween with your motorhome and toys on Thursday, your wife could come out on Saturday with the extra included pass and not have to pay for a weekly pass. This and the new pass fee schedule is still in the early stages and you probably won't see any change for at least a season or two. Things move very slow when it comes to government procedures. Injuries and fatalities: The number of fatalities and injuries are significantly down compared to past years. This is probably mostly because attendance to Dumont Dunes is way down, but credit was given to the BLM rangers for giving duners warnings and explanations why certain things are not allowed instead of giving tickets (mostly to kids). Additional credit was given to the free child OHV safety classes that are given by the San Bernardino Sherrif's department at the BLM command post on holiday weekends. I think that is most of everything we talked about other than some stuff about some Amargosa River Wildlife plan for something , but in the end it won't affect us or the dunes no whatever. If I am slightly off on anything, ynot can clear it up.
  15. I think I might be in. Not sure if I'll make it an overnighter with the hauler or just do a quick, cheap early run. It would be cool to get a big DDR group together for this one.
  16. The pics aren't showing up, Dale. ? Seems like there are no attachments in your post.
  17. Yeah I went down the street from my work to Baker Cylinder Heads. Aaron recommended them. Him and our buddy Mike both had really good work done recently by them. I dropped the head off this morning and they said it shouldn't be a problem to replace that seat. They're going to check the other ones to see if they need replacing as well. Then a full valve job, new valve seals and clean it up and I should be good to go. The guides seem ok so that should be all I need.
  18. It's getting to that point of summer. You think, "ok, we're almost through July so were over the hump". Then you realize there is still August, then September and usually a couple hot weeks to get through in October and it's finally dune season. This is about the time sand withdrawals kick in for me. I can feel it's about the same for everyone else. They get "dune turrets" and start shouting in the shoutbox about their urges and need for sand. So what keeps you sane through the hot months? Is it the lake/ river? Is it kicking it at the pool? Air conditioned bars? So far for me this summer it's been riding. When I say riding I mean my dual sport. I've grown rather addicted to the sport and the heat doesn't seem to bother me too much even when it's a little over 100 degrees out. I had a guy look at me like I was crazy at the gas station a couple of weeks ago. It was about 107 degrees when I pulled up to the pump. He looked at me weird and then a few minutes later he said, "how's THAT for conditioning huh?!" lol I say "I guess so. When your moving it's not that bad though." With the proper vented gear and lots of water, it's still fun. Now that my bike is down for repairs, I'm starting to think more about the sand. I'm having withdrawals. So let's hear what keeps everyone sane. Summertime usually kills the discussion on here and lately it is very...VERY quiet. What's up people? Are ya just staring at the wall in your air conditioned homes or are you like some of those people who sit on facebook wondering what kind of mood everyone is gonna be in next? OOOOO Johnny just posted a picture of his hamburger! Whoopity fuggin doooooooooo!
  19. Sounds and somewhat looks like a midget or sprint car. They don't have a clutch either and are push started before each race.
  20. http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/mcy/2504980680.html You couldn't pay me to take that thing up to 90mph.
  21. Your bike doesn't need it. You weigh nothing and already have plenty of power. Only reason I am doing one to this bike is because it is an overweight pig and could use a little more juice. That and because I am already in there. Otherwise, I'd leave it alone. I have always believed in leaving the internals stock and just riding the piss out of it. Just look at my Raptor.
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