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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Sweet! Good job, H Town. Looks good, Mike.
  2. I had just got in from a ride and TT. It was my unwind time before bed.
  3. Good question. haha We'll see as it gets closer. Since ynot is driving maybe he should make the call.
  4. I'll be meeting up with Joe Duner and rhino king about 8:30 or so at PT's/ Horizon. I think they are getting down there sometime a little earlier. Anyone else in this week? Is everyone alive?
  5. I know exactly where you mean. I just meant I'd ask some guys that might know about it to find out if it's still there or how much of it is left. Old houses don't last too long in the desert due to vandalism and stuff. I would like to go check it out, but I work mon through friday. It would have to be a weekend for me.
  6. Too bad you won't be in town on July 9th. A few of us will be carpooling to Barstow for a BLM meeting and we could stop by on the way back to check it out. It's not too far up the 127 from Baker. Why not just rent a 4WD and check it out?
  7. Here is the last thread. http://www.dumontdun...t=0&p=196108 This sounds interesting. I'd love to go exploring out there and check it out. Maybe some of my dual sport buddies know about it. I'll ask and see if I can find anything out about it. Sorry to hear about your mother's passing.
  8. Us three will be coming from Henderson. Maybe we can meet at the M parking lot or something since it's right there by the 15. If we end up only taking one car, we can leave it there where it's secure. Otherwise we'll roll out with both and follow.
  9. Even more reason to come on out. Let's plan to meet somewhere before leaving town and roll together. Sofar its me, ynot, and sdaddict in his truck. Sounds like he might have room for you as well unless it's spoken for. Maybe ynot can chime in to verify.
  10. Looks incredible, Tim! You did an amazing job. Lots of nice touches. I wanna see a smoky burnout pic one of these days! yiah That thing is super clean. Not overdone like alot of people do too.
  11. There's gotta be an easier/ more practical way to save a damn picture drom a text. Lol There's no way the updated version of the already easy to use Droid could be so complicated.
  12. Wierd. This sounds gay, but check the Droid forums. Yes, there is such a thing. Lol
  13. Just press and hold on the pic. Then save or copy to sdcard.
  14. Just curious which resources everyone uses to access DDR. You can select more than one.
  15. Right on Neal. Let us know if you have any questions with it. Most of us are very familiar with our Android phones by now. Tiered data plans? Eff that. I'll cancel the phones all together and go back to having a beeper for $5/ month like back in the day! hahaa I pay enough as it is.
  16. Eff you. If your a$$ gets any bigger you'll be in the back...in the BED!
  17. Just a reminder as we get closer to July 9th, the saturday BLM/ Sub-group meeting is coming up. I call shotgun in ynot's truck. This is a good chance for all of those who would like to get involved, listen to what BLM has going on behind the scenes at Dumont, or would just like to make some comments/ suggestions. Whatever reason, it would show the BLM our appreciation for having these occasional Saturday meetings so we can attend. It's good to stay involved on some level with the BLM if you go to Dumont. It raises awareness of issues and helps duners become more proactive / responsible so we can enjoy our dunes for many years to come. So let's get as many DDR people together as we can this go around. As we figure out what kind of turnout we are going to have, we should plan something afterwards like lunch or drinks someplace. 10:00 AM / Saturday July 9th, 2011 2601 Barstow Rd Barstow, CA 92311 Here are the directions... http://www.dumontdun..._July_9th,_2011 Who's in???
  18. It was also posted that the waitresses in the bar said he appeared to be his normal self and not intoxicated at all when he left the bar. Who knows if alcohol was a factor at all. Just because he was drinking doesn't mean that is why he crashed. I bet he was haulin a$$ or something because the cops said it looked like excessive speed played a major role in the crash. They came up on the car on fire out in the woods.
  19. I don't know anyone with an x2 yet, but I love my Droid 2. I know the Thunderbolt is the sh*t as well. ISBB loves his.
  20. fixed it for ya Neal. We'll have to remove that. That was for jr1208 a while back when he would comment on every single thread with a "x2" It got rather annoying. hahaa
  21. I've been in shock all day about this. I don't know why. I didn't know the dude personally, but I guess after watching those guys over the past 10 years or so you start to feel like you almost know them personally. This sucks. He was a funny dude and will be missed by many. RIP Ryan.
  22. Nice! Looks like a great time. I wanted to hit that up. VGS and AZ....badass.
  23. Out of all these pics of gorgeous dunes and you two are talking about the ENTRANCE ROAD? Really? Wow. It wasn't even bad.
  24. Great job, Neal. Those turned out nice! Doesn't seem like that many people showed up that night. Was the hill lit up or was that lighting yours? Some of those guys' choices of riding gear crack me up. Still no lights on those bikes either. Not too smart for racing at night. Now I know why they wanted it hush hush.
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