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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. sweet old rides! Great shots, Tim. I love the sidewall wrinkle.
  2. <object id="RBPlayer" width="450" height="253"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain"><param name="wMode" value="transparent"><embed src="http://www.redbullusa.com/cs/RedBull/flash/socialmedia/RBPlayer.swf?data_url=http://www.redbullusa.com/cs/Satellite?c%3DRB_Video%26cid%3D1242990159937%26locale%3D1237401840060%26p%3D1242750630293%26pagename%3DRedBullUSA%2FRB_Video%2FVideoPlayerDataXML&quality=low&on_redbull=yup&primary_up_color=0xDD013F&primary_over_color=0x0C2044&primary_down_color=0x0C2044&secondary_up_color=0xDD013F&secondary_over_color=0x0C2044&secondary_down_color=0x0C2044&num_analytics_intervals=5" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" allowscriptaccess="always" width="450" height="253"></object>
  3. ^ Smartest thing he has ever said!
  4. Another 7+ earthquake just hit Japan. Those poor people can't catch a break! Damn.
  5. It doesn't matter how many times I watch these videos, I am blown away every time with the amount of destruction that took place over there. Crazy to think that people were in those waters ripping through the towns.
  6. Try this. https://secure3.convio.net/arra/site/Advocacy?pagename=homepage&cmd=display&page=ActionAlertTakenPage&id=277
  7. Oops, the link got jacked up. I'll fix it. Sorry
  8. Got this from the ASA. Sounds easy enough! Just fill out your info and send! Do your part for public land. Click the link in large font. Dear Fellow Off Roader, People often think they are powerless to effect any change in the government, but we are here to show you this is just not true. Government is influenced by the people who speak up. Congressman McCarthy has drafted a very important bill to release lands which were found to be unsuitable for Wilderness over twenty years ago. Now we need you to speak up by taking Two Minutes to send a letter to your Congressman urging him to cosponsor and support this important bill . All Wilderness Study Areas (WSA) and Roadless areas have been evaluated by the BLM and Forest Service and 43 million acres have been found to be unsuitable for Wilderness Designation. The long overdue Release of Wilderness Study Areas (WSA) and Roadless Areas is hampering land management and harming the environment and reducing recreation opportunities on our National Forest and BLM public lands. Recreation and other land uses desired by the community and the public are needlessly restricted or prohibited, such as Mountain Bike, Off Road recreation and many other uses. A significant amount of resources and funding are wasted each year in patrolling and monitoring these lands for Wilderness standards, even though they are not suitable for Wilderness. Active Fire Management is needed, but prohibited in these areas. Yet twenty two years later these lands continue to languish and be subject to inappropriate restrictive and costly management regulations as if they were Wilderness, merely because they have yet to be released. Congressman McCarthy will soon be introducing the 'Wilderness and Roadless Area Release Act" to address these problems. This is a rare opportunity. Normally those of us who value recreation can merely oppose bills which seek to reduce access and lock up more of our public lands. Today we can rally support for a bill to restore reasonable recreation access and responsible active management to our public lands. Please take Two Minutes to send a pre drafted letter asking your Congressman to cosponsor the Wilderness and Roadless Release Act Click here to send your letter now from the ARRA site https://secure3.convio.net/arra/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=277 You do not even need to know who your Congressman is. You just enter your address. It does not get any easier than this to help reclaim your public lands for reasonable access and management. Please speak up and TAKE ACTION now The Members' "Dear Colleague" letter with a list of bill supporters can be viewed here A summary of the bill provided by Rep. McCarthy's office can be viewed here It does not get any easier than this to help reclaim your public lands for reasonable access and management. We need you to add your voice and contact your Congressman now Thanks for your help and being pro active to ensure that these lands, many of which have languished for over two decades after being found unsuitable for Wilderness designation, can finally be released back to their intended appropriate uses. Many thanks to Congressman Kevin McCarthy for drafting this important and long overdue bill, which I am pleased to have worked with his office over the past year to develop. This is Grassroots Activism at it's best. ~Chris Horgan and your friends at Save the Trails
  9. ok sorry we didn't have much time to vote, but wingnut won by plenty of votes. Homepage has been updated.
  10. Sweet Baja! So I guess you got the wiring figured out.
  11. Thanks for the compliments, Andy. The shutter speed I used on those types of shots was pretty slow. Those 2 were 1/125 and 1/160 and I kept from zooming in too much (only 70mm). Then I cropped them later to bring them in closer. I took the image stabilization off too for those shots. My good lens has a feature where you can still have vertical stabilization on, but eliminate the horizontal so you can pan and get the background blur for sense of motion. It was tricky to pan the same speed and keep the cars sharp especially at those speeds. I managed to get a couple ok ones though. I'm still learning to master that technique. Some of the shots I took up when I was on the fence, but towards the end I was up high in the stands.
  12. The races were all good as usual. No major mishaps and the weather was all good. The wind kept things cool. I heard Friday was HOT as hell out there. Here's what I took on Saturday.
  13. Manufacturers only put out recalls if it is a safety concern. That would be why it is only a bulletin. Sounds like a cheap, easy fix. Good job Shadetree E.
  14. VW bugs with Busa motors? Huh? I've never seen one, let alone at Dumont. Do you mean the Legend cars that guys are putting suspension on?
  15. Well that proves it....it's a damn scam!!! Phil is only trying to get rich quick with this unnecessary invention!
  16. There has been talk about this over the years and now it may become a reality fairly soon. Ground breaking for the project may start as early as one year from now. This thing is going to reach speeds of 150 mph and take only about 80 minutes to get from the strip to Victorville. Not sure why it will stop there. Who really wants to get to only Victorville? There was some mention of a future project to extend it to Palmdale. One thing is good- it will create many jobs. Kinda cool and thought it was worth sharing. http://www.kcet.org/updaily/socal_focus/transportation/31586-desert-high-speed-rail-stays-on-track.html
  17. Amazon blows. It might not be there fault, but they still blow. Worst cust service I have ever had with online purchasing.
  18. Give it more than 2 whole days. OR......chop it!
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