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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Yeah he said there's usually a ton more people, DJ, etc etc, but I was perfectly ok with the size group and level it was at. We all had a blast regardless. Wacker! He's one of the riders who, unfortunately, crashed on Friday and blew his shoulder out of joint. The wind early on Friday screwed him up on the landing. He described it as his parachute came out and he just kind of stopped in the air. He describes it in those interview pics. So after his crash he just partied. He told me about his website. Check it out. http://wackerlikestoparty.com
  2. AIght here they are. I think that's all of them. No specific order.
  3. Here's a some phone pics first before I upload the better quality ones. These are pretty much party pics. Set up... Renner and his little girl, Cloe. Travis fuelin up Fri night partying... alright screw the captions and order. Here they are....
  4. Wow, what a killer weekend. TCS T and I showed up Friday around noon and with the Red Bull camp. After setting up we walked over and said whats up to Renner and unloaded/delivered his trophy truck...ok RC trophy truck. Shortly after that we started hitting some jumps with him and Ricky Johnson. I never aired my car out so high. YIAH! I just followed Renner in his RZR about the same speed and my car was sailing. That jump wasn't even that big but it hit just right. Later that night Donnkey rolled in and we got the party started. The night consisted pretty much of bs'ing around the fire and meeting some new faces. Beer pong under the Red Bull tent was fun. RJ is pretty much pro at that game....calling each cup as the ball left his hand. Dude! I couldn't believe that guy! Later as the night became morning, TCS T says "I'm bored, let's go to comp". Perfect idea! We load up the essential party items and get some of the crew to join us. After 2 minutes at comp, we had the DJ speakers and gennie setup plus a nice ragin fire and beverages. Good times! Saturday am sanddunesaddict rolled in and got setup. Donnkey was itching to go for a run so the 3 of us rounded up RJ, Bryce, and Randy in the Tatum car. What a great dune run. It was a little difficult to read the dunes (I was leading) as it was super overcast and the dunes were wet on top and smooth, but we were jamming and the dunes were empty. We zig zagged just about everywhere out there from the south end behind comp then over to the north end. Saturday afternoon Jakster, steveo, Jason and John rolled in. Most of the afternoon we all kind of just watched the guys go big on the bikes and bounced from each jump location in the cars. We went out one time looking for Renner and the guys, didn't find them for sh*t, but ended up doing a super relaxing dune cruise out to the north pole. Donnie said he didn't even put his seatbelt on because we were cruising so slow. Sat night it was a little more tame than Fri night but still good times nonetheless with everyone. Wacker went from interview to passed the eff out in like 45 minutes! That guy is a crackup! We got some laughs out of him around the fire and made up a nice fireside bed for him. hahaa Anyways, there are so many more details I can't even remember right now but the Freeride tour at D was off the hook. Renner said it was way more toned down due to permitting issues, but I still thought it was a blast. Huge thanks to Renner, all the peeps at Red Bull, and everyone else in camp. We met some really great people this weekend and had a very memorable time for sure. Everyone was really good people. Looking forward to the next one. Those crazy bastards were gettin some serious air out there and looked great. We're gonna try and make Pismo happen. I have a TON of pics so please be patient as I slowly upload them all but here are just a couple to start. Here's one of my favorites from the weekend. Wacker was passed out and we took a group photo around him. A couple of Renner...
  5. Yep, watching the juniors was cool. Gotta keep that class for the little guys and girls. Cool cool, Andy. Now get to work, bro! We need to hit 100 ATC's next year for attendance!
  6. I like those Tachyons much better than the Go Pro. The perspective is more real and doesn't distort things like go pro's super wide angle. I'm gonna pick up one of these HD's soon.
  7. Like Bert said, next year will be 100-125. Here's how we'll probably do it. 3 classes instead of 4. stock: 70-88cc modified: 90-125cc unlimited: over 125cc ATC's will be limited to BACKBONE style atc frame only. That means no front down-bar design like a 185 frame or anything else. It must resemble the Honda 70 backbone style frame. Also, motors will be limited to horizontal cylinder only. That caps the unlimited class and keeps things pretty even for those bikes.
  8. Right on Cole. Glad you can finally get on here. Sounds like you are making the best of it which is no surprise. Cheers even though you have no beers. lol sorry
  9. Atta boy, Durk! Too cool ya crazy effer. hahaa
  10. click "click to attach files"....walla
  11. Sweet. I'll have to look it up!
  12. Come on out, Kenny! Should be a killer time. If for some reason you can't make it though drop them off at my house. I can bring them out to him. I talked to Ronnie on the phone today and we're all gonna hook up. Sounds like a super cool dude and a great group. He said to give you some extra persuasion to come out. Let's go, fool.
  13. Did ANYone else take some pics from president's weekend. Over 12K people showed up out there and this is all we got? Let's see some more. Great pics, btw, Sean.
  14. Vic, I was just reading the sh*t storm over on GD.com about Casey's crash. Wow. It's too bad his crash caused so many people to get upset. Again, really glad he is ok. Now get to wrenching on that DS! The season is almost over and we haven't hooked up for a ride yet.
  15. Be very careful with that throttle arm. I was was told by Ken at Johnny Walker RV that you could do damage to your electrical system if you force it higher rpm. Shut off your main breakers first if you do that.
  16. No need. The BLM supplies all the trash bags you need.
  17. 20 year old, Trevor Bayne! It was so cool to see that kid win the race. I don't even get into NASCAR much at all and that race was pretty entertaining. It was funny as hell to hear Bayne on the radio when he was trying to find Victory Lane. Over the radio you could hear the excitement in his voice, "I don't even know where to go! hahahaaa" Good for him. And yeah like ynot mentioned, he needs some serious practice swinging donuts.
  18. killer video. Man you guys sure love riding the tops of those dunes. Good to hear, Heather! Send him our best and hope he recovers quickly. yikes! Amazing he didn't break something major at those speeds.
  19. Post up a pic now. (only one) The winner's dune pic will be posted on the homepage after the contest is over. The member's screen name will be posted up with it as well. You may also post a caption or description included with the pic. Please limit posts in this thread to pictures only. Dune Pic of the Month- Rules 1. The picture must be YOURS. Do not go surfing the internet looking for one to submit. You cannot post any copyrighted pics. 2. The picture must not have any watermarks or logos on it. 3. The picture must be at least 600 x 600 pixels. It will be displayed on the home page if it wins the most votes so therefore we would like it to be a decent size picture. 4. The picture must abide by the terms and conditions (rules) of this board. 5. Post only ONE picture per contest.
  20. Wow, that's too bad Vic! Glad everyone was pretty much ok though. That could have been ugly. Are you gonna post the video? Sounds like it was a crazy collision.
  21. Hey guys i split the topic and added a trip report thread.
  22. I hear ya, Mike. They act like if they don't do 85 mph on the way there, the sand might be gone when they arrive. Glad you and the family are ok. This was brewing in your head the whole way home huh? You were thinking "just wait till I get home and post about this crap on DDR"!
  23. ok everybody, here are the lap times from the fastest lap time trails They are posted in the order everyone went. The fastest lap time is in bold. I did my best to get the names right. I hope they are correct. It made it very difficult to keep track when some people had the same # as some others or when they had the same # on a different class bike. Come on people! #43 POULE43 1) 24.30 2) 24.45 3) 24.17 #1 peewee the pinstriper 1) 23.43 2) 23.30 3) 23.17 #10 stugots 1) 24.61 2) 24.15 3) 25.41 #79 dunefreak 1) 23.28 2) 22.80 3) 22.99 #55 Durk hyperkid 1) 20.39 2) 20.39 2) 20.34 #6 Randog 1) 26.30 2) 24.94 3) 25.57 #43 POULE43 unlimited bike 1) 21.61 2) 21.28 3) 21.35 #17 full_throttle_flores 1) 22.65 2) 22.81 3) 23.11 #55 Ron Baker (ronster) 1) 20.23 2) 19.75 3) 19.64 #287 Joey Myrick 1) 19.31 2) 19.38 3) 21.26 #11 TCS T 1) 20.10 2) 19.72 3) 20.24 #7901 Gary Metz 1) 23.60 2) 22.99 3) 32.58 #9 Parker Wood 1) 26.01 2) 26.34 3) 25.66 #13 Travis Drew 1) 19.78 2) chain popped off 3) --- #24 Aaron Hodges (cr80 solar powered atc lol) 1) 19.37 2) 18.75 3) 19.12 #19 Aaron Cimino Jt 1) 22.29 2) 22.68 3) 33.48 #84 702LTR450 1) 24.83 2) 23.46 3) 22.44 #517 mineurbiz 1) 26.94 2) 27.06 3) 26.27 #666 campidiot 1) 22.78 2) 23.39 3) 23.42 #13 Travis Drew 1) 20.03 2) 19.42 3) 19.47 #18 mush 1) 25.34 2) 25.39 3) 25.18 #667 Alex B 1) 22.90 2) 22.70 3) 22.98 #13 Travis Drew (another run at it) 1) 24.95 2) 22.54 3) 20.44 #69 tres hombre 1) 20.66 2) 20.59 3) 21.51 #6 Jovani Urravazar 1) 25.46 2) 22.43 3) 24.04 #121 Brandon Meyer 1) 24.30 2) 22.86 3) 23.35 #911 Brad Nicholson 1) 25.06 2) 24.00 3) 23.94 #5 Gunner Fuson 1) 36.30 2) 35.29 3) 34.83 #18 Donnkey 1) 23.85 2) 24.32 3) 31.30 Aaron and Brian towing each other LOL 1) 26.30 2) 25.77 3) 25.23
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