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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I've watched this probably 10 times now and it never gets old. Too damn funny.
  2. My cat is looking at me really fun right now because I'm laughing my a$$ off. :lol: Aaron, you son of a biatch
  3. Aww what? Thanks so much for the donation though Joe. You rock. I hope you can somehow still make it out!
  4. I just sent him a text telling him to get his a$ on DDR and handle sh*t.
  5. Theyre no longer available thru the store though. Just pm randog and he getchoo taken care of!
  6. Ok now that our permit packet is mailed off to the BLM, it's time to get the ball rolling with some items for the regatta. One of them is the raffle. Last year we had some very generous prizes donated by members and companies and we hope to do the same this year! If you or anyone you know would like to donate any items towards the event please contact SKINNER by pm, http://www.dumontdun...p?showuser=5063 or email him at jj91fvo@yahoo.com and he will make arrangements to either pick them up or have them shipped. Any items that you think these ATC whackjobs or duners in general would like, please donate to a really fun event. All proceeds from the regatta help pay for the event (which last year ended up costing over 2K ). If there is anything left over it goes into the DDR account for website costs and maintenance. Thanks so much. We really appreciate everyone's help in order to make this a super fun event every year.
  7. You should only need longer cables if you go with the CRF/XR50 bars. I don't think Randog's bar risers require longer throttle and brake cables.
  8. That's bullshit. You aren't selling you're quad and you aren't going anywhere, b*tch!
  9. I think it's safe to say Polaris won't ever come out with a RZR that is better than my "side by side".
  10. Shanerman, you are quite the hero. Good for you and your friends' quick thinking and medical know how in the desperate time of need. I never like hearing about tragic accidents like this out at Dumont. It hits close to home even though I didn't know those involved. I always look at other duners as friends. Carlos, I hope for a speedy recovery for your sister. That is very sad about her boyfriend, Jesse. My condolences. If there is anything the community can do to help the family please let us know.
  11. Some from Saturday... tore up dunes couple trucks racing... Jackie (misfitgirl10) (I thought her dune doo was pic worthy lol) couple bikes on comp... Al T Sick Ranger with lots of suspension... campidiot Brian... Al T... Pat DONKEY!!!! Dusty and Beau I don't think Brian was ready but Al was. Al launching... Seconds before he about landed on Al. That was a close one. Good driving and quick thinking Al. Wheeling buggy Are you checking out my a$$? A couple of 70's going up comp!!!! Do these guys know about the regatta? YIAH! Later back at camp looking south towards the snow covered mountains... I snapped these with my little camera on a quad ride with Donnie and his buddies. I stopped at Doghouse to chat with Phil and see his dog. Here shows how JACKED those dunes were at the top! and some random ones...
  12. These are the only pics I snapped Fri night (New Years Eve)
  13. fixed That's a crappy situation you are in. Does he refuse to do the work or is he avoiding you? Sorry to say but you'll probably have to get someone else to get it running right. Dude sounds pretty shady if he doesn't want to make it right. You'd think he would. Word of mouth is everything these days when it comes to businesses....especially this type of work!
  14. Yeah according to Donkey he gets a million dollars!!!! Wow Donnie. Bert didn't say anything about the mil. LOL wow jackass. I guess that's why we call him donkey.
  15. Yep I heard similar stories like Doghouse did. Although I didnt know it was 2 different accidents. I just thought the story changed from person to person and one said it was a rzr and one said it was a rail. Why would anyone drive without their harnesses on? Sad that it could have been prevented. I buckle up even just to drive over to vendor row.
  16. I'm still sorting through pics and doing some editing. I should have some up maybe tonight, Aaron. This was sort of a last minute trip for us. We were going to be in Glamis with the rest of our crew, but after being denied Friday off we figured it wasn't worth the drive for 1 solid day at G. So off to Dumont we went and met up with our friends out there. It ended up being a great trip. New Years Eve was fun as all hell. Early in the night we hit up comp with a big pile of firewood. All of camp joined us and we partied for a bit before the New Years festivities. Then back at camp we enjoyed multiple bottles of Champagne, some kickass homemade chili dip, and plenty of cocktails all night. The camp shananigans and mortar bandits kept most everyone with a sense of humor laughing their a$$es off. I wish I could have been their when John couldn't get away from the fire fast enough and took cover under a trash can. :lol: I would have paid money to see that!!! LMAO On Saturday me and Anna, AL T, campidiot Brian, and Donnie went on a few great buggy runs. Those dunes were tore up pretty bad, but it was still really fun. You had to be really careful which razors you chose to crest. The recent rain had made some huge holes and nasty formations at the tops. The lines weren't too bad though out there. There were plenty of ruts, but the sand slide factor was still there. You just had to be careful because it could hook at any second. All in all we still managed some fast paced dune runs and had a hoot. It's too bad the rest of the Randizzle, LouB, Stu n krusty crew weren't there. Whoa, that's hard to say but kinda flows. Weather wasn't too bad. Mostly in the 40's all weekend long with no wind. Those runs were super cold though when we were haulin a$$. My hands were freezing even with gloves on! Nobody broke anything although Donnie started having trans/ clutch issues again and I think I have a blow off valve issue now after all the times I backfired bouncing off the limiter on comp hill. Oh well. I'll figure it out. All in all it was another kickass dune trip with some awesome friends. Can't wait for the next. I hope to make it out MLK weekend but we'll see.
  17. Well this would have been the 160, but I heard about the fatality last night just before midnight with the RZR. Sad.
  18. So awesome. Congrats again you guys!!!
  19. We came up on this right after it happened. It was on the back side of Mt Potisi. I don't know the extent of the injuries but it didnt look good. Just another reminder to take it slow when towing especially going down that stretch of highway. There is alot of road crown on the road. I think that trailer was a bit much as well for a Tahoe. I hope they are ok.
  20. The dunes are a bit tore up out here, but we're still having a blast. We just got back from a run with Donnie, Smokin Al and Brian. My car is soaking it up pretty well. I don't think I'll even attempt the quad. The camp area is empty and there's just enough people here. The weather isn't even that bad. Good times!
  21. Looking back at 2010, I must say it was not too bad of a year especially considering the times. Anna and I still had a very kickass and memorable year as always with all the places we went and things we did. We're both healthy- bonus! We have some amazing friends and family in our lives. Our jobs are going great. Alot of people look back and b*tch about how crappy it was. Screw that. There are too many things to be thankful for. Sure it could have been better, but I must say I am pretty damn happy with it and next year is gonna be even better. Many great things are gonna happen in the new year. Cheers to 2011, everybody. I hope you all have a very happy new year.
  22. Doesn't look too bad. The forecast earlier this week was saying highs about 41-44. Now it's at least maybe gonna be in the 50's for the highs.
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