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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. update from sandchick: Still not looking passable! Now there are three rivers and still no sign of BLM. Former camp hosts, Don and Ellen, crossed in their Jeep and the whole front end went under but they were able to get out! It is not recommended to try to pull a hauler or drive a motor home across yet!
  2. Just by way of through the little dunes, but it's very slow and rough. You'll need 4WD.
  3. AT&T doesn't work very good out there. I know it works at the top of comp, but other wise it's very limited if any service. Verizon works best. There is about 50% of the cap area that has very good coverage. A Verizon pay as you go phone might work best for you. There are no pay phones of any kind out there. Welcome and Merry Christmas!
  4. Thanks Jill. Of course it's a topic. Even if it isn't, who cares. lol Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Charlie. I'm sure you guys are having the time of your lives out at Dumont with the place all to yourselves!
  5. So what does that mean? Still too much water to get across the river crossing?
  6. 157 is the route is Kyle Canyon Rd (to Mt Charleston) You must be referring to SR 160 (highway over Mt Potisi) NV DOT's site doesn't list anything there... http://www.safetravelusa.com/nv/
  7. The water level has gone down. Looks like it might be ok to cross.
  8. It worked out great. Only one guy had a problem with it.
  9. I doubt that slab is damaged. It's way thick and full of rebar.
  10. What's that? Hey Dan. How about Feb 5th? It won't be that weekend. Hopefully the 5th works for most everyone. I'm just waiting to hear from a few more before we make it official. No prob, Chris. It's almost impossible to make it work for EVERYONE, but I can sure try! I don't want anybody that's really looking forward to it to miss it. I'll keep you guys updated as I find out more info from everyone.
  11. Here is a pic submitted to DDR back in 05. I don't remember who sent it in. This was after the water had gone down the next day. This was back when there was that tiny slab where you had to make sure you didn't drive off the edge!
  12. Yep Prez 05. I am sure the water was flowing more than in was in the pics like last night. The BLM worker told Jodi it was the worst he's seen it in 20 years. So not sure if it is worse than 05 or not. I think I have pics of them. I'll see if I can dig em up.
  13. As of this morning there is no sign of the BLM. All of their equipment is gone. Maybe they gave up until later today. I would imagine they're probably waiting until the water level drops. Sandchick & Malibu Mike are heading to Little Dumont now. They camped out before the crossing last night.
  14. Pics from the homepage (taken this morning by sandchick and Malibu Mike). They said they still couldn't cross this morning.
  15. Well Jan 29th isn't looking very good anymore for the regatta. I need to get the insurance and permit application submitted soon and I don't have a for sure answer if my Saturday can be covered yet at work that day. I won't know until after the 1st and that is too long. If we push it up to the 22nd, that doesn't work for a couple key people/ event staff people. So I am proposing we move it to Feb 5th. Let's hear some input.
  16. See...I knew it wasn't the old website server!
  17. David, not cool. Is that necessary??? Play by the rules. For the record, Mr Sandman and ynot are right. The BLM doesn't care what you consider good and bad to dump. Bottom line...you are not permitted to dump. We can sit here all day arguing about what is ok and not ok for the environment. None of that matters because you are to take all your sh*t with you when you leave.
  18. I'm filling out the permit app as we speak. I sure hope I can get that Saturday off work! LOL (I'm scheduled to work that day)
  19. My uncle sent me this in an email. I thought some of these were pretty interesting! 1. The Crooked House ( Sopot , Poland ) 2. Forest Spiral - Hundertwasser Building ( Darmstadt , Germany ) 3. The Torre Galatea Figueres ( Spain ) 4. Ferdinand Cheval Palace a.k.a Ideal Palace ( France ) 5. The Basket Building ( Ohio , United States ) 6. Kansas City Public Library ( Missouri , United States ) 7. Wonderworks ( Orlando , Florida , United States ) 8. Habitat 67 ( Montreal , Canada ) 9. Cubic Houses ( Rotterdam , Netherlands ) 10. Hang Nga Guesthouse a.k.a Crazy House ( Vietnam ) 11. The Ufo House ( Sanjhih , Taiwan ) 12. Nakagin Capsule Tower ( Tokyo , Japan ) 13. Erwin Wurm: House Attack ( Vienna , Austria ) 14. Wooden Gagster House ( Archangelsk , Russia ) 15. Ripley's Building ( Ontario , Canada )
  20. Yeah we're gonna need an emcee this year. I guess I could do it, but then I can't participate. Hopefully someone will step up and want to volunteer.
  21. Happy birthday, Brice! The big four OH! Please tell me you don't have to work today. Either way, enjoy your day and have a damn good one!
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