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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. ahhhhh! You berry berry smart guy! You're my kind of people. lol
  2. Ahh ok. That's kinda what I initially thought it was for. There were alot of footprints in the area and it seemed like an ideal spot for a shoot. I wonder why they left all the crap out there?
  3. That's good to hear that they will always be out there. On our ride this morning we noticed some caution tape and stakes marking off an area of a razorback dune right in the middle of the dunes. I wonder if that's where the accident was. It was weird to see and we wondered why they didn't take the stakes and tape when they left.
  4. Nice! Congrats Joe. Glad you got it in time.
  5. Thanks Andy. It sure was a good time and I know everyone really enjoyed it and looks forward to it every year. I spoke with Larry at the BLM yesterday and it still sounds promising. There is definitely a new process to the event permits and a few new hoops I have will have to jump through, but Larry assured me he'll walk me through it and help us out in order for it to go on again this year. I stated that if it were a huge pain in the a$$ we wouldn't do it or we'd just have a very informal trip instead. He said he hopes to see it happen again and that he wants us to put it on. That was good to hear. So with that said...we'll be gettin this show on the road soon!!! Let's rock n roll atc bitchezzz! Lol
  6. I'm in for the whole weekend. See you guys there. No monkie this trip...just myself but looking forward to a nice quiet December weekend and weather.
  7. I was just reading this news article and Super Troopers popped into my head for some reason. http://www.fox5vegas...321/detail.html
  8. Well I don't need or want a motor, but thanks. I can move this to the for sale section if that was the point of the post though.
  9. Great job, Tim. Definitely makes me wanna load my sh*t up even more and head out!
  10. I hope he figured it out. He's had seven months to mess with it since he started this thread.
  11. another couple links online http://www.rbcomponents.com/specialty/super-strap http://polyperformance.com/shop/atv/Super-Strap-p-692.html
  12. As far as in town...you might try Butch's, NV Offroad Buggy or maybe some of the offroad shops. I think they may carry them.
  13. yeah like SDA said, it's the 2" strap. I think 25 or 30 footer. It still works well for lighter applications, but it takes up more room for storage. I would like to pickup the 1" strap to keep in my rail. They are a must have for towing stuff in the sand since you can never get much traction starting off with a rail or quad hooked to your ride.
  14. That's a damn good lookin trike right there.
  15. Gettin kicked out of the house? Oh snap! Good luck, bro.
  16. Last night I got a call from my buddy, 9digit, saying he was stuck in the mud out at the lake and was buried to his front bumper. No big deal other than the fact his truck sits on 37's and is lifted like 9 inches or some chit. So I grab some straps and beverages and head out. He texts me saying 2 trucks just showed up but I could still come if I want. Knowing they probably needed more help, I reply by saying "be there in 5". A couple minutes go by and he says...yep....we're gonna need your sh*t. lol He knows how I pull things out....lots of slack and a super strap. Worked like a charm. <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXc0SYdHgB0?fs=1&hl=en_US"><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXc0SYdHgB0?fs=1&hl=en_US"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXc0SYdHgB0?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></object> Warning...do not try this with a regular strap. You will rip your bumper and/or hitch right off and probably bend your frame. I have been preaching about these straps ever since I bought mine. Alot of people cannot believe their eyes when they see how well they work. My buddy, Tommy, was stepping back and taking cover thinking parts were gonna be flying. He said, "umm, I've never seen this method before! " He was amazed and asked how much do those straps cost. I gotta get one. You'd think I worked for RedArt, but I just love how well these straps work. http://www.redart.co...d=336&Itemid=21
  17. Was it from General Motors? There are alot of companies that send those things out trying to get people to buy their garbage extended warranty policies. Many times they don't cover squat. If it was, in fact, from GM it could have been to extend the bumper to bumper coverage like you are saying. Not sure what you mean with them offering a split term warranty. All 2007 GM's come with 5yr/ 100K coverage on the powertrain only. Everything else (non-powertrain/ bumper to bumper stuff) is covered to 3yr/ 36K miles. Most extended warranty policies don't go beyond 100K. If they do, they usually aren't a good policy and tend to deny alot of claims. The hubs would NOT fall under powertrain. It's too bad too becauise those suckers are a bit pricey. There are still a few items that actually bolt to the motor that aren't covered under powertrain, but most motor and trans items are covered.
  18. Yeah a little bit. The fill hole isn't shoved back in there as far. I use a trans funnel and it isn't as difficult now.
  19. I hear ya there, but ALL 2007 Chevys are 5 year, 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. Your sales guy never told you? I'm not 100% sure that a TB is covered, but I seem to remember the last one I did was. I'd have to look it up at work on Monday. Sometimes doing it yourself will actually cost even more. Don't start changing parts unless you KNOW for sure it's bad by way of proper diagnosis.
  20. No, you probably just need have an idle relearn performed with a Tech 2 scan tool. (Dealer) If that doesn't work, it may need the computer reprogrammed. Sometimes they can be stubborn to relearn after a throttle body cleaning & that is the only way to force it to relearn. Just an FYI: a PCM reflash is covered on 07's up to 100K miles. Even a TB should be covered under the 100K powertrain warranty if it ever came to that.
  21. I am considering it even though a handful of friends keep inviting me to parties. It's the only weekend I can get out before our trip to G at the end of the month. I will let ya know, Rob!
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