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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Here, I got some video! lol It's just a quick little crappy clip right after he unloaded it into the sand for the first time. <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_a3tmy5aPZs?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_a3tmy5aPZs?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_a3tmy5aPZs?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
  2. Sweet! Looks to be working pretty good. Driving into the trailer under it's own power after a weekend of duning is always a bonus!
  3. Wow, even better Eric. That's awesome.
  4. no rush. Thanks for doing them. The 70 bug usually doesn't bite until December anyways.
  5. hahaa, yeah don't start talking like that. Yours could be next.
  6. So are you saying it didn't look good when it was being built?
  7. Dale does great work. Turned out bitchen. Now you need some lights for that light bar.
  8. Amazing job as usual, Eric. I love it!!! I saw you a couple times that night cruising the rows at comp with your camera. I was thinking awww shiat, we have a killer video to look forward to.
  9. I already fixed it for ya Mike. Not sure what goes wrong.
  10. She's Berts little girl. We stopped to take pics of his new car and he unloaded the car seats for the pics. She was still in the seat and he set her to the side. I thought she looked funny just sitting in the sand in a carseat so I took her pic.
  11. Here's a video clip I took with my phone. When Lou B busted a stub axle out in the dunes we had to figure out a way to get his 3 wheeled machine back to camp after the wheel riped off. My buddies, James & Adam, didn't even hesitate to drag Rees's trailer out to Talladega to snatch it up. Thanks again guys!!! Check out the trailer at the end gettin a lil sideways. <object style="height: 390px; width: 640px" width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGpyYmyESKE?version=3"><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGpyYmyESKE?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGpyYmyESKE?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>
  12. yep I got it. Just too hard to reply at times or I saw you on there too out at LVMS.
  13. Well he hasn't updated this thread yet so I guess I will. Congratulations Bert!!!! It came out SO badass. Good job. Here is the SAND NATIONAL!
  14. check it out. I really did need to shake the cob webs off my shiat hey 80grit, do you know how to use that thing? And some misc other shots. Many taken by duniemonkie from either Lou's car or ours.
  15. more pics... Check out the ynot horsepower. higheroctane69 oops...
  16. We were out duning and came along this kid. I think she flew out of a sandcar. Anyone wanna claim her?
  17. Very few trip reports and pics so far, but there are a ton of things for sale! Is everyone over it? I know it's still early and some people are still out there, but there's a huge flood of things for sale since this weekend. WTF happened?
  18. OK this may take a while, but here are a few pics to start.
  19. Not too well. It works great when you have good 3G signal, but that is very spotty out at D. I thought it only needed GPS to work. I think it's because it needs to access the internet for the satellite images for the map. It is very accurate to your location WHEN you have good signal. Oh well. It's still fun to play with.
  20. I feel so sorry for you guys after all the work you put into the haunted graveyard. That say morning wind had to do quite a number on it.
  21. Ahh what a great weekend. Feels great to get back out there and kick it with all our friends in the sand. We went on quite a few runs this weekend. I left the bike at home and only brought the car. Glad I did too because it felt great to get a full weekend behind the wheel. We went on a handful of great runs with our group as big as 10+ cars and a few quads at times. It was pretty crowded sometimes in the dunes which made for some sketchy moments. There were a few issues with some sandcars throughout the weekend, but the worst ones luckily happened towards the end of the weekend. It seems this was everyone's first trip of the season to work out some bugs. We missed the meet & greet because we were out at Talladega getting Lou's car retrieved after a broken stub axle. Then vegas style buried his truck out there! LOL I yanked him out though and showered everyone in the meantime. That weather was GREAT this weekend! Temps in the high 70's/ low 80's and perfect at night. That wind was crazy early Sat AM, but luckily it stopped. Just enough to somewhat smooth things out. Seemed like attendance was slightly less than last year, but still a very good amount of people. Comp hill was still packed as usual. The rows went clear to the back. I loved that short bus ice cream truck that was selling glow sticks, snacks, and misc stuff at the hill. What a bitchen idea. As usual we brought way too much food, but it sure was fun getting rid of it all. We fed half of camp with all the pollo asada Chad brought. We had quite a few trick or treaters come by Sat night. We had fun handing out candy and partying at the trailer. I took some cool pics of all the kids' costumes too. I'll get them up soon. I feel so sorry for Joe Duner. 2 young girls collided him and in his RZR and both RZR's got destroyed. Luckily he didn't get too banged up and hopefully the girls are ok. They got airlifted out I heard but should be ok. That was the only big bummer of the weekend. Saturday AM....seeing Bert pull up in his new SCU in camp gave me goosebumps. I am so happy for him and his family to have that car all together and at the dunes. He has put so much time into getting it together and it looks so sick! Congrats again man. All in all...great first trip of the season! We'll be back in 2 more weeks for the poker run. I love Halloween out there, but am looking forward to a less crowded Dumont and off weekend.
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