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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Looks like the ultimate dune cruzer/ relaxing/ party machine! BTW, you had this in the Rhino's for sale section so I moved it to the Rhino/ sXs talk section. I'm assuming you aren't selling it right?
  2. Like as in another car or hobby all together???
  3. Badass! That thing looks great, Tim.
  4. Right on Andy. I hear ya about being nervous but don't sweat it. Everything will go just fine. Keep us posted! Good thing DDR is mobile friendly now!
  5. Yeah. I think it was already installed on my phone so you should have it as well. When you go to your list of aps it's just called Latitude. If you don't see it, open Maps > then click the settings button (far left key) > then Latitude pops up bottom center. You need to send out invites to your friends using their email address. I think it works with any email, but I used my gmail.
  6. Hahaa. Well the gps gets thrown off a bit in this big metal building so my location has been a bit off today when at work.
  7. Anyone use Google Latitude on their smart phones? I just got mine all setup and I gotta say, this is really gonna come in handy out at D. Most importantly if a Latitude friend is broke down in the dunes you can bust out your phone and drive right towards them. No more, "we are in the bowl about 3 dunes kinda northeast of Talladega". It will also come in handy when trying to hook up with others out there if they keep their phones on them and stay logged into Latitude.
  8. Anyone? If so how was the weather? I bet it was empty out there. If you did please chime in and/or post some pics.
  9. Cool. ISBB has been on it. There is still an issue with it not liking cox, but he's looking into that now.
  10. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/events.html Jan 29th. Thanks peewee!
  11. Halloween will be our first trip this season. Will it EVER get here?
  12. Yep, it never got ridden. I have already put more miles on this 650 than I did with the YZ in the 11 years I owned it!
  13. Thanks! And yep it's an 05 XR650L. That day was a fun ride. We went through sunshine, a lil rain, then hail, then it turned to snow! It was badass. Wish we lived closer so we could hook up.
  14. GREAT shots, Tim! Good job on the crops too. I've been wanting to catch an air show ever since I got my camera as well. Looks like fun.
  15. Those look sweet, Mike. Looks much safer having those on there. You know you're gonna be driving the wheels off that thing this season too so good to have!
  16. It's not that new, but it's still new to me because I didn't get to do as many trips as I would have liked to with it last season when I picked her up... And this isn't for the sand, but it's my newest toy. I'm really looking forward to some more dual sport rides during the upcoming cooler months. I am SO jonzen!!!
  17. Cool that's what I needed to know. I'm gonna pick one up for my Raptor then. Poor thing is leaking oil all over the place. Thanks guys!
  18. Thanks Mark. I guess the link didn't work because I was on their mobile site when I pasted it. Here ya go... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160477742790&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_879wt_1080
  19. Yep, I remember OGP telling me that he thinks he sold the Bud Light Funco and it's going to some SUPER stoked dude. I hope you can make it out, Andy.
  20. My oil tank is leaking on my Raptor (common problem) and I was looking to upgrade to an aftermarket aluminum tank. Does anyone have anything good or bad to say about them? Here is the link to the one I'm considering. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160477742790&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_879wt_1080
  21. Lol i didn't even notice. I'll look into it. Please, if there are any other issues please make a post about it. We have alot to still with the new software but we will get it all handled eventually and she'll be dialed in!
  22. ok we'll check into the emailing system and see whats up
  23. <iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=453+Nevada+Highway,+Boulder+City,+NV&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=43.307813,67.763672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=453+Nevada+Hwy,+Boulder+City,+Clark,+Nevada+89005&ll=35.978347,-114.836781&spn=0.021705,0.033088&z=14&output=embed"></iframe> <small>View Larger Map</small>
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