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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....a sand fix! :dumbass: Me, ISBB, chris1223, badass24racing and my buddy Wes all met up at the gas station at 3:30am. We managed to roll into Dumont about 5am...just before sunrise. We watched some pretty cool lightening storms off in the distance on the way there. We were hoping to catch a little bit of rain, but the storm never reached D. I think it was in the upper 80's/ lower 90's when we pulled in. crappy pic along the super wash boarded road. Holy hell it was rough! We got unloaded and geared up to ride before the sun even came up. ready to ride! It was a little difficult at first reading the dunes with no shadows at all and super smooth sand. Here we are at the north pole enjoying the view waiting for the sun to come up. It took forever for the sun to rise so we got back to riding. Then we stopped for a couple pics as the sun poked up. Then Mike's battery took a crap so we just pull started it each time unless we parked at the top of a dune. Back at the truck for some grub. It's already 95 at about 7AM. Ahh now that the sun is out check out those dunes! Then we were off again for another ride. We played around at comp for a bit for some pics. I brought my DSLR this ride for some better pics. Looking toward the south pole Looking north. Stupid lens flare. Peak of comp on the left side... A quick stop at the south pole. Pole is still there and so is the troops mailbax. Here's some dunes on the north end when we stopped for a minute. It shows you how steep and soft they are right now. We took another break for some dune pics. So gorgeous out there in summertime! Then on the last ride Nick's battery took a crap and the bike wouldn't even run. SO needless to say my Rappy got a WORKOUT! I towed Nick and his DS out of the middle of the dunes. That pig was heavy! And his DS was too! :fight: jk I managed to snap a pic of me towing Nick... Luckily the battery issue happened on the very last ride. It was an epic day of riding out there. I think we got 4 total ride in...all very long and good paced. We made tracks everywhere! Those dunes were so smooth like always in the summertime. We had a great group of guys, but we hope to have a few more next time since a few friends couldn't make it this round. There will be more runs this to come though. I love riding out there in the early morning in summer. We rode from 5AM to 9AM almost exactly. It wasn't even that warm. We had a nice breeze and even had some cloud cover for some short periods of time. Until next time...my sand fix feels great! Great ride guys! :freakin_nuts:
  2. epic morning run fo sho! Trip report to follow. Going through my pics now.
  3. wow those look schwweeeeet!
  4. :freakin_nuts: sh*t was funny Nothing a sand fix won't fix whatever it was!
  5. ^ sweet! See you then Chris. We'll be there ready to hit the road about 3:30 at the last gas station on Blue Diamond. Looks like it's me, ISBB, chris1223, badas24racing, and my buddy Wes. Can't wait to get out there again!
  6. Heat is always helpful. Heat that sucker up good and hot and get that ball joint press cranking with a GOOD 1/2" drive impact. It'll budge.
  7. I don't think Terrible's has diesel so let's meet at the 159 (Redrock) turnoff no name gas station on Blue Diamond at 3:30.
  8. Anyone doing any summer upgrades to their cars? Before next season I'd like to put in a headset/ intercom system in my car. That and I think it's time to swap out those over-the-bolt CV boots. I like to be able to check my bolts from time to time. Other than that, she's ready to go. I know bpguy & andydew are doing some paint upgrades. How about everyone else? Got anything on the wish list for next season?
  9. We might stop at the Rainbow/ 160 Shell station, but it'll be quick just to top off fuel. We'll prob be at/ leave the gas station about 3:30.
  10. That is so cool, Neal! Good job and Congrats! You deserve it with the badass shots you always manage to take. Pretty cool too for painterjoe & TCS T to get in the calendar! I'll be picking up a couple of them hopefully at the SSSS.
  11. We will be long gone before mid day. We plan on getting there at sun up (about 5/ 5:30am) and usually roll out by 10/11AM at the latest. 4 hours of epic riding...so worth it. It should be in the 80's when we get there and it usually gets in the upper 90's by 10 ish.
  12. We're bringing our quads. I'd love to bring the car out but the thought of breaking down in summer out there always worries me. It's just too hot & dangerous to deal with that. I'd rather not take that chance. I'm really itching to ride anyways.
  13. Pretty bizarre accident this last weekend. This ranger whacked the hell out of one of those big metal poles. Driver died...very obvious why after you see the truck. http://www.ktnv.com/global/Category.asp?c=...;autoStart=true
  14. Thanks for the report! Some people have some serious nerve. I'm surprised they didn't pull up and camp next to you. They should go back to Mexico and play in that dirt if they like it so much. No matter what ethnicity you are, if you are in this country by choice then you should be proud and fly the US flag or get the eff out if you don't like it! Sweet looking buggy BTW.
  15. dunefreak


    It was pure luck. I'll get you a larger/ full resolution pic is you want it for the desktop. That one might get stretched out a bit since it's so small.
  16. lol thanks Cole but wouldn't have done sh*t anyways. Bert and Jim brought in big swamp coolers and unless you are standing right in front of it....doesn't matter. Our A/C is rockin now.
  17. Looks good. They aren't hinged?
  18. dunefreak


    Thanks Neal. More like pretty good for having been drinking all day long at earlier pool parties. :ahhhhh: I wanted to bring my tripod but barely had time to grab what I did. I also wish I had a wider angle lens for how close as we were. My 28-135mm barely cut it.
  19. dunefreak


    Here's some I took... Veterans Memorial Park, Boulder City, NV dandelion? jelly fish? Then it was on the the Eldorado Valley dry lake bed party! note the caterer aka:roachcoach in the background. :ahhhhh: These guys got it all every year.
  20. If you have DRL's you don't even have to worry about it.
  21. Beyonce.... She doesn't look to happy in that first pic. Kinda looks like she's saying "wtf did you just do to me?" hahaa
  22. dunefreak


    Good job Neal! I took a bunch but haven't had time to go through them yet. I'll get mine up soon. I doubt they are as good as yours. They were just handheld/ no tripod but a couple decent ones I think.
  23. It's fixed! What a difference it makes in the day. Now we just need some more work and life will be splendid. :cheesebong:
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