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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Look, I didn't make the effen rule.
  2. "Draining of sewage tanks, littering, or dumping of trash is prohibited." ...right off the BLM website. http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/fo/barstow/dumont.html It's illegal. Grey water or black, they are both sewage and illegal to dump or even drip.
  3. This is total bullshit. I looked into this when I bought my trailer. There is a thread somewhere back in RV chat about endorsements. In Nevada, we don't have non-commercial class A licenses. That would technically be a class B license I think. Regardless, NV has a J endorsement which allows you to tow over 10K. I went to the DMV one day to get my J endorsement application and info because my trailer's GVW is up there like 14,950. She asked me what my trailer weighed empty and I told her it's like 9300 empty. She then said I don't need the endorsement because the unladen weight was under 10K. I explained that it weighes easily over 13/14K loaded and she said it didnt matter. I was pretty uneasy about leaving it at that and just taking her word for it. I still plan to go down to the DMV and get it one of these days. I bet they just don't want duners going thru Tecopa because they got a bunch of complaints. I always do the speed limit through there. It's a highway and I'm not going to stop using it. I pay out the a$$ for registration fees therefore I'm using the damn road!
  4. Your other post was already moved over here to this section.
  5. Ryan, people usually want details on how it happened so they can take extra precautions out there and avoid doing the same thing on future trips. I think that is one of the reasons why White Rhino was asking.
  6. :?: "always"? bulllshiat. You need to get out with us more often then, David. The car has been flawless all 4 trips up until this little issue this weekend. No big deal though. I should have her fixed up by the end of the week and ready to go pound the dunes again real soon. Shawn. Great meeting you guys too. No worries about the car. It's a pretty minor fix. Sorry our run was cut short especially after making you wait so long to head out. Let's meet up next month at G for the tres regatta weekend. I'm bringing my car then.
  7. haha not really, Jack. That ride wasn't that bad up comp. It's just the hand held camera (not mounted to the car) that made it look like that. As rough as it was, the ride was still pretty smooth in the new car.
  8. Good find. Looks kinda interesting and kinda horrible at the same time. Too bad I missed ya at vendor row. Just yell at me next time. :shout: I would have liked to stop & say hi.
  9. As for my truck...I just went to Lowes and bought a piece of 5/8" diameter electrical conduit and chopped it down to whatever length worked. It's probably about 6 ft or so. Then I drilled a couple holes in it where the flag will mount so it doesn't slide down. Just ziptie the flag on it and mount in somewhere in the bed of the truck near a mount. Walla.
  10. I didn't take that pic. Anna did. I was working on getting my car rigged back together to drive it out of the bowl we were in.
  11. Here's a some video :poop: from our little handheld camera. :bert: <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  12. Well we made it out only for the day on Saturday but it was well worth it. We got to see so many friends and finally met a few new DDR faces. The weather couldn't have been nicer. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, it was sunny and very nice temps. Man those dunes were brutal though. Wet and rutted up pretty bad. We got there about 9:30 am Saturday, got unloaded and hit up Smokin Als for some breakfast. Thanks again Brian & Al. Much appreciated and great food! We also ran into Larry from the BLM over at vendor row too and said hi. It was quite comical to see him scold a rider after he took off a lil too hot out of a vendor's area. After chatting with a couple vendors and checking things out we headed back to camp. We managed to get a couple decent runs in, but you couldn't get with it too much because as soon as you got a fast line going a group of duners would pop up over the next dune. I hate holiday weekends for duning. We stopped on the way back from a run and watched the hill climbs. It was cool for a few minutes but then we were over it after a few pics. We ran in to a bunch of friends over there though. That's one good thing about the holidays. Friends and DDR peeps pop up everywhere ya go out there. We played a bunch on comp hill. There were a few cars running the hill and jumping off to the right. I pulled a couple lil wheelies at the comp of comp. That put a smile on my face. I think a black Rhino wanted to race me after I blew by him going up comp. Not sure why either because he would have had no chance. It was pretty fast though to see it go. The DDR meet & greet was a good turnout as usual. I met a few new peeps from the site and chatted with a bunch of friends. It was great seeing barefoot bob & bpguy out at D again. Finally got to meet crappy from GD too. We've been tryin to hook up for years now to get a run in. Then after leaving the south pole we had a nice line of buggies and bikes in line. We were JUST getting going really good and having a good time duning when the tore up sand busted my rear control arm support. Everyone was super helpful with getting it rigged up so I could get back to camp. Thanks again guys! DDR family kicks a$$. So after loading up the car we were gonna head right home, but started having too much fun with friends in camp. Beers and laughes were flowin. haha Then it was time to go home and we stopped at Smokin Als and partied with them for a lil while longer. haha good times guys. We were laughing our a$$es off. It was a long drive home and I was super tired after a long day in the sun. WELL worth it though. Great seeing everyone. Some pics... vendor row... chopped up face hill more wet sand... glider guy bpguy... barefizzle bizzle... low rider bob jiah CaptnKllm Hey LOU B! Were over here! KRUSTY... looking south... Anna took a pic of me taking ^ those pics when we stopped at the hill climbs... monkie rubbin her booty on jakster at the meet & greet deja vu in more ways than one :no_no: NOT cool... Very dangerous. one of my faves from the day... camp figure 8 :atc: races...
  13. Oh man. I didnt know it was that dude. Nice guy. I met him once out there. I heard all about it out there yesterday. The car was just a couple camps down from us and everyone said it was very bad. Sorry to hear that. I hope he is ok. I too heard he had surgery yesterday.
  14. Ynot called me last night and told me he had just passed an accident on the way to Dumont. It looked like a black Tahoe with a DDR and Got Sand sticker on the back window. It was pulling a Weekend Warrior toyhauler. He thinks it was the OE style DDR sticker which would mean a "DDR veteran". lol I'm trying to figure out who it was. He said it didn't look very good. It was a rollover so they were picking up the scattered wreckage with a loader. It was everywhere. No matter who it was, I hope everyone was ok. It was on the backside of Mt Potisi. Anyone know who it was or have any ideas?
  15. When everyone says inside job....what does that mean? From what I understand, this was his property or warehouse wasn't it?
  16. Jorge, it wasn't his. He was just posting it up for the guy. Man that sucks to watch even though it wasn't mine either. That SUV looks to be a 4dr Tahoe or Yukon 95-99. A GMC Jimmy couldn't tow that big trailer. That SUV was a full size. Man good luck to the poor guy. That's bullshit. Why don't people work for their won chit rather than steal people's stuff that they work so hard for!
  17. ok car is all ready and we'll be there early Sat morning. Those dunes are gonna be hammered! :hatdance:
  18. You can still buy them on site at the pay station machines. The BLM wants to eventually phase them out, but I don't think they have a definite plan or date as of yet.
  19. We MAY roll in Thurs night, but definitley no later than late Fri AM. Depends on how the week goes and if I can get out early on Thurs. It's looking like KRUSTY, LouB, and Randog might be in as well.
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