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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Great pics and report, cheeseboy! Sucks about the rain, but still looks like a nice chill time out there. Damn, your boy string is gettin big! :freakin_nuts:
  2. Very cool, Mike. Sucks you couldn't make the 70 regatta, but looks like you still had a great time.
  3. Here is the complete writeup... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/70cc-regatta-2nd-annual/ You might need to refresh your screen.
  4. Just thought I'd share a few shots I took of last night's fog after the rain stopped. I thought a couple of them turned out pretty cool. Anyone see that spaceship hovering over the LV strip last night? Then all the hotels caught on fire. Looking down Boulder Highway... Looking towards the strip...
  5. Sometimes they are hard to find...just like a smiley you know is on the damn list but can't find it anywhere. See you guys at the mizzle-n-grizzle!
  6. We just made our reservation at the compound that weekend. :atc: For those that are going, you need to paypal $50 to Robbie. He manages the compound. The week/weekend rate is $50. You can use paypal by sending the fee to glamissandlord@gmail.com Include your board name and the dates you will be staying. Note: when staying in the compound, you do not have to purchase a Glamis pass for the weekend. Tres will have more details soon on how to register for the regatta.
  7. It was just a few posts below the 4 Prez weekend topics. Look at the date on it.
  8. hahaa...shoulda asked who all is going out too. This makes what? 4 Prez weekend topics now I think. :old:
  9. Yep I think that was Crazy Dave. I'll pm you his number. I beleive Johnny Walker RV donated that. SKINNER can confirm that- he picked it up.
  10. we should start ONE MORE president's weekend thread.
  11. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...showtopic=13796
  12. Chadwick went out there today for the day and it was raining so bad he left after an hour.
  13. You just made ynot's day by not putting him in your category. hahaa
  14. ^ why Mark...why????? I hate when people feed off drama.
  15. That is awesome news, David. Keep up the great work, Dallas!
  16. HELL yeah. Thatta boy Grim-dart! Thanks for the update Randingle. I knew Chris would pull through this no matter what. He's strong and has the best attitude a person could have in life.
  17. If you click view new posts it has been up at the top the past couple days...thats all. I guess not everyone clicks that.
  18. Man...lighten up Pat! Look at the happiness the dunes bring you...not the negativity. Reading your post just bummed me the eff out!
  19. Well said, Jodi. Horrible joke but they have the right to post their dumb chit just like everyone else does. This member kinda wreaks of spam for some reason though.
  20. I already mentioned about the hats in the DDR gear section. Read, jr...READ!
  21. That's what will happen to that trans and motor combo.
  22. Just an FYI....for those who didnt make it out to the the regatta but purchased Sandcrazd event regatta t-shirts I will be mailing them out to you very soon. This has been a hectic week for me but I'll get them out asap. I might even have a few extras for those that still want one. Once they all get mailed out I will put the extras up for sale in the DDR online store and let you all know when I do. Also: the extra Racin Dirty event t-shirts will be available through the store as well.
  23. Yep, I have never had any so I have no idea. I guess I should have posted "I don't know" That would be a GREAT repsonse.
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