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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. holy crap! That suuuuuucks. That place was so pimped out too. :xmas2:
  2. Oh man! I wonder what happened to him. He was definitley one of the original OG freestyle guys. I remember him jumping over the house in one of the Crusty Demons of Dirt films. He was very talented rider. Rest in peace Cinq. <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
  3. There is something I never thought I'd hear Joe say.
  4. Is that ALL you were thinking the whole time duning your car? Fugg it mang...if it breaks it breaks. Until then, give her the onion!
  5. That's awesome news. Chris can do it no doubt about it. He always has a great attitude and that is gonna help him tremendously through his recovery. Thatta boyyy grimdart.
  6. SWEET ride right there. Plllush. Congrats and happy birthday!
  7. I kinda figured as much since Justin (in marketing) hasn't got back to me yet about it. I was waiting to hear more info on it. Oh well, more time to dune.
  8. That's bad friggen a$$, Steve. YIAH SUcks about all that damage. Ouch!
  9. Very Cool, Joe. Congrats! I hear nothing but good things about those Razor S's. No he's not. He doesn't have the Funco anymore.
  10. Post up a pic now. (only one) The winner's dune pic will be posted on the homepage after the contest is over. The member's screen name will be posted up with it as well. You may also post a caption or description included with the pic. Please limit posts in this thread to pictures only. Dune Pic of the Month- Rules 1. The picture must be YOURS. Do not go surfing the internet looking for one to submit. You cannot post any copyrighted pics. Let's just try and be honest about it. (We aren't gonna get that serious about this anyways) 2. The picture must not have any watermarks or logos on it. 3. The picture must be at least 600 x 600 pixels. It will be displayed on the home page if it wins the most votes so therefore we would like it to be a decent size picture. 4. The picture must abide by the terms and conditions (rules) of this board. 5. Post only ONE picture per contest.
  11. Classic! Thanks for sharin.
  12. No worries, plenty of us trail ride as well. We actually have a section just fr other areas. Maybe I will just move this topic over there. lol Take a look through the places in that section. You will see plenty of feedback for those areas. As far as sand and trails, I Love Coral Pink and Little Sahara up in UT. Those two places kick major a$$ for the sandy trails and trees. I still haven't been to the Paiute trail up in Marysvale, UT but would love to check that place out. Some local areas to trail ride are Lovell Canyon/ Wheelers Pass, which goes over to Mt Charleston I believe. Many people talk hella crap about it, but I still like riding out at Apex/ Nellis Dunes from time to time. Rn knobbies and skidplates if you go out there though. As for the 70cc regatta :porn: , we don't have an exact # yet since everyone hasn't rsvp'd, but it should be PRETTY BIG. :atc: You should come out for the festivities, man.
  13. Man that is too bad. Sorry to hear that but at least you had insurance. Time to go shopping for new stuff.
  14. You have plenty of time. Deadline is 1/15/2010. I'd just like to get them in as soon as possible. No sweat, Andy.
  15. Aww man, sorry to hear that Mike. Yeah let me know if things fall through. We'll have to find another stop watch man if you can't be there, but I'm sure we can handle it. Sucks you won't be able to be there to be part of it.
  16. Thanks to everyone who has registered & rsvp'd so far. So far we are doing great with getting all the orders processed and the list is growing rather quickly! It really makes this whole event possible with all your guys' help. Last year's inagural regatta at Dumont was a ton of fun and stepping it up this year seems like it will be a breeze. We have alot of support and interest this year so this should be a good time for all who attend. I can't wait.
  17. Thanks man, but I'm not doing New Years this year. I'm done with holiday weekends for a while. We'll hook up soon enough. I will grab my goggles next time I see ya. That was some good times that windy azz night over Poker Run weekend.
  18. Are you guys serious? Lazy a$$ bass turds! How long do you think it took me to set all that crap up in the store so it would be THAT easy? You can't simply fill out your name and address info for us?
  19. Damn I'm jealous Aaron. You guys have fun and be safe down there. When's the next D trip after that for you guys?
  20. It depends. We shall see how much help we have and what comes of it.
  21. I don't think I have you down, Mike. What "stuff at the end" are you not sure about? You basically have to purchase something that is free and checkout without actually paying if you are just a spectator. Don't worry about shipping options at the end.
  22. I know you have registered Pat. Thank you. Thanks Mark. For the record too, if you are registering only yourself but have say 5 friends coming along just for the show and to hang out, please don't forget to also select and purchase the FREE spectator package and adjust the quantity to 5. We need to account for EVERYBODY that is coming whether they are participating or not. I can't stress that enough.
  23. so back on topic. Who else is making it out? I know there are a handleful of people going for sure that haven't rsvp'd even as spectators. This year everyone must rsvp or register thru the store link, again even if you are a spectator which is free. Thanks guys. Oh and one more thing, H Town Performance has stepped up as a sponsor to help out this year.
  24. ALSO needed: If anyone has any hay bails or items that will help construct the 2nd annual regatta track, either bring them out or get them to me or Cole. We're really gonna try to spice the track up this year with some extra stuff. :atc: Those 70 atc tires worked great last year!
  25. Thanks, I will try that. It already is priced more than fair. 2300 bucks and it comes with an extra complete set of tires. I have had very good luck with CL so that's why I'm sticking with them for now. Like monkie said, we'll be buying new Raptor 700's eventually so this is just the first step. We just bought a new rail so there will be plenty of trips to come where we won't even wanna get out of the sandrail. We love riding though, so quads are in no way out of the picture for us.
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