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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. So anyways, back to the new ride. It ran flawless again this last weekend. I didn't get to go out too much, but we had a blast in it the few times we went out. Now..........it is definitley time for those new seat covers.
  2. Sorry to hear about the crash Neal, but I'm glad you got it back to camp and your guys weren't hurt. I wasn't there but heard about it later on. It was quite an eventful afternoon.
  3. Well I figured I'd post up some periodic updates on Chris since he has quite a few friends concerned about him on here. Sending out mass texts is getting difficult. As most of you know, Grimace lawndarted his sandrail into that big huge hole at the top of comp. It happened around 12-1 o'c*ck on Saturday after Tday. He broke his back and was flown to UMC here in Vegas. He ruptured his L1 and pieces of bone went into his spine. He couldn't move or feel his feet or legs. It didn't sound good. However, his surgery went very well. He can now feel his legs and even bend his knees. They put his back brace on today and sat him up. He still has no feeling in his feet and his left leg in a little sluggish as of last night, but his spirits are great and he is laughing and smiling. I am 100% sure he will recover. He is in great physical shape and you can't have any better attitude than grimace does when it comes to just about anything in life. He is a great guy and a great friend to have. So with that said, I'll post up whatever pics I have taken or been sent for you guys to see. Hang in there Chris! You're doing freakin awesome, grim-dart! YIAH! Chris's first helicopter ride on Saturday. Sunday night As of today. Sent from fctryblack84, Jon
  4. Props to you and thank you for doing that. We need more proactive people like you at comp especially. Don't ya just love those looks you get when picking up the trash as people just drive on by. The biggest thing people can do though is prevent the trash from hitting the ground in the first place. I think we'll get a banner up on the site somewhere as a reminder to "bring a trash bag with you to comp at night to party". Alot of people just head over there with a cooler full of beer and firewood. They don't even think of where the empties and trash will go once they get there. Then when the good times are flowing and the buzz kicks in all their beer cans go right in the fire (on the ground) where they sit until the next day. :rant_on:
  5. I got our permit packet this past weekend from Larry at the BLM. It seems we should be able to handle everything and he is cool with the event. I'll be shopping for the insurance the next week or so. That is the only cost that worries me, but we shall see.
  6. Great pics as always, Jodi. I have a few that I will post up when I get more time.
  7. oh, that's right I thought it was you that came back down. That whole hour or two that day was a big blur with everything that was going on. To top it all off I had to go meet the guy who was interested in my car about 30 minutes after Chris was air lifted out. Then someone mentioned and asked if we were going the the meet & greet! :beer_bang:
  8. Butt hurt? Have you ever even met me?
  9. What a weekend. Chadwick, Steveo & I weren't able to get out there till Fri night. We weren't as fortunate as those who were able to make a week out of it, but we were stoked just to make it out. When I pulled into camp Chad noticed a hissing noise from one of my trailer tires. I picked up a nice big ol' nail in the sidewall. Great! After unloading Steveo was anxious to check out the new car so we went and assasinated a few people at comp. :beer_bang: Man, I love this new car. We were havin a blast messing around that night. Unfortunatley our first run on Saturday happened to be one of our last runs for the weekend. It was a great group ride with the crew. We had a huge line of cars and a few bikes tearin it up. Then we headed over to comp and hung for a bit. Randog & I messed around for a little bit on and behind comp and then came back. We were all chillen at the base of the hill. Painterjoe & I were bs'ing about the next ride and then he took off up the hill to head back to camp. He turned around at the top of the hill and came back. He informed us all that Chris (grimace) ate chit up at the top in the big ditch/ hole up there. Chris was jammin up comp on the right side in his VW rail and thought he was going to dodge the ditch. He knew it was there, but misjudged how long or wide it went. He lawndarted right into the other side of it coming to a very hard, abrupt stop and spun around landing down in the ditch. He was in lots of pain and couldn't feel his legs or feet. It tore me up to him like that. He was then evacuated safely thanks to all his friends and the BLM/ rescue crews. He was put on the BLM rescue buggy and life-flighted out to UMC trauma. He went into surgery that night. His L1 ruptured (or burst) and fragments of bone went into his spine. What the doctors told us sounded very bad. LUCKILY everything went very very well in surgery. He has regained feeling & movement in his knees and legs. He still can't feel the tops of his feet, but we all expect that to come eventually. He is in GREAT spirits and should recover 100% after a while. The rest of the weekend was pretty chill for everyone in camp. Randog split to go to Vegas to be with his bro and everyone else just kinda waited it out to hear the updates. We still managed to have a good night cooking up some good grub and sharing some laughes with each other. Sunday we just split in the morning since we all had to get back early that day due to many things going on. It was still fun to get out there and be with all our great friends and see everyone, but MAN....I am ready for a quiet, off weekend with hardly anyone or anything going on. I took very few pics, but I have a few decent ones I will post up later.
  10. No, not really but go for it then if it's so easy and there are so many cars out there that are "alot better" for only 5k more. I don't give a crap what you think. You have a strange attitude and seem to like to strip up sh*t for no reason on here. Did I piss on your tire or something?
  11. There was nothing wrong with my old car. I could lead some of the fastest dune runs out there with it. I have just always loved these and the Hotrails cars and have wanted one for a while now I woudn't ever want a 4 seater. No thanks. Not my style.
  12. Thanks Eric. I appreciate it. However Steve @ Sandcrazd is already on it. We'll figure something out if the costs are up there. We already have a head start from some of the poker run proceeds.
  13. This is probably the first time in 5 or 6 years that I haven't been at Dumont ON T-day. Damn. Oh well, can't wait for the weekend to get here. Gotta work Friday then we're outta here with both buggies and all. :beer_bang: Should be a great weekend. :beer_bang:
  14. Easy grasshopper. lol Let me talk with the BLM first.
  15. :beer_bang: Thanks Cole & everyone. I knew you all had an ounce of "keep it cool" sobriety in ya :beer_bang: Seriously though. I will be chatting in person with Larry at the BLM this weekend and will be talking the details over for the permit requirements. He has the permit packet and all the relative info to give to us. I just hope the insurance and permit fee is TOO rediculous. I really would like to make this a great event for years to come, therefore legit with the BLM folk. With what funds we have already plus a reasonable registration fee I think we can all pull it together. Like I said...details will follow soon. I'm getting excited about it.
  16. Yep, the store has already expanded. It is at least double the size and he now carries side x side and quad items. He even does service and tire swaps as well.
  17. Hey Karen. I'm way jealous. My measely 2 days there seems like nothing compared to how long you guys will be there this week. Tell Krusty thanks for the damn texts & pix too. I told him I'd post up the goofy azz Urkel just for rubbing it in. Looks like he's havin a good ol time out there as well. :clown: :hatdance:
  18. I was just in Champion Motorsports today and Eric (owner) informed me he will be there this weekend as well. Cool dude and doesn't mark his retail prices up AT ALL out at the dunes. That's pretty damn cool of him.
  19. He's still in my thoughts as well. I am sure he will make a full turn around very soon. Nothing but positive vibes here! Get well buddy.
  20. Thank you, Eddy. I think alot of the people who are seriously interested in making the regatta share the same attitude. As for your whip mount, Randog has some pretty badass brackets he's been CNC'ing up so I will make sure he brings plenty out for those that need to buy one. They fit all ATC 70's and bolt on where the rear grab bar mouting bolts are.
  21. Well you guys might as well stay home then this year. Beer relay races and drinking & riding won't be allowed this time. (not that hey were last year) We can easily have a great time with the 70's without breaking any laws at Dumont. There will be plenty of time for those participating to drink and party afterwards when the nightime festivities begin. We really need everyone to be on board with this if they want the 70 regatta to happen.
  22. wow, I guess no other vendors are either on here or coming out.
  23. I don't think it matters what you posted following that horribly placed joke or even that you appologized for it later, it was very distasteful to do in this situation.
  24. Just curious how many vendors we have reading the boards. If you are a vendor and coming out this weekend go ahead and post up. I know some are already out there like Sandcrazd and Racin Dirty, but let's see who else will be there. I think it would be nice to have a heads up before the weekend. Some might plan ahead to stop by if they know you are coming out.
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