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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. That was the scariest, but most fun tow back ever! Holy crap what a rush. Fuggin backwards!
  2. ok ok...it's no secret. I got it! I am so stoked!!! Thanks again, Matt, for a killer car at a great price! I have a feeling this will be a great season. Phewww, what a night.
  3. Even the white ones that are the way thicker lifetime ones block out quite a bit of light compared to those cheesy factory ones.
  4. I'll be in our normal spot down past 6. Registration starts at 9AM across from bathroom 10, just before bathroom 6 along the entrance road.
  5. wow, settle down you dirty stank a$$ people! :kissass: You all need a cold shower! :kissass:
  6. ^ my thoughts exactly. I just replaced my original ones on my 06 Sandpiper because one flew off. You could poke your finger right through those things after they got all sun damaged.
  7. annnnnnnnd here's the Sat night festivities at comp :drunks: :kissass: Eddie doesn't look so sure about that shot :kissass: He gave in. :kissass: :flatbiller: fuggin Dillon...hahaaa chillen back at camp I was feeling purdy good at this point, hence the monkie on my back and stupid look on my face. "hold my drinkie!!!" classic! monkie koozie condom...hahaa I guess I DID take a handful of pics.
  8. sandchick taking off from camp to go hit up the dunes first thing early Fri am Stopping at the :kissass: after a killer run Fri am early... krusty picking out the sand krust :kissass: chillen at vendors row at smokin AL's BBQ for some breakfast reading the morning DDR dune newz :kissass: Mike fillin up monkie's monkie That sounded bad. ...doesn't look very happy about the monkie crazymexeddie
  9. Let's just do one at 2 pm on Fri AND Saturday. :kissass: Not sure if I am going that weekend, but I'll cruise out to meet up if I'm there on Friday.
  10. Ya didn't dust me out and I didn't even notice it happen so....... EFF YOU! Feel better? jk Nice of you to post it up though.
  11. :?: Lee was actually out there!? That looks like an old 250R isn't it? He rides an old qaudracer doesn't he? Hey nice meeting and chatting cameras with ya Neil!
  12. some of my pics... vegas style some shots from over at comp on Fri morning
  13. wow...what a fun weekend out at D! The weather was awesome, kinda warm at times during the day, but otherwise perfect. I burned through so much gas this weekend. :porn: We went on some bitchen buggy runs with everyone. I didn't even ride the quad once. The car did great this weekend. The dunes had some great lines. They were choppy in some areas, but overall pretty fast lines. It's too bad we only had part of our crew but we still had a good size pack of buggies jammin all weekend. The turnout was pretty good. Kinda about what I expected and seemed slightly more than last Halloween. Seemed like very few mishaps. Comp was rockin Fri & Sat night. I thought the entrance road was pretty good IMO. The meet & great was good times as usual. It was a great turnout and I was happy to meet a handful of really cool peeps. :angry2: Camp was good times. I have some pics from some late night shananigans. I didn't take too many pics this weekend because I was too busy having fun. I got some I will post up later though. Smokin Al's BBQ HOOKED US UP with some killer grub! Breakfast burritos were the bomb and those ribs were to die for. Thanks again Al. SO GOOD! Our Racin Dirty/ DDR dune newz flyers turned out great and I hope everyone got one on the way in or at vendor row. The shower guy rig never showed. The haunted house looked awesome but we never had a chance to go Sat night. We were too busy handing out a ton of candy to kids while we grilled up some killer carne. We ran out of candy so we started giving out DDR stickers. The kids loved em though except for one little brat of a girl. She kinda put up a stink and then stuck her tongue out at me. wtf? Anyways, thats all for now. Great weather, killer dune runs, awesome friends, good eats, lots of party time and no mishaps....I couldn't ask for much more! pics to come....
  14. calm down everybody. OGP showed up to Dumont yesterday and said they were already working on the road when he was pulling in.
  15. you both knew wtf I meant. typo!
  16. google is yo friend. They are all over the place.
  17. Sweet, but you pretty much just summed up what this site is about as well. Only thing is we're not a club, but more of a community. Welcome to DDR. Are you going out Halloween or just posting up about your club in general?
  18. The weather is looking bitchen for this weekend! Man, I'm stoked.
  19. hahaaa, nah I don't think so. All that face makeup and sand won't be a good thing.
  20. pullin your post again I see...LOL
  21. That would be my beautiful duniemonkie. Fuggin racen J! sup man. You need to make a Vegas trip one of these weekends. :peeps:
  22. wow, looks very different without your wounded sharkeyeball paint job & stripper pole. lol
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