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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. wtf, those are MY pics ma facka! I must have made you copies.
  2. Here's another from back in the day. It's crazymexeddie, sanddunesaddict, me and duniemonkie (taking the pic) at Dumont Halloween 2003. Good ol' black beauty! It was one scary old buggy with lots of dune miles on it but one of the funnest rides ever in the dunes. We had lots of good times in that thing. The rear stadium setaing was the shizz! R.I.P. black beauty lol
  3. I know...isn't it great!?
  4. ahh the good old days of pre-farm equipment.....4 years ago
  5. Just going through some pics working on something and came across some "classic" pics that I thought I'd share. Maybe we could keep the thread going with whatever pics you guys have as well. I'm pretty sure I posted this in the past but here it goes again anyways cause it is that good. This is one of the funniest memories ever. Our buddy Mike brought out his rail for one of it's first trips to Dumont. Aaron (Sand700r) was riding shotgun and was already very uneasy about Mike being behind the wheel. (Mike has a bad track record.) Anyways, Mike decides to hit a jump. Aaron is already sh*tting his pants. Mike comes in pretty hot & hits the jump. He completely chops the throttle causing the a$$ end to come way up and nose dive. The pic does no justice how vertical the car became after the pic was snapped, but you can see the looks on their faces. Priceless. Aaron is screaming like crazy and Mike has the death grip on the steering wheel. The car amazingly comes down with a suprisingly smooth landing, but the trans case breaks! Mike comes to a stop and we were laughing our a$$es off. We survey the damage and say let's tow it back He says, I think it's ok to drive. He gets about 50 feet and the trans quits. Another classic moment in history at the D. click the pic and zoom in on these guys.
  6. topic moved to the best of section. :beer_bang:
  7. From what I have seen, trick or treaters always go camp to camp after sundown on Saturday of Halloween weekend. That works out perfect this year considering Halloween IS Saturday.
  8. Wish I could make it out with you guys and the rest of the R-Dizzle crew, but I gotta work that weekend so Halloween it is for us.
  9. I wonder how the heck this 6 year old kid was messing with a huge azz helium balloon unsupervised????? I hope he turns up ok and is hanging out somewhere & he never went up in it. Seems nobody knows chit at this point. :beer_bang: There was never a basket spotted attched to the balloon.
  10. Just read about this on GD. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33330516/ns/us...#storyContinued Looks like it came down ok! edit....Watching it live now. :ah: Not sure if he is even inside. ???
  11. Are you doing it yourself or want it installed? Either way the guys at Custom Shop can hook you up. They are a site sponsor and do excellent A+ work. http://www.thecustomshopvegas.com/
  12. Smokin Al's will be at vendor row Halloween. Setting up at the hill was only a one time thing for the night drags since nobody was out there. During the normal season they are required to set up at vendor row.
  13. Great find Pat! You won't know what to do with all that extra power and added reliablity! :beer_bang:
  14. Damn Ryan, you are gettin all cocky n' sh*t now. :beer_bang:
  15. :?: You & your friend has a strange idea of how most dealers work. Dealers will take warranty work over no work at all any day. Maybe he works at one of those dealers that haven't survived the recession. That would make sense then. Maybe I'm wrong and most dealers really are like that. Not the one I work at though. Not sure what you meant by it could be worse..."You could be at a Chevy dealership". The Chevy dealer I work at warranties and goodwills jobs whenever we can to keep customers happy and business flowing.
  16. Not sure if any of you heard, but word has it that there will be a company setting up an 8 trailer setup into a haunted house for Halloween weekend. It's the outfit displayed in Pahrump every year. There will be people hired as monsters and all sorts of stuff. I don't have any other details, but sounds like a great new addition to Dumont for Halloween.
  17. Balance of the tires won't have anything to do with it. So the shop charged you for an alignment and couldn't tell you why it was pulling to the right? I'd ask for my money back.
  18. :beer_bang: Happy birthday Terry!
  19. Well we didn't have many date options for a good turnout, guys. If we did it a week earlier or later it would be back to back with a holiday weekend. Everyone bitched last year because it was the weekend after Halloween. So we changed it to accomodate for more duners. Sorry...
  20. Not sure if Bert contacted you, but he has one. I only had 12x1.5 and 12x1.75.
  21. Steve @ Sandcrazd has attempted karaoke many times with bringing his karaoke machine out. Personally, I think it turns away business. :beer_bang:
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