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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Happy birthday bud. Hope you have a great day! Cheers to 27.
  2. Man that place looks amazing to ride. Thanks for the video!
  3. it's like that show Clean House Looks great Cole
  4. I did that about 10 times throughout all the crap I have done so far. I'll be bringing it in to Johnny Walker soon. I am done messing with it on my own. I don't have any extended warranty on my trailer. Trust me, I'd use it if I did.
  5. sick bike! Those conversions seem like they'd be badass.
  6. jr, enough of the damn "I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - x2" posts!!!!!
  7. Aww man, that's sucks Sean! Sorry to hear that about he trailer. What a pain in the a$$. No prob with the pull out of camp. Where there for ya anytime. It happens to everyone, especially with a 2WD. I've had my share of being way more buried. You just had some axle hop which made it impossible to get going with that trailer. Glad you finally made it home. It was great hanging with you and Tami again.
  8. or Joe Duner- he can also help ya!
  9. Great pics Jodi. Sounds like it was a great weekend to get away up there.
  10. Congrats Dave and April. I'm very happy for you two!
  11. Great pics, Ken. Good to see you again and get some duning in together! I still can't believe we found your broken whip! No sweat bud. That's what they were for. We always bring extra for the peeps yo! :peeps:
  12. no prob, Joe. Sorry it didn't come out better. It was after the sun went down and I was in the process of dialing in the settings. It came out super underexposed and that is the best I could get it after some Photoshop help. lol
  13. Saturday morning..... Rob's sweet new ride... Hanging at the north pole after an epic run... Having some more fun in the sand... The DDR bird This lil guy hung out all day in camp. Sat evening.... painterjoe sun down BBQ time... Banshee Hill...
  14. lookin good Cole! After seeing it the day we moved stuff in, I can see how busy you've been. lol Chit everywhere that day!
  15. So it sounds like alot of people's entire trip was ruined because some litterbugs. Thats too bad like to b*tch more than talk about the good times.
  16. as soon as everyone stops bitching
  17. he didn't have his whole setup out there last night. Whenever he goes out for the big weekends he is over at vendor row. He did a damn good job this time for not having his setup though! His rig on holidays...
  18. Enough about the trash. It's killen the thread buzz! This trip kicked a$$! Sorry, but some people just don't learn and I have found out you can't do much about it other than clean up after them.
  19. It wasn't really an "event", it was just a dune trip which was talked about on the internet between friends. Why would we need a permit to go to the dunes and have some fun at the hill? Just because it is talked about on the site, it doesn't mean it's any different than going out on Halloween or anyother weekend. Nobody can legally be held liable if someone got hurt. Even still, I have asked the BLM in the past about permits when it comes to big group trips. The only reason you need a permit is if it is an organized, sanctioned event where it is a competition. There is no registration, no money collected, and no organized races. It's just like any other dune trip, but with some lights.
  20. thanks man! Yes, please say hi next time if you see me in my car.
  21. It has been no secret that the BLM reads this site on a regular basis. People should understand it is a public, community site. It's not like this trip was hush hush. I actually feel better that the BLM comes out just in case an accident or something happens. I think the hillshooter guys might want to keep that in mind for next time. I'm not saying they were unsafe in any way. The fast guys all seemed to have very good control of the hill and seemed to be doing a great job of playing it safe. I heard of stories how the BLM talked down to them and didn't talk to them with respect that adults deserve and also how they weren't too fair across the board with everyone. That makes me mad too as it has happened to me in the past. BUT, rules are rules and we gotta follow them. Like you said, anti-bling, maybe just wire up some cheap little lights (or even some LED flashlights) next time so everyone is legal. The rules aren't too hard to abide by. If we aren't doing anything wrong, we don't get hassled.
  22. Well it appeared to me that you guys were unstuck after I circled back around. You (or whoever had the lights) showed up not long after me over at the hill. You were the only one I saw stuck when we were driving to the hill at that time. Later on we actually helped a couple people who were stuck over in that same spot. As a result from it my buddy's front diff housing is split in half now.
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