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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Man, we had such a great time! This trip was very much needed. We made a last minute decision to head out Friday night and got there about 10pm. I'm so glad we did too! It was in the 70's and there was hardly anybody there. After setting up we played around on comp for a while late Fri night. We had it all to ourselves. It was soooo smooth, no whoops, and so much fun. Then after getting back to camp we even made a fire and stayed up till almost 5AM :ah: throwing back beers, chatting and laughin our a$$es off. Saturday we got some duning in late in the morning/ early afternoon. 80grit got some seat time in the new car. Sweet ride, Rob! Oh those dunes were so nice! I couldn't believe how well the weather cooperated too. It was some great duning. I didn't wanna stop. Sat night we were heading over to the hill and my shifter cable broke on my buggy. It sucked the car was done for the rest of the night and weekend, but we just cruised the truck over to the hill and hung out all night. I really wanted to get an early AM run in on Sunday, but there's always next time. I got my fix and that's all that matters. I want to give another HUGE thank you to Smokin Al's BBQ for coming out and hookin up the BBQ, and also again to las vegas duner and undertow for lighting up the hill. Those things were key ingredients to the kickass time we had out there! -BLM showed up and hassled a bunch of hillshooters for lights/ whips, etc, but I guess rules are rules -my truck bed always turns into a dumpster even if there is a huge trash bag right there for the empties! -fast fast bikes at the hill! Man those things were screamin. -very soft sand broke some trucks at the entrance to the whoops/ Banshee Hill. Robert busted his diff housing and the guy he was trying to pull out broke a front CV. -hilarious entertainment as always provided by Mary and Tracy -I SEAN this one guy get stuck in camp on Sunday morning. -vaJJ...nonstop comedy as usual at JJ's expense. -el duner & crew makes some killer tacos from what I hear. I wish I was hungry man! They smelled great, but I had a ton of BBQ already. Great meeting you! -80grit saved my weekend with his backup generator. Thank you again, Rob! -oh and one last thing which was funny as hell. As I walked up to Randog over at the hill. At the same exact time we both give each other a "YIAH!". It was some damn good times, great seeing seeing everyone again and also meeting some new faces from DDR this weekend. I got some pics to come, not a ton, but some.
  2. Al you guys are great people. Thank you so much for coming out and feeding the herd of duners. The BBQ was excellent as usual!!!
  3. Hat's off to you guys. Thanks for bringing them out. The lights always make the night drags what they are. I saw you guys stuck and was gonna pull up to help, but saw you already had it handled. That stuff was soft. It claimed a handful of trucks and broke some people's rides.
  4. happy b-day Kieth! Lookin fwd to next season with you guys.
  5. Mike you don't have to ask. We all made a decision earlier on in this thread it's one huge circle. Just pull up, bud! We'll be just before bathroom 6! Nice shameless lil plug there!
  6. I'll call you, Rob. Thanks! Well now I don't remember if I did or not, but regardless- it still popped the same way on startup. It's the same kind of backfire/ sputter on startup as when it gets loaded.
  7. Yo Terry make sure I pick this trans up sometime tomorrow before I leave! LOL
  8. Thats not even an option. A/C won't run off an ext cord. Especially both units. (50 amp svc) I'm not too worried about it. Temps don't seem too bad this weekend. Cold beers, a couple fans, and enough water for a few ice cold showers.
  9. Well I checked a bunch of stuff tonight. 1. checked the valves. None were sticking or seemed to be hanging up. They were on the loose side so I adjusted them. They seem quieter now, but no change with the backfiring under load. 2. Fuel pump is flowing plenty of fuel. I even ran a fuel line from the inlet of the pump to a gas can and also removed the line on the carb to watch the fuel and it flows plenty. 3. Most of the time when the A/C or any large load is turned on, it chugs & backfires immediately. When it does this I spray carb cleaner in the carb and it only makes it worse. I am pretty convinced it is not a fuel problem or lean condition. Sometimes it will run one ac unit with no troubles at all. It's hit or miss. 4. I double checked all grounds and connections. I got nothin. It seems like it might even be electrical at this point. If it was a fuel issue, it would start to surge or at least wait until the carb bowl went dry then backfire. It does it as soon as you turn the A/C on. It's like the ignition is almost being draw down or grounded when there is a large load applied.
  10. Let's do it Brain! No problem at all. We'll be somewhere near bathroom 6...or wherever 80grit lands in that area. We are planning on heading out Fri night! :ah:
  11. i can do a better one if that works, Just let me know.
  12. I didnt spend much time on it, but I can if thats what you are going for.
  13. How about I photoshop the correct FLAG into that pic instead? lol So if I photoshop the crowd out, what do you want in their place? Trees? Sky? Hot chicks? ??? lol
  14. I talked with Ken @ Johnny Walker this morning. He is leaning towards it being a valve issue- either sticking or carboned up. I am going to check a few things tonight. Thanks again Terry for putting the call out.
  15. I thought of doing that and running a line right into a gas can from the fuel pump inlet. But like I said, I checked the line and it looks to be in good shape and no links either.
  16. Thanks skinner. I checked the fuel line all the way from the generator back to the tank. It seems fine and doesn't seem like it is routed anywhere near a heat source that would cause it to vapor lock. I still think it is fuel issue and possibley a faulty fuel pump. I just need to find out a way to test it. I'm gonna bring home some test equip from work today and see if I can check it.
  17. The error code is only 3 flashes which indicates "service required". (no sh*t lol) Altitude adjustment is set correctly. Auto choke lever works properly too. I looked on there and didn't find anything, but maybe I'll post something up. Fuel pump makes sense. The genny runs great except at startup and under a load. both seem fine, checked them I pulled the plugs out and that's when I realized this thing had 2 cylinders. Who woulda thunk it! lol So this whole time I have been replacing one spark plug and one is probably still original. :freakin_nuts: I doubt that is the cause of it, but regardless, it will get 2 new ones. AC works fine when its plugged in. It has nothing to do with the AC. I know this because the pizzaz load affects it the same way. I also let the AC sit off for a while and generator run for a bit before turning it back on. Still did the same. I'm sure it started acting up more once the AC pressure was built up.
  18. That might just be the dumbest statement about chains I have ever heard! Just go get yourself a clip type master link for a 520 chain (either oring or non oring depending on what you bought) and be done with it.
  19. Well my recent problem I had with my generator was NOT the carb. :beer_bang: How do I know this? I just bought a new carb and put it on and nothing has changed. Same problem still exists. So anyways, hopefully someone can help. Here's what it's doing. Earlier it fired up with a couple pops right after startup but it fired up. Then I turned both A/C units on and ran it for about 45 minutes. It ran great. Then it chugged for a split secoond a couple times, then about 10 seconds later it backfired then died. Now it fires up no prob with the usual pop or two right after startup, but as soon as I turn on the AC unit (or any other heavy load) it bogs and backfires bigtime. Here's is what I have checked... -oil level is good -fuel volume seems ok and fuel qaulity is good -fuel filters are both new -new carburetor -200 bucks and 2 beers later I'm still pretty pissed off eff yoooou 200 dollar carb for nothin Night drags trip ain't lookin so good!
  20. I have 4 signs for that post... :?: :beer_bang: Are you effin serious? LOL
  21. ok cool. Over at Banshee Hill right?
  22. You're effin nuts, Al. That's awessome though that you will be there. You da man and always have DDR covered. Post up what time you think you will have the grub ready. :beer_bang:
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