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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. no sh*t! Hey I never claimed I was good or that was even my thing. Besides I was on that thing longer than most people were. so there That chick working the bull joystick had me confused. I thought the thing was gonna take off hella fast and then she just kept it moving slow and spinning for a while. It was like a blender for my stomach I guess. :worthless_without_pics:
  2. yep! Well except for the pic with me and Steveo at the table. I don't think I was tipsy yet at that point. lol I can sometimes "over-do it" when in party mode.
  3. Yeah I only rented that $11 Philly for about an hour and a half then left it in their parking lot afterwards. :worthless_without_pics: Damn.
  4. haha thanks everybody. Yes, I was pretty "buzzed" to say the least. I guess it didn't help that I started drinking at Walt's birthday party before we even showed up at Cadi Ranch which was well before I ate. Then add shots on top of it all and mmmbabalblblblblb I think for my actual birthday which is the 30th, we'll have a nice low-key dinner which I intend on keeping in me for more than a couple hours this time. :worthless_without_pics:
  5. Right on, Rob! Congrats. You're gonna have a blast in that thing. I would say backing it in should be just fine. I cant see how it would put TOO much pin weight on the truck if you did. Your truck can handle it anyways.
  6. guys...debate all you want about dead people , but the name calling is childish as hell and against the board rules!
  7. I pull mine in forward, but then again I don't have reverse or a 5th wheel trailer either so none of this information is helpful at all. lol So Rob...did ya pick something up or place that order with Don?
  8. It's all good guys. Wish you were there but I completely understand.
  9. :lol: great pics guys! hahaaaaaa Wow, damn good times last night. It's almost 2 o'clock and the house just now stopped spinning. Oh god my effing head. Who's idea was it for those shots? That video is some funny sh*t. I bet nobody thought I'd ever get on the bull. Ya like how I was slappin the bull's a$$? That thing was tricky. Alot harder that it looks. I'd like to thank everybody that came out. You guys definitely made it a fun, memorable birthday celebration. Goood a$$ times fo sho. Those deep fried a-holes were amazing! I made Anna pull over like 5 times on the way home. :shout: eff your mother! Thanks again everyone.
  10. haha no that's Eric- our suspension/ brakes guy. He wore a rag on his head in case anything fell off the bottom of the car. And no- we didn't clean it.
  11. This customer came in to the dealer today and said that while they were driving back from Colorado in their brand new 2010 Camaro SS they drove over a dead deer in the road. :?: OOPS! This thing stunk bad. I smelled all the burnt hair on the exhaust. There was blood, and deer sh*t, and lots of "stuff" everywhere under this thing. So much for having a nice new car. It's gonna smell bad for quite some time.
  12. :ill: unreal! I am furious just reading your story, Mike. Damn! Sorry to hear that. At least it didn't turn any uglier. People are fuggin whacko these days! At least your family will be ok and are still with you. He'll get what he deserves. What a loser.
  13. everyone, please just keep it clean and remember we have rules here on this site. Thats all I gotta say. Oh and one more thing...WHO GIVES A RATS a$$. Haven't you guys heard enough of Jackson on the news by now? Who would wanna talk about it even MORE? uggh, carry on I suppose. barf
  14. Um thats a total of 3....so nobody's next. duh!
  15. Kenny picked his 59 yesterday. Badass new toy, bud. Congrats. Now try to hang on to this one this time. lol
  16. Very cool, John. Lighting up the hill always makes it that much better of a time.
  17. Jay settle down there grasshopper. This isn't an "event". It's nothing more than a dune trip in the middle of summer. I am not in charge of the lights but I know at least one set of lights usually does show up though and it's always at Banshee Hill. If someone brings some lights I will be happy to kick in towards the cost of them as well. I can ask a couple friends that might have some connections for a second or 3rd set, but there's no promises.
  18. Have fun and be safe up there, Justin. Coral is awesome riding!
  19. No prob. I bet the extra light helped this time as well. Looks great, Tim. That's funny you say that. After shootin some shots at rogers807's boy's baseball game, all the parents wanted me at every game as well.
  20. That the race they have on one of the Pastrana Nitro Circus DVDs. It's crazy! Very technical and challenging course for sure.
  21. The rule? Why's it a rule? I'm not into scuba diving and I don't get pissed at her when she drops a ton of cash on scuba equipment or scuba trips. I guess I just understand most peeps' situations. Whenever works for ya though.
  22. I take it your women aren't into the sand thing then? Why would you have to keep such a thing a secret? Shiat, Anna and I make the rail priority #1 around dune season. Priority one: get rail in tip top shape, prioirity 2: then worry about bills, food and beer Sorry to hear about your rail Pat. At least you got it in good shape now though. Time to dune! Have fun in St A!!!
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