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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. http://tv.yahoo.com/contributor/709193/new...mahon__ER:46843 He died at 86 years old. That is a long life. I'll always remember him from when I was a kid watching the Johnny Carson show...."Herrrrrrre's Johnny"
  2. nice video Moy ...and nice picture in the beginning too. It would have been nice to least have left the watermark logo intact on the pic instead of wiping it out. It is there for a reason. oh well
  3. Before you guys take a thread about a great night and day at the dunes and turn it into a bashing topic about litterers let me just say this. Yes I think it's bullshit that people don't pick up after themselves, but I doubt that will ever change. Dirtbags will be dirtbags. However...another thing that will never change is the the number of responsible duners that continue to keep their dunes clean by staying after and picking up. It sucks to do, but some people don't even mind because that is a very minor chore for a fantastic night at the hill. I'm not saying it's ok, but anytime you get a large number of people in one area, there is going to be trash. In the end and on Sunday when we left, the fact is that the hill was very clean and the camp area looked even cleaner than when we pulled in. I know and saw many people cleaning up (including ourselves) after the races. The good apples always seem to out-number the bad at Dumont and that's why I love the place so much. I can't wait for the trip in August. I'm positive it will be just as good if not better.
  4. haha sweet! I never even know who I'm taking pics of half the time out there.
  5. Thanks everyone. Much appreciated.
  6. Hell yeah! No prob, Eric. We can only hope the next one in August is just as good or better. I can't wait.
  7. no I didnt see any of them leave. I thought the same thing though. lol I couldn't believe how many trailers and mohos were over at the hill. The night before there were many more than in that pic. Probably 6 or 8 haulers, a handful of enclosed trailers and a couple c class mohos.
  8. there's a few other pics in the gallery along with those I posted. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/gallery/th...s.php?album=424
  9. what a great view to wake up to on a Sunday morning..... this was left behind by some pieces of crap. We hauled it all home for them. chillen at the the big pole is still there Banshee Hill still had some people this morning about 10:30... Chadwick99...
  10. just after we rolled in... yamakiller's new rail stopping after one of our first rides... (these turned out very dark and like crap so I had to lighten them up) sitting there as the sun went down taking it all in. ahhhh
  11. I took some pics. Gimme a few minutes to get them uploaded. I had a great time. I'm glad I decided to go out. We rolled in about 6:30 on Saturday and it was about 99 degrees. It was a little warm, but pretty windyso it helped cool things down quite a bit. I thought the wind was gonna make things miserable, but it died down a bit and remained a steady breeze all night. It wasn't too bad at all. I coudn't believe how nice it was for June! We were able to squeeze in 2 dune rides before it got dark. Those dunes were awesome! It was just how malbu & sandchick described from the weekend before...no lines, lots of razors, and smooth smooth smooth. MAN it felt great to shred our usual lines in fresh sand. I didn't wanna stop. Then after it got dark we headed back to camp for a couple beverages and to grill up some grub. We watched the techo/ lazor light show in camp. We hung out for a little bit and had some good times and good laughes, but then over to the hill we went. I was impressed with how many duners showed up, especially VERY fast bikes! Those drag Banshees were fun to watch blast up the hill. I'm pretty sure I spotted mex450's new bike hitting the hill. That thing looked like it ran great, Eric. Later in the night we attempted a night ride. I led and was gonna go to the south pole kinda thru the south end of the dunes like behind comp. Holy crap. That didn't last long. The wind was blowing pretty good which made the sand impossible to read. It had that mist/ haze of sand blowing just barley above the surface so you couldn't even tell how fast you were going. lol Not only that...the dunes & razors on that side were so steep, it wasn't a very safe move to head that way at night. I decided screw this were gonna take the easy way. So back to comp we headed and followed the base of the dunes all the way there going the other way. Once we got out there, it was SO dark when we shut our lights off. It was really nice to kick back in the sand and look up. The sky was filled with stars. You could see the "glow of Baker" and the glow of Banshee hill too. We ended up staying up till around 2:30 but still wanted to get some duning in Sun morning. Again, the dunes couldn't have been smoother. They were pretty easy to read going towards the n pole, but going the other way it was a bit washed out. I didn't get any pics of us duing because I never wanted to lift and stop. It felt great to get a sand fix especially in such nice weather in the middle of summer! We stayed all the way till noon and it was only 89 degrees with a nice breeze. It was nice enough the stay all day, but we needed to get back. Over all it was a killer trip: great peeps, no mishaps, nothing broke, nice weather, had a grin the whole time. Looking forward to the August trip that much more now! ok I'm done ..pics are coming soon
  12. That guy who rolled the Rhino was camped with us. It was Tarick's (sp) boy. He ended up being ok after a couple pain killers. Good lookin out, Chris. What a bunch of selfish pricks. Maybe one day they will be helplessly laying in the sand hurt and realize how much we all have to help each other out and look out for each other...even strangers. What a disgrace to humaity. unreal
  13. Tim, I opened up your pic in PS and looked at the data of that jpg. It shows your shutter speed was 1/30...way too low for action shots. Your camera selected that shutter speed because it was dark out and at that speed it will let in the proper amount of light for a good exposure. However, that is way too slow for fast moving objects. You needed a faster shutter speed...plain and simple. Take it off sport mode and set it to TV (shutter priority mode). This way you can dial in your shutter to say about 400 or even as much as 600 . Then, since it was at night and lighting was low, you are going to need as much light as possible. That fast of a shutter speed won't allow for much light. Your camera will open the aperature up all the way in this case, but it might not be enough causing an underexposed picture. So you'll probably need to bump your ISO way up. It might even need to be up there pretty high which means you may get some slight noise or graininess, but the picture won't be blurry and it should look pretty good. When you have little lighting and require a fast shutter speed, this is where the high dollar lenses come into play. You need a large aperature (small number f stop) lens for more light. If you are limited to a smaller aperature, your only option is to bump that ISO up to make up for the lack of light. I hope that makes sense. Here is an example of a pic I took in almost the exact same lighting and situation. Granted I took this pic with my $1700 lens lol, but the shutter speed was at 1/400 and ISO all the way up there at 2500. This was with my 70-200MM f/2.8 L lens so the aperature was fully open to 2.8. I sound like RUn2it now. I guess I'm into it. :clown:
  14. Congrats Cole & Jules!!!! She tiny and cute, just like her mom. lol Fuggin DDR beanie on the baby already.
  15. another sunset pic sent from D-mANg
  16. I am pretty sure he only has the only lens right now. Same as my kit lens...28-135mm IS MIne has worked pretty damn good (I think) for action shots. You saw the action shots I took of 3rotortrav with it right. I have heard fairly good stuff about the Nikon 40D, but I have no first hand experience here. If I was going to start with a less expensive camera, but wanted a DSLR that was of good qauilty to get into the hobby...I'd go with the Canon Rebel t1i. http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controll...p;modelid=18385 Or just do like I did and go with the 50D. I love mine.
  17. don't think about it. DO IT ma facka. I have a feeling.... no not that kinda feeling .... that the carne stank a$$/ throwup episode is gonna be talked about for a while. Good times. Damn, I cant wait for tomorrow layter today. :drunk2:
  18. Thank you! I will give her the info. yes please. She needs names and numbers asap because she needs to get going on this very soon. She'd rather call someone who is recommended rather than just open the phone book. Thanks Terry.
  19. What mode do you use for action, Tim? Details on your settings will help give some pointers. I think more importantly is what are your settings set at for action shots? Yeah I heard about the 60D, but doesn't sound like anything I gotta have. Movie mode?
  20. wow, very nice Tim. Great color and cool reflections.
  21. well it's already gone 2 pages so it must be working & entertaining everyone
  22. My sister is looking for a reasonable drywall/ carpenter that can take down a wall and build a new one. I'm not sure about the specifics, but basically framing and drywall is what needs to be done in a house she is moving into. Any names or numbers would be great. Thanks
  23. so back on topic here... we should be pulling in about 6:30 or so.
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