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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I'm on the fence right now, but I think I'm gonna try and make it out for Saturday. I might bring my hauler and a couple peeps and stay Sat night so we can get some Sunday AM runs in. My ribs haven't healed up an entire 100%, but they are much better. I need a sand fix. :dumbass:
  2. I never said you were a bad guy. Hell, I have never even met you before. I remember giving you sh*t for talkin crap once in a post, but I didnt judge you or hold it against you.
  3. Thanks Bryan. I actually have posted it up on here, just in a different thread. It's in the "my newest website" thread in gen chat. Yeah there was plenty of moon light as I used 1/500 to take that pic. I probably could have easily used the 1.4 extender, but I had everything already mounted up without it when I was out so I didnt mess with it. I have read quite a bit on a photo forum recently about doing HDR, yet I still have no idea wtf it is and how to do it. lol
  4. How do you like the windshield, Mike? I've heard people either love em or hate em.
  5. I took a cool pic of the moon the other night. 100% crop... I found that taking pics of the moon requires quite a fast shutter speed since it is so bright. This pic was taken at full zoom with my 200mm, f/2.8, 1/500 sec, no filter. It was a good pic until I sharpened it...then it became a great one. The added contrast really brought out the detail in the craters and stuff. Check out the bottom of the moon. It kinda almost looks like an orange. lol
  6. yiah...badass dan. Looks very nice. Vacation or what? (oh and thanks :pissed:)
  7. Oh my god...John you are the man. Thank you!!!! Just keep me posted bud.
  8. wow, badass you guys! Great pics Jodi. Sounds like the new car did great and is gonna fit your needs perfectly. Definitley looks like summer dunes out there....very hard to read with no lines but smooth as all heck. I'm jealous- I wish my car was ready to go and it fell on a different weekend. I would have loved to go with you guys. Glad you guys had a good trip with the new toy.
  9. Damn Bert, that blows. Guess I should get mine is asap then. I've been dragging my feet. Then again, sounds like it won't matter much.
  10. Well it was another great show last night. I really hope Tsunami Rising & Among Criminals tour to Vegas some more in the future. Those guys really have some talent. I took a couple pics with my phone. Tsunami Rising... OPS...
  11. yep, there was a thread on here somehwere a while ago about that. Here's another link. http://www.fractalenlightenment.com/2008/0...sand-dunes.html
  12. yiah...us too. Ian you can roll with us tonight if you want. I'm not planning on drinking much (if at all) so I can be DD this time around. Just let me know.
  13. yep, OPS sounded amazing as usual, Among Criminals were really really good as well as Tsunami Rising. Those guys could really jam. Man that was a late night which made for a rough morning. Let's do it again tonight. We're gonna hit up House of Blues for the acoustic strip.
  14. I'm pretty sure he didn't say anything about a .com on the end.
  15. from what I can see, nice comfy lookin slippers and nice bike too! Try uploading the pic again, Eric.
  16. Damn Joe. The whole time I have known you I have never seen that bike out. Looks nice! Hope you can make it.
  17. Orange Dodge? :beer_bang: That explains it right there.
  18. You checked the forecast for 2 weeks from now?
  19. Yep it's true. It's been a DDR.com tradition for years now. Hot? Not really after the sun goes down, but when you first get there...oh hell yeah its hot. Who cares though. It's a great time. Here's reports and pics from the last couple summer night trips. 2008 2007
  20. I doubt that late. Prolly about 11.
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