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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I'm gonna have to say that's not my style.
  2. Yeah that's pretty much how it was made up too. I had the idea to put it up on the homepage and put a story for it, then about 99 texts later (from Cole) I had to go back and add his update. Glad you liked it guys. We had to have SOMETHING new and exciting on the homepage since nothing else is going on out there right now. Cole and Mike at Dumont is thee only current Dumont news.
  3. I just remembered I took a few pics with my other pocket camera. Here's a few from our first ride on Thursday in the back. I wanna go back!!!
  4. For those that haven't seen it yet or heard the story about Cole and his snack, check out the homepage. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/#Man_chokes_on_fly_at_Dumont
  5. hahaaa dune deer. Forgot about that one. Never saw any but we did see plenty of tracks. I can't believe the lack of ettiquette up there. NOBODY came to help me. Yea I agree, the story was a little funny (especially with me still hitting the hill after getting hurt), but if I ever see a fellow duner go down I always go check on them. Everyone just sat and watched my wounded azz try to get up. F*ckin Utah A-HOLES!!! I'm just glad I didn't get hurt worse. My ribs are still hurtin pretty bad, but I'm gonna wait it out. Jack, glad to see you finally able to post up. Hopefully everything goes smoothly with the shoulder.
  6. I told Cole & Mike I'd post all thier pics for them from this week at D so they could keep everyone posted on their good times. Bastids! I'd still take hot azz Dumont over work any day. malibu playin SKIP-BO pizzaz in action Cole chokin on a fly fine dining Mike looks serious lol Camp earlier today
  7. absolutely. I'm not sitting through that opening band childish bullchit again
  8. John you are the man! I'm not sure if we are getting tickets as of yet though. Things are pretty tight right now so I gotta watch my pennies. If we do end up going you can definitely count on us stopping by. Thanks bud.
  9. stop it guys I'm sitting here holding my broken azz rib in pain from laughing so hard. Dammnit "ya fuggin TORTURE CHAMBA!!!" <-- Ya freakin d*ck knuckle you! I thought I already covered that. It was awesome! No really, the duning in back of Sand Mtn is great. Like Aaron said- it is very similar to the fast lines and large dunes of Dumont. It doesn't go as far as I thought, but White Sands goes forever! The dunes in the back are maybe as long as Dumont is.
  10. I'd love to go see Authority Zero and Pepper, but I'm gonna have to pass as well. Funds are really tight with all the trips I have been doing lately. I am however gonna try to catch OPS and the HOTS this Saturday here in Hendo.
  11. nope, still have the same 2 older 660's. why?
  12. yes it makes sence, but I am gonna call you a liar. I opened your pic in PS and looked at the data. You took it at 640 shutter speed. Still a pretty fast shutter though and I understand about the zoomed in thing.
  13. I don't know. That hill is way steeper than it looks. But first you gotta actually GO on one of these trips to find out though!
  14. Excellent shots Tim. Glad you are enjoying your new 50D. I knew you'd love it. WOW. ^ Talk about some seriously expensive equipment! Thats badass Rob!
  15. None of us are usually sober enough at night to do all that.
  16. Nice shots there, Lee. I really like the first and the last one. In the last one you even managed to get some motion blur out of the tires. I take it you slowed your shutter speed down a bunch from the usual 1000+ right?
  17. camp area at sand mountain Can you find my trailer? lol Almost dead center of the pic, but up slightly facing left.
  18. It was considered a busy holiday weekend because well...it was a holiday. As for the camp area: it's pretty big, but it's not like Dumont. It just seems really small from way up on the mtn. You gotta remember. Sand Mountain is over 700 feet tall. At least 2 or 3 times the size of comp at Dumont. There is the Sand Mtn camp area which is open camping like D, then they have 2 campgrounds: Jericho & White Sands which are farther north.
  19. Sunday night was the only time it even really rained all weekend in camp. It was pretty fun though to just chill in the rain despite the fact that I was hurtin, Jack was hurtin, and we were all pretty beat. I kicked on some good tunes, we got a huge azz fire going, and JJ, RoseMarie, and Charlie stopped by. Good times. Charlie and Anna got in a Coke throwin fight. :beer_bang: Hey Mike and Jodi. Here's your backside picture. All weekend we tried getting Chad with a Sharpie or eyeliner. We never succeeded. He's a light sleeper. :surrender: He decided to wake up and join in on the fun. Jakster hangin tough after gettin back from the hospital.
  20. cheers Jakster taking the girls out. just some random pics :atc: the "spider tree" more crazy skies as the weather shifted 3 SSC's at the top I like this pic. Then on Sunday we're watching movies in the hauler as it starts to drizzle. Anna notices out the window of the hauler that Charlie child tagged Sand Mtn DDR style. :beer_bang: Thatta boy Charlie!!! Way cool. :surrender:
  21. some long shutter night shots of sand mtn with some light trails
  22. A view from the backside way off in the distance. After meeting up with JJ (lvnalolife) and friends, we stoppped for some action pics. Charlie Child tearin it up. The skies were interesting all weekend. group photo shoot (minus me of course)
  23. Chillen on Thurs after we got there. The paved loops were a blast for this... :atc: Looking north towards White Sands. Those dunes go forever but you can't go too fast since they are kind of tight and technical. But they're still fun to check out and cruise through. Lookin at sand mtn camp area from the white sands Jakster playin ball w/ one of his girls couple DDR birds for ya some of the really fun STEEP hills to climb (but with a HELMET ) sunset some pics of the dunes in the back from Friday. Sorry the sun wasn't out much so the pics aren't the best some greener dune areas. I bet ponds start to form when it really rains hard there. These are from when we sat at the top of Sand Mtn and just sat & chilled and watched the show... badass Jeep... some rails... turbo'd LTR450 Banshee Then over to the vendors for a hat. I forgot mine. Good thing Racin Dirty was there. Back at the hill... Larry Short in his turbo single seater :beer_bang: (owner of Short Sand Cars who built my car) another SSC and another SSC clean ride more racin action at sand mtn Aaron layin the smack down This Jeep was SICK! :surrender: He flopped the sand mtn razor the next day wayyy at the top. That takes balls with a big ol Jeep. Built Jeeps are big up there. I still have more coming up....
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