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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I never got a pm about the date change So now it's the 20th instead of June 13th? :beer_bang: Let me know and I will update it and maybe even send out a e-mail to everyone. ughh
  2. I'll get more pics up tonight when I get time. Mike I didn't get too many backside pics, but there are a few. I also got some pics of some seriously irresponsible people up there. :surrender: I think I need a separate thread just for those! WHY would you not wear a helmet???? I might go get x-rays soon. This rib is killing me. :beer_bang:
  3. Henderson Chevy body shop. They do it all.
  4. k, here are just a few to hold you over :beer_bang: Check out Aaron pulling his signature move when he waxes someone on the hill. He wheelies and looks back at them at the top.
  5. It's a great place for almost every kind of toy. It's about 6 hours from Vegas (towing). From my house in Henderson it was almost exactly 400 miles. Summertime up there still gets pretty warm during the daytime from what I am told. Dunereview.com has a bunch of LS regulars with some good info.
  6. Thanks Justin. We heard other people talk about doing the tour at night as well. That seems like it would be pretty cool. Thanks Lee. Yeah mostly just used the 28-135 for all the shots except the ones from the top of the hotel. Lugging that heavy 70-200 lens all around San Fran was out of the question. We must have walked over 100 miles throughout the weekend.
  7. I haven't put too much time on it since, but it still works great. Rick actually called me the other day at home to check on how everything worked out and to see how the custom harness they made for me worked. I guess he was just touching base to make sure I was happy. Pretty good customer svc right there.
  8. crazy stuff Cole! wow. Good job stepping up and taking control. I hope karma bites those 2 bitchezz real bad.
  9. We just got back from 5 days up at Little Sahara. What an excellent weekend. There's so much to talk about I don't even know where to begin. We covered ALOT of dunes and trails this time. It was awesome. Those dunes in the back of sand mtn are badass. There's some great lines where you can flat out haul a$$. Unfortunatley there were 2 mishaps in our group. I hit a big rock at the base of sand mountain on my 2 wheeler and went flying over the bars. I landed pretty hard either bruising or fracturing a rib on my left side along with some good road rash on my legs. It hurts but I'll live. I still rode the rest of the weekend though. Then yesterday Jakster and Chadwick went out on a ride. Jack rolled his quad over and ended up breaking his shoulder. He went into Nephi for x-rays and they told him it was a 3rd degree AC separation whatever that means. Regardless, it's gonna require surgery when he gets home. He'll live though. He's a trooper. Other than the mishaps, we got a TON of great riding in, the weather was awesome (although it changed by the hour), we ate great, laughed our azzes off, got lots of relaxing in etc etc. Just like a dune trip should be. Good times with some great peeps. I'll get some pics up as soon as they upload from my card.
  10. Thanks a bunch for all the compliments on the pics, everyone. I'm glad you like them cause it took forever to post them up. lol I've been spending as much time as I can latley learning and trying to pick up new photography skills. Cheese, I haven't taken any classes. That is a huge compliment though. I've only talked with other photographers and taken mental notes for certain kinds of shots. So I suppose I am self-taught. It helps having something worthy of a good picture in the first place though. This trip helped tremendously in that department. Jodi- that would be awesome to get a booth sometime. I have to get my work printed up first though. We'll chat more about it later. As for bay to breakers...hell yeah Randog, Ian, Cole, Jodi, etc (and anyone who isn't a douchebag that is down to go). That would be a blast.
  11. later San Fran GOOD AZZ TIMES! sunset at 30,000 feet ...and one final pic which shows what better way to end a kickazz trip! ^ and yep, we left the sticker. And that's our trip to San Fran mang.
  12. cool ride... Then it was time to officially leave our mark on San Fran before we left. 4th St Union Square The hotel lobby at the Hyatt This kinda says it all. parking meter Some chick's mouth. ...and our airport shuttle van got tagged
  13. We then headed back down to Haight/ Ashbury. And....it just so happened to be the weekend of the bay to breakers race. It was nothing but a huge azz party with tons of crazy costumes and floats. slip-n-slide! Dude, Mark was there! Yiah KRUSTY!
  14. We're not done yet! We still have... SUNDAY. Sunday AM we woke up and were getting things ready in the hotel to check out. I had part of a 12 pack of Corona left over. I didn't want to leave it behind or throw it away, so we decided to give it back to San Fran. We set it on the street corner of our hotel and went over to Starbucks across the street for a coffee. We sat and watched as a couple of hobos stoppped by for a morning cold one. It was crazy too. All of them were very unselfish and only took one. This dude dropped his or had a hole in his bag. It smashed all over the sidewalk near the bellmen of the hotel.
  15. Then we went down and toured an old submarine. I knocked my head on just about every damn light and overhang in that thing. Subs are not meant for tall people. Then we took a cab back to the hotel, but not without stopping at Lombard St on the way.
  16. ALCATREZ We did the cruise to Alcatrez and toured the whole place A cargo ship in the bay... One of the many sail boats we passed by Looking back at the city Another shot of Alcatrez Arriving at the island... Our boat... some splatter marks on the floor from grenades that were dropped at the Battle of Alcatrez The hole in the wall that an escapee chiseled through with SPOONS locked up monkie LOL I swear this bird was posing. more hottie Looking back from the island Some protected birds on Alcatrez. Snowy Egrets & Night Herons
  17. Sweet! Now time to get back to riding and no more fuggin half naked guys hanging on that mog at comp
  18. couple more from Friday another street performer more monkie SATURDAY our hotel 6 "painted ladies" and looking over the city from Alamo Square Golden Gate Bridge We decided on Friday to walk the entire Golden Gate Brdie. It's 1.6 miles long. It was pretty damn cool. This helicopter flew under the bridge. View from the bridge... Walking under the bridge.. A view going back on the other side (the ocean side)
  19. haha I KNEW you (specifically) would like that one. Working on the others right now. Gotta resize, upload, link, etc
  20. Oh I didn't mean they would be better pics upside down or that I would even think of doing that to a pic. lol Just thought they looked more like dunes if they were turned upside down I suppose. BTW, megapixels doesn't really have anything to do with quailty of pics. That is pretty much just the size or resolution. Some high end cameras are still only 10 or 12 megapixels.
  21. Yes, they kinda do if you turn the pics upside down. Cool shots there, Alan.
  22. Thanks guys. We had a blast. Many more pics to come. oh yeah! Yes we did take the cruise out there and did the whole tour. It was awesome. Lots of cool pics. I had to look close to see what you meant. There were alot of massage places in that area being so close to China Town and with all the large hotels in the area. Not sure about that one though. Green door? I took that pic because I thought the street above the tunnel looked cool. So yes...you are a sicko.
  23. Anna, her folks and I went down to San Fran for the weekend. What an amazing weekend we had. I took a ton of pics...here are a few just to begin. THURS Anna got us limo for her Mom's b-day. We cruised to the airport sippen champagne. Here's our flight attendants. These people were awesome! We are never flying another airline but Virgin America again. Walked around China Town They need another dee FRIDAY View from the 36th floor (lounge & bar) of our hotel. Then we took the double decker tour bus around the city... entering the golden gate bridge Down near Fisherman's Wharf Our bus.. This guy kicked azz! one of my favorites That "bush" is a actually a guy who scares the crap out of people. Island of Alcatraz Looking out our hotel room window down on Union Square downtown ...and that's just day 1&2! Many many more to come when I get time.
  24. Thanks Ian and yep it was awesome. And you are like the 100th person to crack a gay joke about that place. Didn't really see any gays...only some really cool places and did a ton of stuff. We had an amazing time. No time to post about it though. Maybe next week when we get back. Our flight just got in late Sun night and now we have 3 short azz days to get ready for LS. yeesh I'm not complaining though. I can ALWAYS use a 4-5 day dune trip, especially to that place. YIAH btw..your invite is still good. Let's go!
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