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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. My commute to and from work was just like any other day. No disruptions. I like tea but hate politics. Is tea trendy?
  2. The have told us later this year, but that should change about 29 times before the end of the year so who really knows?
  3. ^ I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - x2 yeah, why the bump?
  4. Sweet. Where at Dumont is this going down?
  5. yo pato, with all racism bs aside, per the rules of the board... insults/ personal attacks are not allowed and all posts must be in English (mostly for moderating purposes...that and this is America)
  6. hahaaaaa. Eff you and the horse you rode in on!
  7. yep I just unplugged them. Bike still starts so I didn't worry about having to do anything else.
  8. Hey thanks again Mike for the info and tips. Using my special tool (2- 6mm bolts lol) I finally got out there last night and buttoned this thing back up. I almost thouht something was wrong with my Grizzly when I got it together. It ran so differenet with a new belt it was amazing. It "hooks up" way better now and doesn't want to wind out as fast. That old belt had about 3000 miles on it and was stretched pretty good. It didn't look like it had many trips left on it.
  9. hmmm good question! It depends.... (no pun intended ) Would it be sunny or overcast?
  10. I don't know why I didn't do this a LONG azz time ago. As everyone knows those park brakes are the worst idea ever on the Raptor 660's. They never work and when they do they usually stick. So I picked up a new MSR EZ pull clutch perch from Ebay for only about 25 bucks. I feel like I just removed about 100 pounds of absolute chit from my quad tonight. What a difference! Cheap, easy bolt-on bike improvements are the best. BEFORE AFTER This thing is nice. It has a super easy cable adjustment too. :poop:
  11. Come on out, Glenn! We'll go for a few good runs.
  12. hahaa thanks? (ps: day-trippen D on Saturday)
  13. SaWEET. See you out there then.
  14. :?: you read that way wrong. I was making fun of the way they tell everyone to deal with it. (by telling them how to delete their accounts)
  15. Don't say I never helped you with anything. CLICK HERE
  16. Imagine that....those tiny azz cars don't hold up in a wreck! No fuggin way I'd ride in or drive one of those death traps. I'll stick with my 3500 DMax.
  17. GET OUT OF THIS THREAD MA FACKA! You and the rest of the cloud haters.
  18. nahhh!!! Go out Saturday! I will be out there for the day. I can get some killer pics of that thing with you behind the wheel and a chit eatin grin on your face. lol
  19. There's a way to deal with the problem. Delete your account if you don't like it! ...and the only reason certain forums have been attacked is because the version of IPB they are running. I beleive there is a security with the forum software. I posted a temporary fix over there for em but I guess it hasn't been done yet.
  20. What does that have to do with anything? Nobody said these pissed off mexicans were illegal.
  21. hell yeah Eric! That thing was going for a killer price. Congratulations. VERY nice
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