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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. shiat, the off switch is broken off on your imagination. You can take nothing and turn it into holy fuggin sh*t. The ever-so-entertaining bfbob.
  2. a couple more I almost forgot about... the band before OPS Shawn some jackass in the crowd and his ink...SHARPIE ink "yeah yeah, sign my back!" :lol:
  3. nope. oh well you tried though really those aren't great pics either.
  4. whatever, if you don't see it I don't really give a sh*t. lol I was just bored and thought I'd share some chit on a slow azz day for the site. lol Some people have an imagination and think about what they love doing all day, some people are boring azz peeps with no creative minds whatsoever and it shows in this thread. OH SNAP! :laughoff:
  5. Wow, now were talking about people who leave trash too! Man this thread has everything! Might as well join em. Not to stereotype and I'm NOT saying all mexicans do this, but I have seen that happen NUMEROUS times too skyz. It's not JUST the , but the majority of the litterers I have seen have, in fact, been huge families of who grill out all weekend and then leave a huge azz pile of old food, Corona bottles and bags of trash in a giant pile. At least they bag the trash up though. Seriously, it has happened about 4 times now. pics to prove it TDay 05 4-14-07 CAN WE SAY?
  6. Why wait that long? This thread is already effed! SO is this what he means? I'm sure 1BADYFZ meant something like this though...
  7. hahaa fixed...and no I'm not, That's probably why I typed that out wrong LOL
  8. I've heard very good things about those Toyo Open Country AT's.
  9. 3 or 4 pages easy Hopefully those kids recover ok and the ones who were at fault learn a valuable lesson so it doesn't happen again. Accidents happen but can usually be avoided with common sense.
  10. Stop yelling at me!!!!!!! I make adjustments to just about everything every time I shoot. It seems complicated at first, but eventually it comes natural. Most of the time I shoot in TV mode (shutter priority). That mode fits best 75% or more of the time for me. As for white balance: Auto works well if it's well lit or sunny, otherwise if it's overcast or super bright out I adjust it accordingly using the settings like cloudy, sunny, etc. You can even experiment with the color temperature and create even better sunsets by setting it to 5-8K for more orange saturated skies. I don't ever shoot in auto mode anymore. When I do (which is when I don't feel like thinking), it's still in P mode instead of FULL auto. Auto mode hardly ever works for the pics I want. P mode (program) is a better auto mode to use. It picks your shutter speed and aperature size automatically, but allows you to still make minor changes such as ISO, white balance, exposure, no flash, etc. Until you learn how each setting affects the photo you are taking, start out use P mode and keep everything on auto, see what shutter speeds the camera selects for each condition. Eventually you will understand what speed shutter will work. Then you can start messing with the settings to take better pics. Feel free to ask any questions or pick my brain about this stuff. I like sharing what I have learned so far. I don't know it all, but I have slowly grasped the concept and know most the answers for those starting out. Besides, maybe it will help other members take better pics. I'm just saying.
  11. I kinda figured that. I just felt like being an azz like usual. :clown: Great pics, Rob. Sucks you got hurt, but at least you had the camera to play with the rest of the weekend.
  12. Damn That's too bad. At least nody got hurt and the car doesn't look like it got hurt too bad. OK I gotta ask, wtf is the ranger doing here?
  13. I can pick you up a cd at the next show, but they are going on tour on the east coast for the next couple weeks. So I'll get a hold of Shawn (lead singer) and see if there is a place online you can order one if it will be a while before I can get my hands on a copy.
  14. wow! Not bad at all, Pete. Great job man. You seem to already have the hang of it. Nice cropping on those too.
  15. Thanks Ian. Yeah that Donner's Party band was somethin else. Some funny azz chit though! (first song) :shout: :rant_on: "BRRRRAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!..........." (holy crap) (break) (next song)............. "get your skank on!" wtf just happened!?
  16. great pics, Jodi! The paparazzi did well this weekend. Sounds like it was a killer weekend out there.
  17. Saturday night they played another kick azz show and it was right here in Henderson at the new Events Plaza (downtown). Good azz times and despite the very little lighting and no flash I sill was able to get some good shots with my good lens. I'm not sure which was more fun....takin shots of a kickazz band with my good lens, jammin to the great tunes, or pounding those big azz Fosters beers! Just wanted to share these for those that like this band.
  18. So let's hear how your weekends were out at D. Pics, stories, etc? I bet those dunes were smooth as hell.
  19. It was also my mom's birthday today so we went out to Fado for dinner w/ her. Good eats and a tasty Bailyes coffee.
  20. hell yeah I am. A little here and there throughout the day for sure. Lemme know if you want to meet at that same gas station again and follow us out.
  21. Something funny I just realized... Now that you sold your guys' Rhino and have a RZR. I bet that comes in handy being the "official shaver of cats".
  22. showing off? :pile: With those pics? :freakin_nuts:
  23. I fuggin hate Ticketmaster and avoid them at all costs. :pile: Hey, is Ticketmaster trendy? Add that to the list of trendy stuff I hate! :freakin_nuts:
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