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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Thanks guys. Yeah this camera (and lens) is the shizz! I love it. Kinda like cheese said though...I've found out it takes more than just a really good camera & lens to get excellent pics. The lighting changes throughout the day and these trucks were really fast. You have to compensate for many factors as the day goes on. Ya just can't put it on auto and hold the button. There's been alot to learn so far so I'mma go ahead and take some of the credit. Thanks cheese. Here is one of the worst crashes of the weekend. I BARLEY caught most of it too! and he walked (limped) away from it I think he saw me with the camera because it looks like he is looking right at me. lol
  2. What an awesome time! Lucas Oil and all the sponsors did a great job putting this race on. I'm really looking forward to going to more of these races in the future. Once again, huge congrats to Jerry Daugherty for winning the last round of the Unlimited 4's! He and the rest of the crew did an awesome job and very much so deserved it. Tim from Racin Dirty had to get a pic in as well. I took about 1500 more pictures from this weekend. So give me time to sort through and pick out my favorites. I'll get the good ones up as I get time.
  3. HUGE thanks to John! Dude, you hooked it the eff up! ...maybe even too much! We had a blast that night. Nice to finally meet you.
  4. That's badass, Pete. Yeah, it can be quite the headache trying to pick out a lens. For a walk around lens, I really like my 28-135mm though. B&H is the best place to chop in my opinion. Check em out. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/shop/8454/SL..._for_Canon.html
  5. I already reposted this. This is a re-repost
  6. SWEET! Congrats you guys. That thing should rip compared to the farm machine. I'll add the RZR to the list when I get a sec.
  7. We actually did call as soon as we left the place and asked for the manager. Unfortunately she was busy with another customer at the time. (imagine that, probably one of that guy's other tables lol) We didn't have time to hold or call back. We're over it now. Oh well. yeah okay: There were a couple other families, a heterosexual wedding party, and some couples there that night. I doubt it.
  8. Pull up a chair. Last night Anna and I went out to the restaurant in the Artisan Hotel. We both wanted to check the place out and Anna had heard good things about it. It's a very unique, kinda fancy place with lots of sculptures, paintings, a fountain, etc. Anyfuckingways, we had reservations for dinner and got seated. A few minutes go by and we don't have menus yet or have we been asked for our drink order. No big deal, homeboy is probably busy finishing up with another table. He comes over after a few more minutes, hands us menus and takes our drink order. Now mind you, the menu was very small and he mentioned that they were out of about 4 things that night. I think to myself, damn that's half of the damn menu. So the only thing that sounded good was the ribeye at 35 bucks. Ok no biggie, this f*cker will probably be damn good. So we wait about the expected time for our meal and he get's me another drink. He brought out our meals, checked on us 1 time about 2 minutes later, then fuggin vanished after that. My drink and water were both empty for about 20 minutes. The other waitress saw that we were done and our plates had been sitting there for quite a while. So SHE cleaned our table up and asked if we wanted desert. We said yeah, ordered and about 10 minutes later scooter comes back with desert. (How long does it take to cut a slice of tiramisu? ) So still, we sit with no refills, finish our desert and wait another 15+ minutes for the bill. He finally brings it out and it just sits with our card in it for another 5-10 minutes. We wanted to get the hell out of there because we had tickets for the Cirque show, O, afterwards. He finally runs our card and brings it back. The place was overpriced in my eyes (2 mediocre but kinda fatty ribeyes at 35 bucks a piece, + some brushetta, and a few drinks came to $126 ) So now it was time for the tip. If service is good and we had no problems, I usually tip the usual 15-20%. If service was outstanding, I tip well. If service sucked azz, why would a tip even be given at all? Seriosuly!. I know people work for tips, but ya think they'd try a little harder just because of that reason! We gave scooter like 5 or 6 bucks and got the hell out. Anna was paying and was gonna give in to the usual 15%. I said, "nah f*ck that dude!" She's glad I did too. lol THEN, get this chit. While we were waiting for the valet guy to bring my truck around the waiter comes out of the restaurant and out to the front of the hotel. We were getting in the truck as he came out with a look like something was wrong kinda putting his hands up. We slowly pulled away and I watched to see if he was trying to flag us down or something. He just had a few words with the valet guy and went back inside. I say, nah eff this chit what does that douchebag want? I stop at the end of the valet drive, get out, and ask the dude whats up. Valet guy, "I guess he was unhappy with your guys' tip" Me: "oh really!!??? Well the service sucked azz and was horrible!" Then he proceeds to tell me that the guy gets compaints all the time. Unbelievable! This waiter at this "fancy" place had the nerve to b*tch about a tip and come all the way out front (through the hotel) to b*tch us out??? I wish I was still standing there when he walked up. I'd like him to b*tch about it to my face. F*ckin tool! The Artisan: a great place to go for drinks. Avoid the restaurant. rant off
  9. Anything EMO related. "Whaaaa, my parents hate me and life is so rough so now I'm gonna throw on my sisters jeans and form a band!"
  10. whoa I hope Jeff recovers quickly and is back to 100% soon. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help!
  11. and hey, here's another link! http://peterlik.com/ derrrrrrrrrrrrr :bert:
  12. oh yeah...I've seen his work too. That guy is crazy talented and goes some cool azz places for his photos.
  13. Thanks man, but there's no way in hell I'm bringing my 50D anywhere near water! Maybe if I had the best case ever made though.....maybe.
  14. and a crazy badass waterproof camera (or case). 9 frames per second too! :ah:
  15. There's 8 pages of pictures. Check them all out. http://www.clarklittlephotography.com/gall...ainGallery.html Truly amazing I gotta buy one and frame it for my house.
  16. There's already a topic on that in the sxs section, Justin http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...showtopic=11358
  17. It's all good. I wasn't pissed by any means, mostly just disgusted with your taste of humor. hahaaaa j/k I actually had a great way to play it off and turn it around on you before you knew I thought something was up but I didn't have the time to d*ck w/ the text mesaages. It's all good. Remember the retard short bus text you sent me? "nope, it wasn't me I rode my big wheel to work today!"
  18. Steve just called me and wanted to thank everybody here at DDR (especially Rebecca) for their help and responses. He was very happy to say the least.
  19. pm powerhouse on here. I think he does stuff on the side.
  20. so much anger I tell ya. wtf!??
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