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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Anyone hear about this? I guess we'll find out at midnight if it is a worm or just a April Fool's Day hoax. :clown: http://tech.yahoo.com/blogs/null/132464
  2. how about this? Does it play the pay attention video for you? <embed src="http://videos.streetfire.net/vidiac.swf?video=1a549a88-5df2-4f03-adbc-9b7f00367c35" width="428" height="352" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed><br/><a href="http://videos.streetfire.net/video/Pay-attention_207993.htm">Pay+attention.....</a>
  3. ^ Not sure what you are clicking there Bert wierd
  4. I watched this the other day. Not to sound wierd, but these types of things are kinda always in the back of my mind when I'm driving on the road. I sort of try to expect the unexpected at all times. I have seen enough bad accidents in my time that have taught me to always be alert. You never know when sh*t can happen, but you can try to be somewhat prepared. Be careful people. That video is what many people need to see.
  5. Hey that's masterS! We were both in the air!
  6. OK cool. That works out well then. I might have Saturday covered anyways, but Anna & I have plans late Fri night so I will probably get out there Saturday early afternoon. I might bring the hauler and stay through Sunday. What did you say the RV parking arrangements were, Lee? I forgot.
  7. Oh my..........the suspense is just killing me. NOT
  8. Ain't that the truth. You'll be sitting there chillen in the dunes with nobody around, then when you look behind you BAM! Fuggin randyvw is sitting right there. :ah: "Holy crap where'd he come from and how long has he been there?" He should change his screen name to houdini-vw! Not sure how he pulls it off.
  9. OK cool. I'm looking forward to it. I might only be able to go Sunday though. It depends on if I get my Saturday covered at work.
  10. The Red Rock I was referring to was Red Rock Canyon here in Vegas- different place. You can't ride there. It's just a scenic place to climb, hike, and there's a 13 mile scenic loop to drive. I'll have to look into those places you mentioned, but they are a tad far for what I was lookin for. I mostly started this thread for interesting places to go to even if you can't ride there, but it doesn't sound like many peeps are into hiking and climbing kinda stuff. Oh well. I'd just like to get out and check out some cool places I haven't been before. And hey...if they are places I can ride too? BONUS!
  11. Yeah Kens Colors told me about that place. That is gonna have to be put on the top of the list for my next rides....as soon as I get my Grizzly squared away with some maintenance. Chit that's right! I'll have to go find my magazine now.
  12. Well let's do it one of these Saturdays. I'll bring the Z71.
  13. I guess nobody in here likes to do any outdoor physical activity. :dunno: Anyone have some info on Jawbone Canyon? Like the type of terrain, things to see, etc?
  14. Whats wrong with putting the sticker on the camel's feet or toes?
  15. Great video SKINNER. Nice timing with the tunes. Sweet SOBE too!
  16. Ok I'm talking hard pack and rock here, not sand dunes. With the nice warmer weather that is here I'm going to be doing more and more trail rides, hiking, and 4 wheeling. I'm curious where you guys have been and like the most. A couple weeks ago I hiked Icebox Canyon at Redrock. It's a 2.5 mile hike in (5 mile round trip) that leads to a pretty cool canyon that has water trickling down the rock. You can't ride there of course, but it's still a fun hike nonetheless. I'd still like to get out and see Jawbone Canyon, Keyhole Canyon, Christmas Tree Pass, and more. So post up our favorites if you have any. Pics too if you have some.
  17. ...or how about on the camels toe?
  18. nice! Even more stuff to check out & shoot that weekend.
  19. Nice lil vid you got there Randog. I like all the sand that was on your helemt when you got back. :kitty: Man that thing sure scoots! I gotta get some motor work done to mine. yiah! Wish I could have chilled with you and the crew this weekend. Sounds like it was a fun weekend as usual with the mANgs. Damn what up with KRUSTY? Was he trying to prove something or what? :clown: Who was this Jeff guy and what happened to him?
  20. I have 3 hard drives in my computer. I put the majority of my pics on another drive other than the C drive and it seems to help with the performance of it. I'd still like to get an external drive for an added backup.
  21. That is awesome! Way cool and good for you guys. If you are ever in need of a very affordable photo guy hit me up. I'll come out and take some great pics of the races. I just read this link that's on your site. Very cool. http://www.pahrumpvalleytimes.com/2009/Mar...s/27633733.html
  22. we can still keep our computers on right? I won't be home anyways so this works out perfect.
  23. Way fuggin cool, Justin! Thanks for the pics!!!
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