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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Yeah, and your point? The sand didn't damage it. I keep it it a weather resistant camera bag and only take it out on certain runs to get some good pics. lol so where's the pic of me in the air??? I gotta get those shock seals fixed. This car never srubbed like that before they started leaking last trip.
  2. It wasn't ALL about 70's this last weekend at the 70cc regatta. We still managed to have plenty of fun with the buggies and get some dune time. :dance: The dunes were great, lines were pretty easy to read, and the runs we went on were intense. Here is a handful of the pics I took of 3rotortrav playin around when we stopped for a break. They came out great! (click the pics for higher resolution images) I have some more greats ones of Eric (Urkel) sailing it too. I'll get those up as well.
  3. ok ok I think we all get it. Cole was a announcer who did a great job dispite his handicap. :dance: It's starting to sound like everyone was trashed while riding during the races and events and that is far from what this was about or what happened during the actual events. Now back to the regatta. :atc: I really had a great time racing these little things. I'm looking forward to next year's. I think we had just over 20 Honda 70's show up. I'd love to double that for next year if we can. And leave it to Honda 70's ONLY. Those crazy races with everything in camp were a huge blast, but it kinda takes away from the original idea and fun of these little Honda 70's. We can still do those free for all races, but leave them till later in the day for when the events are all over. It's crazy how intense it gets racing these little things. It sounds kinda dumb, but you can really get into it. :atc: The drags were a ton of fun too!
  4. Yep, Brice saved my (our) day getting my other truck home. It would have cost me an arm and a leg for a tow home from way out there. Thanks again Brice. Youy know I'd do the same for you. I guess here's as good a spot as any to insert the Ford towing Chevy home pics. Damn fuel pump sender. Hey...it's got 145K miles and hasn't left me stranded yet...until now. Oh well. BTW, also thanks to Danny Murphy for offering to tow it to his place in Pahrump when Ryan called him about it.
  5. wow, way cool David! So did the guy buy the stolen items from someone else or was he involved?
  6. I agree we could/ should do more than one DDR group camp and 70 races a year, but as for a big 70 regatta I think that should only be an annual thing. There was a ton of work for setup that was put into this that many didn't even see. Funding for certain things kinda ending up being an issue too. oops No worries though. Everything went extremely smooth and it was a huge success! It was soo worth it. It's just something I think that should be an annual thing if we want have it as big as it was.
  7. I agree, Mark. This was the best gathering and most fun I've had with so many other members from the board in one "official DDR camp". Everyone single person was cool and fun to be around. I'm really looking forward to the next one.
  8. All I gotta say is..... DUMBASS! ....And to think with that jacked up knee you were out ripping it up on the track on my trx70! And when I say ripping it up, I don't mean going fast. I mean, ripping your knee up MORE into the handlebars! ouch! :headbang1: U JACKASS! Get better bud.
  9. Way cool, Ken! Congrats guys. Looks mighty comfy. BTW: I'm keeping an eye out for you guys for a truck.
  10. No problem Rodney. I got a set of those Jimmie Jammers from him too to put on my truck. They are good to have. As for your trans, I told him to make sure the body shop estimator knows to have us check it out when they are done with the other stuff. Jimmy (the tech working on the handles and interior stuff) said he thought he felt it having trouble going into reverse so we will definitley look into it more and make sure the estimator tells your insurance company about whatever it may need if there's a problem.
  11. lunch by Smokin Al's BBQ group shot at vendor row... right as we were coming back to camp this guy buzzed over WAY low! :ah: This is no optiocal illusion either.
  12. MOST UNIQUE went to 3rotortrav CLEANEST 70 UGLIEST 70 went to Tyler We put all of our cans on top of it since it fit perfect. As for the "competitive" events... "Track Dominator" went to 702LTR450 "Longest wheelie" went to Alex (Lou B's son) "Fastest drag racer"- also went to #84, 702LTR450 Here are the time trial lap times from the fastest guys who competed... 1st: 34:09, 702LTR450, 125cc 2nd: 35:20, Tyler, 125cc 3rd: 38:36, Randog, 88cc 4th: 39:06, dunefreak, stock 70cc 5th: 39:12, Alex, stock 70cc 6th: 41:32, crusty, stock 70cc Here's the album link, but I'll link some of them here too along with some pic descriptions. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/gallery/th...s.php?album=407 DDR's 70cc regatta campsite... nice, empty camp area. Perfect weekend to have this!
  13. EXACTLY! Fuggin redlight Randog ma facka! For the record I DID beat him when he left at the same time. Later that night he advanced his timing and that thing ran fast as hell! Crazy! I'm gonna have to mess w/ mine. Awesome shots, Lee!
  14. Hey could everyone pleasde upload some of their favorite and best pics into the gallery? I have created a folder where everyone can upload into so we can consolidate them in one spot for future viewing. CLICK HERE TO UPLOAD THEM Just make sure you choose the "1st Annual 70cc Regatta" folder after you have uploaded them so they go to the right folder. It's under "Trips and Events". Thanks!
  15. It was ok because it was in a safe, controlled environment. Ya know...like on a closed course. :headbang1:
  16. BTW: GREAT pics guys. Special thanks to 80grit and RUn2it for the "event coverage" with your badass cameras and skills. Someone asked if that was Sand Sports magazine up on the finger dune gettin pics. :headbang1: I thought it was cool as hell how we had so many spectators from other camps that started forming up on the dune watching all the fun.
  17. 3rotortrav was out there with the whole group: Gordon, Bifle, Johnson, both the Busch's, PT, Casey Mears, etc etc. There there Sun - Wednesday. I think Trav got some pics, not sure though. Maybe he'll post some up.
  18. Al, you and your crew did great! Food was excellent and took care of the whole huge camp with ease. Good job! I'm looking forward to hookin up on some dune trips in the future with you guys.
  19. It was one HELLUVA weekend for sure!!! I'd like to thank everyone who came out and was involved! You guys all made the 1st annual 70cc regatta at Dumont a very successful and memorable one for sure. All of the events went very smoothly and were a ton of fun. A quick recap of how the day went Saturday: -A couple crazy group races in the morning. Those were utter chaos! -Then "best of 3" time trial laps for each guy. -Wheelie contast. Alex won- man he can hold those wheelies forever! Bert was disqaulified because he had 4 wheels. lol -Then everyoine grubbed on the great BBQ by Smokin Als Al and the whole crew- I can't thank you enough! -After lunch, it was the cruise to vendor row. HOLY CRAP was that badass. I left camp in the front of the group and turned around to see if everyone was leaving and there was this HUGE crowd of :atc: leaving camp. It looked badass! We definitley made our presence known at vendors row. Sandcrazd & Loose Screws both commented on how badass that looked. Then we did a few photos and headed back to camp. -AFter getting back to camp- it was time for the atc drags. I was killin everyone with my bone stock 70 until 702LTR450 and Tyler waxed me with their 125cc 70's. Those things ripped! -Once all the "competitive" events were over, we voted on all the atc's. Beer cans were used to mark everyone's vote. -Then it was time to dune and do whateva! Good times. Again, thanks to ALL that made this happen. Especially Sandcrazd for doin us up some badass shirts and Smokin Als for the very good lunch and dinner! Cole, you deserve a huge pat on the back for running the mic all day. You kept it going great and made it feel like we were out at the real track. I'm already looking forward to the 2nd annual 70cc regatta. I don't even think we could change much to make next year's any better...other than even more atc's showing up. GOOD times guys. I'll get the pics up soon as well as the time's for best laps and the overall winners.
  20. hahaa Hey, anyone who has folding tables- please bring them!!! We need a handful of them. Headin out now. See you guys out there tomorrow! :headbang1:
  21. Off work & loading up right now! Trav called me this morning and he was on his way over to the spot to set up. The Nascar guys headed back to Vegas already. It's time for some :atc: action ma fackas!
  22. I'll stick to drunken cookie poker. :headbang1: ALWAYS a good time.
  23. Both your ins company & the body shop will do an estimate. When you bring it to the body shop they will submit their estimate to the insurance company for a supplement if there is anything above and beyond the ins company's estimate. Don't worry, the body shop handles all of that mess.
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