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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Yeah I know. That isn't something I'm gonna chance with this bike. The chain has already broke on this thing a couple times (before I owned it) busting off the bosses on the case for the factory "case saver" bolts. So if it breaks again that thin azz case might not hold up so well next time. Anyways, I plan on doing it right. In my experience, I've just always had the clip style masterlink chains and don't any any experience with this style. So if anyone has the tool they are willing to lend, there's a 12 pk in it for ya.
  2. yeah I figure I'll have to do it the right way and get the tool. Anyone have one I can use? I don't feel like pullin a hundred smackers out of my ayuss right now for a chain tool. This is gayyy. lol
  3. Just wanted to share a couple other pics that I thought were purdy kewl. Thought I'd get all artsy n'sh*t.
  4. fuggin bulllllshit! I can't believe this chit. What has this country come to?
  5. Is there any way to put this b*tch on without the tool or no? I have the press tool, but not the rivet tool. Every RK o-ring chain I have ever put on has been a clip type.
  6. ok it was close, but it's time to close voting down and update the homepage with the new winner! Congrats skinner. Great pic.
  7. Eff it, 3 words.... J B WELD! Hope he gets it fixed! :angry2: Get on it ma facka!
  8. Sweet glad to hear ya got it running good, Mark. It doesn't take much to clog the pillot on these things. The passage is tiny!
  9. Just heli-coil it and fix it. You could get an angle drill in there and then tap and heli-coil it can't you? I have an angle drill if you wanna borrow it. Or over-night a new head NOW! http://dratv.com/engineparts1.html
  10. The plan is to pull it behind my 4WD Grizzly and smooth out a nice beginning for a Honda 70 track....and have fun in the meantime of course. Just add a bean bag and your favorite fat guy and walla.....smooth sand and good times. and fits easily into any fullsize truck. Takes up no cargo area! Ghetto fabulous and might not even work for smoothing out a track, but it's gonna be a blast. :angry2: Maybe I should a$$ some handles. :angry2: nahhhhh!
  11. Spotted this little guy out at the Lake Mead Marina today. Although he kept his distance as we slowly approached him, seems as though he wasn't to scared of people. This coyote had quite a full coat on him. We started to wonder if it was just someone's dog but it wasn't- he was a wild coyote. It was barley light enough to get some pics of him but I got a few.
  12. yeah the high speed continuous setting makes it easy to capture a sequence, but I was rather disappointed with the quality too when we used that feature back in June. Even on that well lit morning run that we when on back in June, the pics weren't super clear and well focused. You can still use the continuous mode on sport, but it won't allow for the high speed continuous setting. With a good timing, steady hand, and a fast shutter...you can still get pretty good action pics with that camera. Keep in mind, light has alot to do with a well focused, crystal clear action pic. Back on our trip to G, I took these with my Olympus.. When shootin fast moving objects, it also helps to follow or "pan" the camera in the direction the subject is moving. And like Lee said, try and always have the sun to your back too.
  13. Atta boy Chad. That's all it takes. Getting good at anything requires practice. With time you'll see that transitioning a razor is something to look forward to on a ride rather than being an obstacle that will slow you down. You'll also see that you will start to push it faster and faster when taking them and it will be a blast! That's why I love Dumont so much...tall, steep azz razors and flying over them ballz to da wallz. YIAH
  14. AWESOME actually. I thought about this recently and was gonna post up how it has been, but I forgot until you bumped the thread. I have put a ton of hours on the motor since I upgraded the stator & rec. I've done three trips total, all of which have put many hard hours on the car and they have held up great. I'm very happy with how it works. The HID's firing up and running the fans & lights together at night have not given me one single issue. Looks like it works and seems to hold up just fine!
  15. Actually sandsnake has 2 old 70 tires. They are at our work- I'll grab em. Sweet, thanks for the help, Mark.
  16. Ok I have most of the stuff needed to lay out a 70 track. - over 350 feet of flag line (red & white and black/white checker) -50 wood stakes -a 3x5 checker flag for the finish line -Cole has some mini barrels -rakes & shovels I just spoke with Al and he is gonna bring plenty of food for everyone. I'd like to get a bunch of tables set up so we all have a place to sit and enjoy the BBQ together. So if anyone has an extra table please bring it! As for chairs, I figure we'll all just bring our camp chairs over when it's time to eat. If anyone has some cones or anything else that will help with the track, that would greatly be appreciated if you brought that out as well. This is coming together rather nicely and should be a great time out there. I'm stoked.
  17. what about the spring preload? Is that on the softest setting too or are you just messing with the shock dials?
  18. let me clear up the choke confusion Mark lol choke on = lever up = plate closed (allows for a richer mixture) choke off = lever down = plate open In this pic the choke is OFF
  19. When I said sport I didn't necessarily mean high speed continuous mode or sequential. (That is the drive setting on that camera) I meant the sport setting which would be under the SCN settings. Those are the preset selectable settings for different conditions (in this case fast shutter). In that mode you can still adjust the white balance and exposure comp. When in sport mode, you can still select normal or continous mode for the drive, but for some reason it won't let you pick HI speed continous.
  20. Chad, just get your stock suspension dialed to your weight and that Rappy 700 should ride like a couch! I personally don't see a need for upgraded suspension unless you are already riding the bike at it's limits. FYI: my suspension is stock and it can handle quite a bit that I throw at it.
  21. yep read about it twice already on here now, lol http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...showtopic=10921 http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...showtopic=10948 Kinda hard to find since the topics don't say anything about the ban though.
  22. yeah right...I hiked up there. I don't believe that area is quite off limits. There definitely are no markers. I don't think he does. Not sure if he gets on the board much. I'll find out.
  23. That looks like a very good movie. I don't have HBO, but will try to check it out.
  24. Then maybe it's time to throw that fugger in the laundry and put on a clean one!
  25. Sorry, straying off topic. Here's some more pics.
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