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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. yeah yeah he heard that from a ton of peeps....about 10 times all weekend. He knows. I explained all the crap about them. lol Maybe he switches up to CV's. We'll see.
  2. bring it. We'll have a prettiest AND an ugliest 70!
  3. We have just over a week left and I'm gettin stoked! I ordered up some flags on a line today to line the track. I think I have about about 350 feet. There's some red & white ones for the track, then some black & white checkered ones for the finish and drag strip. I's also in the process of making a SANDboni to smooth the track. :mb: the tenative schedule of events will go like this... morning & day time -a technical in-camp race track event -a quick 70cc group run to vendors row for a photo op -wheelie contest -1/16th mile drags evening -time to eat: BBQ pulled pork & tri-tip sammiches by Smokin Al's BBQ -winner announcements & awards -"track dominator" -"longest wheelie" -"fastest drag racer" -"most unique 70" -"cleanest 70" -"ugliest 70" -open track: the free for all nighttime track races & ATC jousting. Trust me on this one.
  4. So we have over 65 people that have rsvp'd to the 70 regatta. I need to know an approximate # of people that will want a shirt. Sandcrazd is doing these at no charge. All I need to cover is the cost of the t-shirts and maybe the artwork which isn't too much. Don't ask how much. It's cheap, lets put it that way. The shirts will be white with this logo probably on the front. If it isn't mush hassle, I'm gonna see if Steve can put it on the back with a DDR logo on the front. I think he said he's still gonna add "at Dumont" somewhere on the bottom under the logo. Anyways, please post up how many and what size you want. I just need to know an approximate # of shirts to order. Do the copy/ paste list thing so I can keep track better. Thanks guys!
  5. and it is comfirmed...the BLM ranger said the smudge pots ARE legal.
  6. here's a couple more.... and from my other camera... chillen Fri night then that turned into cookie poker. Lots of poker chips ahoys were flyin dayum, dog looks like he's taken this hand serious taken a break on a buggy run couple buggies at comp dead-sexy, Bob. Dead sexy I tell ya. chillen at comp around 11pm- party crowd was gone and it was pretty quiet. Crusty & Stu hookin Eric's ride back up. These guys are the chit. Way to go guys. Donnie, Lou, me, and Stu after going on a bitchen run on Sunday.
  7. Great guy, great place. Eric is always very helpful and friendly. http://www.championmotorsportsracing.com/
  8. It was in that economy/ political bs thread. Paul Rob/ White Rhino posted it up. Sorry...carry on.
  9. God dammmmmmmmit! I feel so bad for you and that poor 70 that got torched , but am laughing my a$$ off right now. Sorry bro Is it wrong to laugh? Seriously though. That sucks Craig. How bad is the motor? Don't give up yet. Give it time and you might wanna get her going again. More reason to paint it up. Glad you are ok and the house didn't get torched. How chitty would THAT have been? "What were you doing?" "uhhh don't ask..." Let me know if you want some help.
  10. Good times Al. We had fun hanging out and grubbin. Here's the pics I took. The Heg...grubbin R-Dizzle effin it up! "woody, here hold the camera man. Duneduc is calling me." This was when I found out he and X5 didn't make it out. Catch you next time guys.
  11. Ron at Loose Screws told me about TON. I thought he said he did it. no?
  12. here's some pics....click the images for much better resolution pics I had a blast with the new camera many more to come. Those were my favs for now
  13. No prob bud. I'm glad to have caught you guys. I got some pretty good shots. Give me some time and I'll get em all up. I have tons! I wish I had my 2 wheeler....looked like fun! You guys were doing pretty damn good. BTW: much props to you guys for having such good spotters and being so smart when jumping! :hungry:
  14. OH MY GOD! I can't believe I did that. :hungry: Good thing monkie was on it!
  15. :?: Are you sure you were at DUMONT? :hungry: Every vendor I talked to was pleased. Many of the food vendor sold out too. Crowds were pretty decnt all weekend, especially for having some clouds and rain on Fri. Anyways, my weekend went great as well. Got out late Fri night due to the damn pass being closed down at Potisi. Did some tricks and turned all 62 feet of sh*t around on a 2 lane road. That was interesting. Ynot & Randog already pretty touched on the good times: fast buggy runs, Oreo poker, blasting the 70's around camp and visiting a couple others, etc etc. It was great having bpguy with us for his one trip a year to D. We never really ran together, but had some good times around the fire and smudge pots. I had alot of fun with the new camera this weekend. Sunday I went out on the quad with it in my camera backpack to all the hot spots and took some sweet pics. I was gone for about 2 hours. Everyone in camp thought I was still sleeping. It was great chattin with Lee (RuN2it ) He gave me some great pointers for the new camera. He also saved my a$$ and helped me get my buggy tire to hold air. Damn sand must have got in the bead from those runs. Not sure where the hell I would have gotten sand from, but oh well. lol I stayed until Moday afternoon. I was suprised how many people were still there. I just cruised around on the qaud, took more pics and hung out and chatted with Loose Screws and Sandcrazd a bit before leaving. I saw Joe Duner was still out there with the family and stopped for a few minutes to say hi too. The weather was great all weekend I thought. I got there after the Fri rain. Sat was no clouds at all and sunny. Sunday was super overcast but no rain, then Monday was overcast again and a tiny bit of rain drizzle around 1 or 2 PM. No wind though all weekend and that was a GOOD thing. All in all: GREAT weekend. Great people, no major mishaps, good times! tons of pictures to come...
  16. damn dude I'd whoop that f*ckers azz! What a piece of chit!
  17. I was raving about your BBQ all weekend to everyone, Al. Thank YOU! Man that was some good stuff!
  18. Randog sent me this from the north pole. We all new that new huge pole wouldn't be up long.
  19. Look like just about everyone is already out there. I should be pulling in sometime tonight.
  20. I knew warrior the a$$hat didn't come up w/ all that chit. JACKASS! lol
  21. im confused. you sent me a pic of this quad saying you are picking it up for 1500.....but you didn't get it??? wtf
  22. ARE there really people out there that stupid
  23. I thought Cole bought this. no?
  24. I heard the road was graded today. SDA (Bert) said there are a couple hundred rigs there now, but not busy at all (considering). Pic from sand chick....
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