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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. That have all let me down! Last time I needed tires I bought THEE best Maxis e-rated blah blah blah 800 hundred fuggin bucks and then had 2 bubble out a couple tumors right before a trip to D for T-day. They were barley a year and a half old too. I hate trailer tires!!! stupid stupid stupid!
  2. Not sure. I haven't looked it it that close yet, but I definitley will and will let ya know when I find out. I've wanted to add a light on my trx the same way.
  3. I already have a couple times at the dunes. He takes some bitchen pics.
  4. Yep, read a bunch of that thread. That's mostly how I ended up looking at the 50D. I understand about that lense too. This is the one I was eyeing if the 28-135mm lense didn't cut it. link If I spend more than 500/ 600 bucks on a camera, I rather go all out with a high quality metal body.
  5. It's about time we put em all in one topic huh! 3 wheels and 4!
  6. Here's my situation. Some of you guys might remember a while back when I was camera shopping. I bought the Canon SD1100 and loved it, until it broke and I used the replacement insurance about 3 times. That got old quick. What's the point of a camera that takes badass pics but doesn't hold up right? I then traded up that camera in on an Olympus Stylus 1030 SW. Basically it is a indestructible camera. Shock proof, dust/ sand proof, water proof, drunk proof etc. I love it except for the lense is crap for any kind of quality zoom shots. It's perfect for dune trips, but when I really want to get some good shots, I want a better camera. So now I have been checking out the Canon 50D. Point and shoot compact cameras aren't gonna cut it anymore so that is why I am looking at a DSLR camera like this. The reviews seem like it is what I am looking for. It looks like Costco has it the cheapest and it seems to come with a good all-around lense. I'm hoping someone on here (80grit, SP2, RUn2it, Mike330R, etc ) might have 1st hand info or some good camera knowledge to give my some feedback before I take the plunge one of these days here soon. I understand I cannot bring this out on every dune ride and beat this thing up like my camera I have now, but I'd like to have a bitchen camera for when I'd get more into taking pics. I have been taking more and more of an interest in photography and I think this camera will do it for me. Any feedback is appreciated.
  7. Sandpirates2 just sent this to me to post up. Bastid
  8. Looks like he was just on not too long ago. Last Active 18th January 2008 - 11:54 AM Not to ask a dumbazz question, but have you pm'd or emailed him yet, Gary?
  9. "Hey BAKO BITCHEZZ...I am coming your way"
  10. I would find it HARD to believe that most football fans would be offended by porn.
  11. gee thanks cheesedog. You don't think I remember that? I was there with ya ma facka! Mike stopped by our camp on Saturday and we chatted for a bit. He pointed to the general direction where he was but we still couldn't find him.
  12. Anyone hear about this? OGP told me about this after he heard it on the radio in CA. I guess in AZ during the superbowl (on live TV) someone "accidentally" flipped a switch and it went to a 30 second porn clip of some dude swinging his dangler around in a porno. :?: :ah:
  13. Well then where the hell were you parked??? All three of us went out lookin for ya. Even Sunday morning we didn't see a white/ blue WW, Ford truck and any yellow Cam Ams??? Do/did you have a bunch other rigs in your group or is it just you? btw, we couldn't come over Sunday anyways. We ran out of working bikes. I guess Nick could have rode the 70 over there.
  14. Glad you guys are ok! Doesn't look like the car got TOO messed up either. Be careful out there.
  15. This guy was doin 60 on the freeway. He must have thought he was flyin under the radar from one superbowl party to the next. Would have been funny to see him get pulled over! "Sir how many have you had to drink today excluding the one on your bumper?" Would that constitute as an open container? :black:
  16. Hell yeah the nightvision kicks a$$! Runs great. I zipped it up and down my street last night. :black: I love it. poor Cole :clown:
  17. A big thanks to OGP for picking this up for me in Cali and to Woody & Nacho for transporting it. You guys are the chit! THANK YOU! I now have a 70cc trx AND a 70cc ATC. Now there is officially no more room for anything else in my garage. Wtf is wrong with me? I went and rescued the atc that was being held hostage last night at Cole's house. He'll tell you his plan he had for it. :black: Fuggin Cole.
  18. Yep that was him. I knew you'd remember that. Vendors that were there: Sandcrazd, Loose Screws Offroad Supply, California Casuals, Dune Mart, and a couple other t-shirt places and a food place. Thats about it. As for the car, I think you are thinking of the beige Wicked Sand Car that has a very similar body on it. You sure about that? If that's the case, then I wonder why the heck this thing goes through so many chains. It almost busted the case again.
  19. We already have a thread for talk about the 70 get together. Post up over there. Besides, I am not pre-organizing this. It is what we make of it once we get out there. The other thread was already there to brainstorm ideas for when we get out there. I already gave my input... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...st&p=166082
  20. Close enough. Let's see em all. I guess I should have labeled the thread minis or mc powered rails.
  21. That's the coolest damn 2 wheeler I have ever seen!
  22. Yeah sucks you couldn't make it out to this one, Vic. We would have liked to have ya there. Oh well, there's always next time. North pole: no idea what that was about but those dudes were dedicated! :black: We were cruising out there around sun-down on Saturday and I spotted that thing about 5 dunes back! I thought it was someone's big azz flag or whip or something. It's over 20 feet tall and looks like it was a telephone pole at one time. I agree, some jerks will probably pull it down in no time but I hope not. Ranger station: the BLM recently received a grant for maintenance that was used to fund that project. And yes, it is nice to see things like this after hearing all that stuff about possible closures etc. The BLM doesn't want the place shut down and you know they wouldn't be dumping money into something they know is gonna go bye bye. We all know that.
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