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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Sat late morning run chillen at the n pole stopped at comp to watch this badass Racer tear it up ISBB hitten comp on the 500 bitchen dunes comp hill area...very empty :black: ISBB an attempt at a panorama shot of camp area camp area IT GREW! the giant north pole construction crew that sweet car from earlier...out at the north pole ahhh...time for some relaxation and a we had um...really flamable firewood flight for life this morning quad rider showing the CHP where help was needed Baker medic Gary's dual sport Maybe we can use this to tow it back! What do ya think? trx70 photoshoot Gary's buddy's HAYABUSA Rhino :ah: This thing is nuts! ISBB soaking up the last few moments of the epic day before leaving. some very cool duners picking up some trash that some effers left behind props to these guys! Ranger station is looking nice! Later Dumont
  2. Next trip for sure man you mean north pole right? :black:
  3. We just got back this afternoon. It was a killer weekend out there. PERFECT weather, SMOOTH dunes and great lines. ISBB & I met up w/ Chris1223 and Chadwick99 at the gas station Sat AM. We rolled into D about 10am and pulled up w/ Vegas Style. It started out as a day trip for us, but we decided to take the hauler and make a weekend out of it instead. I'm really glad we did too. It was a very cheap, simple, chill weekend out there. We got many rides in on Saturday. It was Chadwick's first time out to Dumont and he loved it. Pretty cool to see someone experience Dumont for the first time. Makes me remember my first trip. Good times Chad and nice meeting you. We'll help you out again next trip on learning those razors and transitions. Saturday's rides were great. The sand was perfect. On our last ride that day ISBB's waterpump seal started leakin when we got out to the north pole. He let it cool down and then filled it back up w/ some water and limped it back along the back stretch. On the way back we noticed a buggy broken down. The guy seemed like he was just waitin for help so we kept on. Then....about a mile later we saw some dude walking with a walkie takie, I stopped and asked him if he needed a ride. He was like "hell yeah dude thanks!" Get this....ends up we knew each other! I met him (Gary) exactly a year ago this weekend. He was the guy who had this interesting lil China buggy thing out at the north pole LAST SUPERBOWL weekend! Small world...crazy huh? So we cruised back to our camp and we grabbed my other Raptor to go to his camp for supplies. (Little Dumont) His alternator was the issue on the buggy so we grabbed a new battery, jump box etc and put it in his buddy's busa Rhino. We cruised back to big Dumont to our camp and they proceeded from there and had it handled. Nice group of peeps and we plan on meeting up Prez weekend for some buggy runs. He has a bitchen dual sport car. Sat night was very nice and chill. We had a great fire going that was super relaxing. I even got some time on the 70 and made a fun lil circle track around the fire. We met Brian (sandfreak33) and his buddies from Barstow and hung out for a bit. We also saw and chatted with Sandpirates early in the day but couldn't find where the heck he was camped later that night when we cruised over. Sunday (today) we slept in which was much needed for me as I've been doin a ton of chit latley. We missed out on the AM ride with Brian and group, but we'll hook up next time guys. Great meeting you. :black: ISBB, Vegas Style and I got a nice long ride in late morning. Then towards the end of the ride my other Raptor (that Nick was riding) busted a chain. Luckily we weren't too far from camp. I was able to pull him back. So at this point since we were out of running bikes we finished up the beer oin the cooler then split this afternoon around 1- 1:30. It was 73 degrees leaving today...absolutley gorgeous. Yesterday was almost a tad warm...over 80 degrees! Killer trip! Glad we did this one. Nice meeting all the new faces this weekend and great hanging out with the homies. :B I took some pics. Will post some up later.
  4. Sorry to hear that, Terry. I still think you should go prez weekend. I think there's gonna be another pretty good group of cars going again. :stir: Well, Nick and I decided to bring the hauler so our day trip plan has not turned into staying through Sunday! More ride time. :ogp: Will take some pics for those that can't make it. We're meeting a couple peeps at the Shell station on Rainbow & Blue Diamond at 8:30 am tomorrow if anyone else wants to caravan out.
  5. Who woulda thunk it? Bakersfield put a pretty good whoop on the Wranglers tonight. Man these guys had their chit together. Since I am dumping my camera card right now, I figure I'll share some pics that I took tonight. Bako is in orange, Wranglers are black/ white since it was "prison night". :ogp: The puck toss THE BAKO BITCHEZZZZ THE FINAL SCORE After messin w/ the camera and figuring some chit out, I got some pretty cool panoramic shots. They are off a little bit, but heh whateva! lol I thought some of these came out pretty good considering the super crappy zoom & lense my camera has and the low lighting.
  6. :sophie: girl swap Kyle from SS & The Expendables :ogp: more of the dancy girlie :sophie: Whoa...Mitch Hedburg came back from the dead and packed on a few pounds. I don't care what anyone says.........after living 20 years in Vegas I can still say I FUGGIN LOVE THIS TOWN!
  7. Ya better not plan on riding anymore that day after eating that thing! Holy hell. :ah: :ogp:
  8. Thats great news, Jenn. Yeah tell him to be careful and take it easy for quite some time! Head injuries are very dangerous if he whacks his nuggin again anytime soon.
  9. How did it happen? What caused this?
  10. Thanks to ISBB hearing about this on Area108, we got to check it out! Fuggin badass! The Expendables, One Pin Short, and Slightly Stoopid (well Kyle from SS) played a special benefit show at the rum jungle in Mandalay Bay. We were clubbin yo! :gayboy: It was a great show. Lots of hotties too dancing all over that place. woo hoo Fuggin 10 dollar G&T's but man did that dude make em good! :gayboy: :gayboy: Me, Anna, and ISBB hooked up w/ The Alaskan and his woman. She had just flown into town that morning. Perfect timing! This one is gonna go down in history as one of those most memorable shows. GOOD TIMES! :freakin_nuts: some pics... OPS Shawn from OPS posin with the blondie Kyle from Stoopid :freakin_nuts: many more pics to come. I gotta run :gayboy:
  11. Hey fuggin cheesedog, why did you put this in Dumont issues? (I moved it to gen chat for ya ma facka :freakin_nuts: ) Did you think it was an issue at D?
  12. hahaha just playin No, I didn't hear about any order. :gayboy: Did you buy a pallatte full of cookies or what? :freakin_nuts:
  13. That's great news, Jon. That would have really sucked to lose use of your hand. I'm glad you are recovering well.
  14. BUAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I totally forgot about that video. (thank god) Holy chit!!! :freakin_nuts: :gayboy: Probably the wierdest chit I have ever seen! Fuggin homos! :freakin_nuts: :gayboy: gross
  15. Don't ya just love when all your damn trailer tires decide to crap out about the same time? I know the feeling. Sorry to hear about that. I'm glad to hear the dunes are nice and smooth from that wind. It should make for a kickazz ride on Saturday! yiah What no pics at all though? Thanks for sharin, Gary.
  16. That's the beauty of G&T's (the way I make em lol)
  17. kewl, thanks whiz no, those are just the most favored stations by a large group (of fat people with no taste, LOL JK). Doesn't mean they are "good" by any means. :blah: Punk probably got ditched mostly because the audience is a smaller group then say the audiences who would listen to crap like Metallica Everyone has different tastes. I have found that the more people who like a certain popular band, the less I generally appeal to it. I guess some people are different like that. The satelite radio companies are, of course, gonna keep what the larger percentage of audience is.
  18. Actually it doesn't matter where the pic was taken...as long as it's a dune related pic. It's the DUNE pic of the month, not DUMONT pic of the month.
  19. I just washed it. That's water, fool! :blah:
  20. Here's a couple more things I did so far to hook it up new seat cover and new rod ends. Mine were fuggin SLOPPY and made all kinds of noise when you'd hit bumps. I scored a brand new aftermarket set off ebay for 45 bucks! Not bad either considering new OEM ones through Bike Bandit or wherever would run $45 a piece (x4)! Got the new seat cover installed and degreased the motor... All cleaned up... time for the new rod ends... Like my bike stand? Coleman makes some super bitchen ones. I'm gettin there. Just waiting on the fuel valve/ "hu huh" petcock By Feb 28th it should be DIALED and ready to put the spank on all those ATCs at the regatta! :stir:
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