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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Soak the tank in muriatic acid. Worked great on mine. I soaked it for about 1-2 days and it looks alomst new inside now. It was nasty too!
  2. It was about 10:30 when we got to Dumont (friday, 1-2-09) and saw the helicopter flyin overhead. Joe Duner and wsky70 told me about it when we got there. They didn't know many details though other than one was taken out on a backboard. Just wondering. I hope everyone was ok. Anyone know what happened or see it? Someone's gotta know around here.
  3. This is no joke. We spotted this in Tecopa. This trailer was actually hooked up to this T-bird and almost dragging the on the ground. Pretty scary if you ask me. BTW, note the "no parking" sign in the background too.
  4. Yep, the last one was a saturday. They usually do one a year on a saturday for that reason.
  5. That sucks, Sean. I've had two 4.3's come in the shop lately (since its been cold) with injector failures. I usually replace and update the whole CPI unit with the new design instead of just replacing only one injector. If one goes, usually there's gonna be another to follow. Injectors are about $140 each or $325 for the whole updated CPI unit which is everything (6 injectors, meter block, regulator, etc). Good luck man. Let me know if I can help you at all even though I'm out here in Hendo.
  6. Anyone ever have a video pulled and removed due to a music rights issue? The DDR 06/07 rseason recap video was pulled because the Authority Zero song, Over Seasons in the beginning. The e-mail said "A copyright owner has claimed it owns some or all of the audio content in your video 06/07 Dumont Dunes season recap." I added the song to the video FROM A CD I PURCHASED because I like that band. Fuggin stupid petty crap. I undertand the copyright laws and how you cannot reproduce copyrighted material, but come on. I have seen SO MANY other videos on You Tube that are technically "copyright protected or licensed material". :rant_on: rant off
  7. I saw the donated rail out there over T-Day weekend...once.
  8. From-unda cheese? j/k Joe Cottage Cheese? Lil Sqeeze Cheese? Congrats again, Jason!
  9. I was just talking to Woody the other day about this. I think it's on the Tuesday the 20th. I'm sure he or ynot can verify it though.
  10. maybe this will work http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...showtopic=10116
  11. wahhh, try -13 degrees. Thats what it was down to when we were in crapass Utah. hahaa
  12. You need to tell this kid that this is NACHOOOO MOG. Get your own or drive it with some respect yo!
  13. Let's hear em guys. Our weekend was great. I didn't get out there till about 10:30 Fri night due to some last minute bs, but we made it! Some weekend observations... -crowds were pretty thin this weekend -there were alot of people in the dunes on Saturday. I kept gettin almost running into all these groups of Rhinos everywhere. Group to the left, group to the right...."come on, get outta here!" -wind kicked up most of the day Saturday, but the dunes ended up being pretty damn nice. I heard they were bad before then. -weather was pretty nice Saturday but got COLD quick as soon as the sun went down -got some great, really fast buggy runs in with ynot & Joe Duner Thanks guys -managed to squeeze in a handfull of quad rides as well. -meet and greet on Saturday was semi-small, but was able to meet a few people from the site...NE14SAND, camp idiot, some guy named Don, and a few others I can't remember now. Even saw and chatted with CAPTAINKIRK out there! He rolled up w/ Dman. The DSD Crew were also there when me and b370 rolled up. Great seeing you guys again Malcolm & Bob -yo thanks again for the beverage, britincali -a late afternoon putt putt ride turned into one of those epic runs. Sorry guys. Those dunes were badass and I couldn't go any slower. :smoker: Steveo was over it. LOL highoctanejunkie, sandYFZ, and Joeduner were hangin tough though regardless. Joe Duner was fuggin movin on the huntin quad too! LOL -flannel vaJJ "pu pu pu pu" <--- only some will get that one -I heard about a nasty buggy rollover at comp on Fri night -comp was DEAD Sat night. Steveo, monkie, and myself ended up cruising over later in the eve Sat night. There were about 5 groups out there. It was cold as hell. We just sat in the warm truck listening to some tunes sippin on some drinks. lol -got a nice long quad ride in today with monkie, then just relaxed for a while and then took our time packin up. We ended up leaving about 3 ish I think. All together this weekend was great! Even though it was a bit on the cold side at times, the dunes were great, we got a handull of good runs in, and was just a very relaxing chill time. I didn't take as many as usual because I forgot my charger. :redhat: this dude lost his ball haha South pole... :poop: Saturday around 2:30... I almost got blown off this dune when taking this pic! today (Sunday) this truck was duning pretty well newest Ranger station additions
  14. unbelievable, Eric. You keep getting better and better and that editing, or shall I say producing. GREAT job man! I always like watching what you put together!
  15. Perks? Anna actually won the tickets on the radio. Then the "free" night turned into about 300 bucks after gettin a room, tiips, casino bar prices before we went up, breakfast, etc etc. Was damn worth it though.
  16. Cool pics. Were you wasted in that pic or what? I bet it is cold there. It was damn chilly at Dumont at times this weekend.
  17. yep, I think the sport definitley hit it's "peak" back around 06 when it was very easy to purchase toys, then when the economy went in the toilet the crowds started thinning out. I think there are 2 types of people that we don't see out there anymore. There's the Dumont loving Joe Shmoe that got laid off and can't afford to go duning as much as he used to, then there's the "trendy duners", as I call them, that don't go anymore because the crazy factor isn't there as much as it used to be. These people usually get out of it when their friends do and sell their stuff. It's kinda sad, but cool at the same time. Less crowds means less a$$hats out there. I'm just happy to still have a job and be able to go almost once a month.
  18. right on Woody. Thanks for the update and pics. Looks damn choppy out there. I should be pulling in tomorrow night sometime after 8 or 9.
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