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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Already done. :angry2: Gotta watch out for friends ya know.
  2. hahaa well I remembered that Ross (justntime) posted that ad for the trailer that you bought. It helps that he doesn't post much because I just went to view members posts (his) and found it!
  3. Here's the trailer. Good thing I never deleted the ad from where you bought it here on DDR! http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...st&p=120351
  4. ok Dave I just threw a banner up on our homepage and made one up for other sites that people might be able to post that kinda says all the info necessary.
  5. HOLY CHIT! That sucks David. Sorry to hear that. Let me know if I can do anything at all to help.
  6. New RZR huh? Congrats Danny! I was suppose to go out for a day trip this weekend, but I can't swing it now. Have fun out there and take some pics of the new ride. Stay away from comp, I hear it eats up RZR's lately. wtf does all that mean? You are a mischievious dumb blonde who has no money and isn't sure about anything?
  7. I got this in an e-mail today from Gerald. I'd suggest writing a letter asap even if you don't go to Red Reck. We have to fight these a-holes in every aspect of their attempts to close our lands for OHV or vehicle use. These jackasses will never stop; therefore, nor should we! Center for Biological Diversity Encouraging the closure of Red Rock Canyon to Vehicular Use! Red Rock Canyon State Park is amending their General Plan. Comments needed in support of designating the route system throughout the Park to keep the roads open. Red Rock Canyon State Park is not only rich in beautiful geology, but it is even richer in it's mining history and culture and we the people deserve to be able to responsibly tour the Park by motorized means. CBD is on a all out letter writing campaign to ban all vehicle access to the park Here is link to CBD release http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/2167/...paign_KEY=26365 Pretty scary stuff ! Letters and emails must be received by January 5th. Please write your comments to both of the following, Rdingman@Parks.Ca.Gov RedRock@edaw.com More info. www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=25064 The El Pasos received some recent snow, the last time we remember it being like this is (6-8" at Burro Schmidt's) in the mid-90's (92?) and it is really beautiful in the mountains around Ridgecrest. The Red Rocks State Park Management Plan is in its comment period, and we need your input. The following note came in from one of our members and I thought it important enough to pass along. "The Center for Biological Diversity is urging it's members to write letters encouraging the closure of the entire 27, 000 acres of Red Rock Canyon to vehicular use. The Center notes the Management Plan will govern use of the area for the next 20 years, and cites 2 endangered plants and the Mohave Ground Squirrel as some of the reasons to close the area. They are using buzzwords such as "defacto roads" and stating vehicles are destroying the pristine environment and killing desert tortoises. Please see if you can make the time to write your own letter supporting the continued use of vehicles in Red Rock Canyon. Email your comments to: www.RedRock@edaw.com or mail them to: Russ Dingman, California State Parks, Tehachapi District, 43779 15th Street West, Lancaster, California, 93534-4754. For more info go to: www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=25064 Here's an example of one person's comment: I have been visiting Red Rocks State Park for over 20 years at least once a month. I have never seen NEVER evidence of a tortoise killed on one of the existing access roads to this beautiful area. I do suggest we should limit access to roads that were established by the 1980's, such as the 4wd routes through lower Last Chance Canyon. Thank You Charles Hattendorf Friends of Last Chance Canyon Thanks for taking the time to write some comments. Merry Christmas, Greg Weirick Advocates for Access to Public Lands www.access-advocates.org
  8. I tried putting the video clips together that you sent but had no luck because the file types. Looks like fun. I used to go out to the lake bed all the time back in the day w/ the old truck and tear it up every time it rained. Mud is fun.
  9. quite surfin GD ma facka. I read that earlier today too. hahaa I thought it was pretty funny to see em get busted after leaving the bar! They were probably just slow at work with nothin to do. Why NOT go the bar right!? Hell, I'm even tempted to do the same on some super slow days at work! lol
  10. You would think the CC company would see that as an unuual spending habit and would reaise a red flag. Speaking of....here's another story. While OGP was in Vegas once, we'd always go out and spend stupid money. :mb: Right before we were heading to PT's once, I hit up the ATM for some cash. However the ATM wouldn't give me any money, not because the machine was broke, but something about insufficient funds in my account. BULLLLLSHIATTT ma fackas! So I get on the phone right there in front of the ATM at BofA. The lady tells me I have had some "usual spending habits and transactions latley" and my account was put on hold. She asks me about this charge, that charge, what about this one, did you purchase something here for this amount, blah blah blah. I'm sittin here sayin "YEP, YEP, YEP, YEP, all me. Spending stupid amounts of money partying like a goddamn rockstar lately...dumb as f*ck!" She tried like hell not to laugh but then re-activated my account. woohoo OGP was rollin. Even though it was an inconvienance at the time, I actually thought that was pretty cool they did that!
  11. Why in the HELL would you do that!?
  12. all back together...yiah Now time to give this fugger a bath!
  13. WHAT? Did someone say boobies?
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