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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Black Mountain this morning... Driving to work this am. The roads were nice and clear for the most part (nothing like yesterday). Still a bunch of snow on the ground though. ...... mountains surrounding Henderson right now...
  2. :?: OK maybe not. Made ya look! Woody (wsky70) just left there though and Dumont didn't see any snow. He said the dunes are smooth as hell and wet, but no snow on the sand. He said it looks like the 4 motorhomes that are there probably saw some snow flurries last night, but only the mountains around Dumont have snow on them. He took some good pics and said he'll put them up when he gets home. :xmas8: Here are a couple from his phone for now.
  3. No problem bud. You know this mang. I thought she was just being a wuss but I couldn't believe how slick that parking lot was. I pull in to the parking lot and no more steering! Oh chit! :ah: :xmas8: :ah: Damn man you guys got some serious snow!
  4. hahaaaaaaaaaaaaa go ahead...dish it out. I can take it. I thought that chit was funny as hell when I saw that.
  5. Were Anna and I the only ones that thought the palm trees looked like they were flipping us off? :xmas8: My mom thought we were nuts for going shopping at Best Buy with the roads the way they were. It was awesome. The city felt like it closed down for a night but everything was still open. Streets were empty as hell. You could swing donuts everywhere.
  6. So since nobody has said it yet I will. Vegas drivers are complete f*cking MORONS! Yeah they turn a bit retarded when it rains, but holy chit they lose all driving skills (if they had any to begin with) when it snows!!! Yes it's smart to go slower when it is as slick as it is, but come on....25 mph down a straight stretch of freeway with your hazards on? After picking up Mrs. ISBB lol from her work and took her home, it took me about 2 hours to make it home. Every drives like 10 mph down the side streets. Traffic jams everywhere. I guess 4WD made a huge difference. Everyone kept brighting when I'd pass them on the freeway going about 35 mph like I was some maniac. :flatbiller: Maybe I roosted them with snow. hahaaa I thought it was funny as hell going south on the 95. It was bumper to bumper, touch and go for a stretch right before the grade going into henderson towards Horizon. I was wondering why the guy next to me wasn't going when traffic started moving. Then I realized his 2WD truck was spinning his one wheel peel about 80 mph and he wasn't not going anywhere. :xmas8: There were about 4 cars and trucks that couldn't make it up the grade on 95. That's some funny a$$ chit right there. I wish I had a strap w/ me. I was gonna stop and pull them home.
  7. Hell yeah...haul a$$ then grab the rear brake and pitch it sideways! The first time I did it I bout chit my pants but then I couldn't stop doing it after that! Fun as hell!
  8. You're all fuggin perves. Can't say the same thoughts didn't run through my mind a couple few times though. haha
  9. ok looks like we have enough now. VOTE
  10. I was too busy riding but the neighbor kids made a big ol one too.
  11. Just got in from riding the quads through the neighborhood...in the snow....with the paddles! YIAH! This chit is crazy! :ah: Pics coming up.
  12. Yes, definitely gonna try. Awesome thanks Terry. I'd actually rather to a full weekend that weekend instead, but Anna already requested her days off well in advance and she can't change them now. So New Years it is.
  13. aight I'm officially jealous now! :angry2: f*cker lol Looks like a great trip with lots of fun a$$ rides there, Tim. yiah! One of these Glamis trips we gotta make out to check out flagpole and China Wall. Looks like fun, but every time we've so far there hasn't been a chance. That backwards shot video looks like you are going faster than you really are. :mog: Oh snap fool.
  14. I think it's official. We's in the weekend after New years day. SHO!
  15. Hope I didn't hit a nerve, Pete. It's all love brutha. You know that. :angry2: I was just thrown off when I saw the new screename and had to give ya some chit was all. Hope to see ya New Year's weekend. We'll be there.
  16. THIS ain't gonna turn out good. yikes :lol: I've never tried it. Sorry. Good luck with all that though skyz. Make sure you got a camera man when you do it.
  17. Now your screen name is DPPETE? wtf is thaaat? doopick Pete? digital piss Pete? done posting Pete? (yeah right that'll be the day) oh....dune porter Pete I need a beer STAT biatch! hurry up! It's funny. No matter how many times he changes his name, you always know its him because he has "Resident jackazz in training" in his rank/title.
  18. Just like che che said...it's the dude in the pics. (ridnraptor) der
  19. yeah better only post in smiley language, guys. Then nobody will even think you are going out. :lol: Whats so secretive about going out? lol
  20. Right on. That sounds like a great idea kinda like our dune ettiquete guide. Might have to start on something like that. Hope to see ya out there sooner than later.
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