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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Check the power at the truck's accessory/ charge pin at the trailer connector while it's running. If it's good you won't have to waste anymore time checking the truck out w/ fuses and stuff. It may be an issue w/ the trailer.
  2. You should have just made the suggestion. Besides those two rules or common sense laws are already on our Dune Ettiquette flyer/ page... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/dune_flyer.pdf They are just worded slightly different. I'll add them to the rules page though. I doubt it will end the azzhats from speeding through camps though. I don't think these guys read the rules or give a damn....or can read in the first place!
  3. I don't think I am gonna make it at this point Terry. I'l let you know if I decide to though. Thanks. Who all is going out w/ you?
  4. So what is everyone planning on doing out at D for their get fat T-Day feast? I might just do a turkey at home and bring it out already cooked. The deep fryer is badass and all...but it cuts into my dune time. We usually do it up with the whole shabang....turkey, taters, yams, stuffing, green bean casserole, corn, salad, rolls, fruit, etc etc, but not too sure this year. It's looking like a turkey sammich and a G&T. Whatcha got planned?
  5. whoa. that thing hits the limiter fast :ah:
  6. I just realized wingnut violated rule #1 of the dune pic of the month...the pic must be YOURS. He stole it from me so 80grit wins by default. wingnut is disqualified!!!!
  7. What would you like us to do, Pat? This is quite entertaining.
  8. She said in her post: "That b*tch" see... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...p?showuser=3152 This thread sucks.
  9. mayyyybe Saturday for the day...working on it
  10. We'll give it until tomorrow night :dumbass:
  11. more votes more votes! we're tied I knew this was gonna happen. Effen Craig. I hope I win! :dumbass:
  12. Nice! Looks like a very relaxing, chill time with your woman. Great pics, Sean.
  13. chop the throttle= let off the gas pedal really fast come on red..you aren't new to this
  14. Hmm good question. I guess the south pole meet & greet on Saturday at 2pm, otherwise let me know where you'll be and I'll try to find ya. you know Hope you make it this time Pete! Keep me posted. Yes Turkey day is usually busy. I doubt it will be crazy judging by how Halloween was, but it will be much busier than an off weekend. Glad you can finally make it back out, Red! :skeet:
  15. Very cool of you, Larry. BTW, since this thread started there has been a banner link on the homepage for a reminder for people to tie down their trash bags. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/trash.html
  16. do a search in this section. I think someone was just posting aout these not that long ago.
  18. They say it's usually about a week turn around time. Besides they are in NH and it hasn't even gotten there yet. Scheduled delivery date per tracking #: Nov 21st I'm not too worried about it. I just want to get it done right.
  19. ^ the boy who cried "awaiting a signature" Look at it this way: if you don't go you still have a MOG signature
  20. In this case that IS his name. Damnit..I always do that.
  21. that doesn't help...I have DISH ma facka...not Direct TV What channel is that called? Like spike, espn, etc???
  22. Last trip my car had some charging issues. The red charge (or lack there of) light kept soming on during a dune ride in the middle of the day. I was only running the fan (no lights), so I knew there was an issue. When I got back to camp I noticed the wiring from the rectifier was boiling hot. I think the rectifier finally took a crap after being overloaded multiple times. :no_no: So I pulled out the rectifier, stator, and split the harness and fond some melted connectors. I'm sending the stator out to Rick's Motorsport Electrics to be rebuilt into their high output upgrade. They have a upgraded rectifier I'm getting and they hould be able to get me the connectors I need. Doesn't look like I'll have it all done in time for T-Day, but oh well. I'm kinda lookin forward to riding more this trip anyways. So I'll keep this updated since this is something I have been wanting to do for a while now but haven't heard much feedback from other's experience w/ this company. They seem like they know wtf they are doing though. Finally...more charging for lights, fans, etc.
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