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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Wrong Charlie, John. Not Jill's Charlie. This is lvnalolife's lil 13 yr old bro-in-law. Cool azz lil dude that can RIDE! well ya know. I do what I do well. That wind brought in some serious blow sand. I was going the usual speed I always do when I cruise through that spot. When I hit it the truck just stopped and stuck...bad. We were sunk down to the frame and axles immediately.
  2. ssssssssssssstuck Thanks again DMAN for the tug! Super Straps are da chit!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Pics of Charlie child writing DDR in comp with his Banshee! and also on Banshee Hill...
  4. I would have know if it was B-rad's. This was a brand new 08 or 09 white Yukon.
  5. THAT didn't sound good! You mean hat and sunglasses. Nice finally meetin ya, Mark! Also finally met raspadoo as well.
  6. I saw everyone wondering chattin about it in the shoutbox so I thought I'd post up to let them know what was up. Coming back from D last night we were coming down the bottom of Mt Potisi on the 160 (Blue Diamond rd). Traffic was stopped and backed up for a while. It finally started moving but NHP told all of us trucks w/ trailers to pull over before hand. The road was completely blocked. A early/ mid 90's Dodge Ram and a GMC Yukon hit head on. You couldn't even tell that the Yukon was a Yukon unless you looked at the back door. It was balled up bad. Dodge was pretty bad too, but it seemed not quite as bad I guess. Sad part is there were no survivors. They had sheets over all the occupants in both vehicles. They let us pass but it was down off the highway on the opposite side of the road on the shoulder. Kinda scary to see the hauler at that angle. :ah: I'm guessing one of the trucks was trying to pass and hit the other vehicle at full speed head on. It was horrible to see. It kind of makes you realize how quickly life can come to an end. Be extremely careful out there on 160 you guys. It is a very dangerous stretch of 2 lane hwy. And no, out of respect for those in the accident- we don't have any pics so don't ask.
  7. Weather was AWESOME this weekend! It rained but not for long, same with the wind Sat night. It didn't last for long then it was beautiful out.
  8. Poker run was like an all friggen day meet & greet and I hadn't duned at all yet other than getting out the checkpoints. I wanted to go go go "Eff yo meet & greet, lets dune its gettin dark." :kitty:
  9. yeah i figured out that the 09's went up. Mine was an 08 that I bought for 20.
  10. JUST now got in. We didn't leave Dumont till almost 6pm. What an awesome weekend!!! Great pics and report Jodi! The poker run turnout was amazing. Thanks to everyone's help, it went extremely smooth for a 1st annual event. It seemed like everyone really enjoyed the run, got a chance to meet some other duners, and learned about some of the critical areas of our dunes that we need to be careful around. It seemed like many duners who frequent Dumont really care about the place and that is awesome. When I was out at some of the checkpoints I heard many questions being asked and it seemed like we got some good info out to duners. Mission accomplished. On top of all that we managed to raise some fundage for Friends of Dumont Dunes organization, which is the group that fights to protect our riding areas. I can't thank everyone enough who helped out with everything. The volunteers, the tables, the EZUP's, Saxby's Coffee on Seven Hills Drive, PPG Industries, Pathway Communications Ltd, desertrirder71 for donating in DDR's name, and especially Peformance Rhino! It was great seeing the entire Dumont community come together and make this happen. We couldn't have done it without all you guys. On top of the poker run I had a really great weekend at D. We managed to wrap everything up fairly quick after the poker run and had about an hour to chill in camp before heading out to the south pole meet & greet. I didn't hang out too long out there because the sun was going down pretty quick and I wanted to dune. Dune run was awesome. My car had a charging problem but I made it out to teh north pole and back to camp no problem. Thanks Jeff (Eliminator) for following me back to make sure I made it. Sat night was good times. Chillen around the fire, the weather got a bit windy so we threw back some beers in the hauler, watched Jackass 2 again and we laughed our azzes off. Stalteri920 and crew stopped in and we headed out to comp a while later. :black: Hangin out over there we saw a buggy roll once coming down comp. :ah: It was a 4 seat LT car. Luckily everyone was ok. Their seatbelts must have been mounted correctly. Then leaving comp I managed to BURY the dmax bad. I was following dman back and took the high road at the edge of the dune turning to go to the whoops. That sand was rediculous. The wind made it soft as hell right there. Dman and jackster884 came back and we managed to pull it out with 2 super straps and dman's truck being aired down. He almost got stuck just trying to get up to where I was but we firgured out a better angle with the 2 straps put together. Damn those straps are the bomb. I was buried so deep Anna couldn't open her door. :ah: After we got back to camp jackster and I got a ragen fire goin on and didn't crash till sometime around 3 am. We got some good azz epic qWad rides in today. I thought the dunes were awesome. Many paddle tracks and lines were laid out and extremely easy to cruise and follow without having to concentrate too hard. One of our rides was a wet one. It started raining during the ride, but it made it that much better. traction! We hit up comp, saw 3rotortrav and bs'd a bit this afternoon. Thanks again for the beverage. Charlie child wrote DDR in the face of comp with his Banshee! (I'll post up pics later) We stayed way later than normal this trip. Gotta make the trips count to teh fullest! The weather was badass and we didn't wanna leave. Saw a horrible accident on the way home so it took us about 3 1/2 hrs to get home due to traffic and the road being blocked. Thanks everyone for a great time. Camped with some great peeps again this trip and had a blast. :kitty: pics to follow probably tomorrow
  11. Ahhh I see now. At the south pole I thought you said you lost the WHOLE wing out there. Hope someone found it, Gary!
  12. well..... check it out....now it's gonna go 8 pages!!
  13. I clicked the Yahoo weather link. That source is from weather.com. Nope, not free. Still a regular pay weekend. Leaving a 5 minutes. See ya guys there.
  14. Should be very nice! Highs around 80 lows around 48/50. Click on the weather link above.
  15. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up. You can get your hands on some cool stuff at the poker run. Performance Rhino has donated a complete set of ITP Sand Stars on black wheels with the bead gaurds. They are very nice! Also donated was a complete set of RZR skid plates (a-arm and underside skid plates). We also have a handful of lighted whips as well. There will be a small raffle separate from the poker run winnings for these prizes. Details at the poker run registration booth. One more thing: There will be a grip of DDR stickers at signup as well. They are free with registration. Grab one or grab a handful. They are the full color ultra think DDR logo stickers made by AMRracing.net. Performance Rhino will have some of their stickers there as well. I have a few of the old skool DDR "stamp" shirts we will be throwing out into the crowd at random also. So in addition to the CASH prizes for poker run, there are some extra goodies you can look forward to at the 1st annual Dumont Dunes poker run! Most importantly it's gonna be a great time and we should be able to hopefully raise some awareness about the liazrd issue and the out of bounds areas. We look forward to seeing you guys there. Have fun.
  16. Speaking of black guys... Mr T kicks a$$!
  17. yeah he just posted up a few posts back didn't he? Looks like the car that crashed. No? http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...st&p=157647
  18. ahh the 09's must be more then. The ones I bought from Proshop were 08's- that's why they were only 20 bucks. See? I catch on real quick sometimes... It's been a lonnnng azz day. worked for 4 hours after work on these damn ddr stickers.
  19. Hell yeah I'm stoked as well. I'm pretty much all loaded up except the toys of course. Weather looks badass! Sat High: 81° Low: 51° Sun High: 72° Low: 43° We plan on staying as late as possible on Sunday (prob till at least 5pm). Gotta cram as much duning in as possible this trip! I hope to get some good buggy runs in w/ ynot and whoever else plus some good qWWWad rides as well.
  20. nope sorry. We ran out of time and money for anything else
  21. Jon, let's get something clear hear: I never meant to insult you or your ride. I never meant to "personally attack" you either. I don't like debates. I just asked a question about wtf you meant and it turned in to a huge disagreement of whether or not most cars are safe. We have different feelings on the situation...end of story. I only brought up your sammy because I really do think it is unsafe looking compared to most sandcars out on the market. I don't have time to come over and look and it and pick it apart. I barely have time to type this crap. You seemed to be defensive just like me when I brought your ride up. Now you know why I was. We both think our own rides are safe. Let's drop it. Or better yet, like vegas style said- start a thread where you could give some advice about safety with a less agressive or offensive approach. I have know you for quite some time to think any different. You are a smart guy and I'm sure you could give some decent pointers.
  22. Damn...that car held up VERY well. Glad to see sandcars that hold up in a wreck and prevent injuries. 1320 doesn't think there are any out there.
  23. They are still only 20 bucks at Proshop on Lake Mead. Whoever is charging more than 20 is making that much profit on them. They are still suppossed to be only 20.
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