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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Kickass video, Eric!! Awesome job as usual.
  2. Scary. Hope the kid on the QUAD is ok. Just another reason why NOT to wheelie on big weekends or where riders are present.
  3. The map was just to show where the meet up/ registration spot is. Those spots would take 2 minutes to finish if that was the case! They were just on the map to help point out some landmarks in the area. Freakin skyz
  4. YEAH! What he said ^ ............YOU SUCK JACKASS!
  5. Hey whats up man no problem. Glad you signed up. Welcome to the site. Good azz air you guys were gettin!
  6. Did you guys pick em up? Time to make a new banner for the homepage. "Strap yo trash, fool!!!" This has been discussed many times at the TRT meetings. They need to put a sign up on the way out as a reminder to those who don't know about the concept of how pickup beds create a vacuum of air that lifts chit up and out of the back. The sign should just say something like make sure your trash bags are secure in your trucks (ma fackas).
  7. That's what it looked like but we weren't sure. Looked like a Ranger pickup or similar. no problemo ouch! stupid really does hurt Hope he's alright. You're very welcome. Thanks for representin, Brian.
  8. Both days would work, but I doubt too many people will show Friday. Depending on the takedown time from the Poker Run. You bet your azz we'll have it down in no time. It'll be DUNE TIME.
  9. That had to be quite a ride! Good to hear you and your wife are alright. Damn, comp seems to be brutal on RZR's lately. :ah: Don't worry about those jerks who took your parts. Karma will get em. It's too bad there are still azzhats like that out there in our dunes. They don't deserve them.
  10. I don't have caller ID anymore. A while ago I canceled all those features that I don't NEED at home. Phone bill went from 50 bucks/month down to 15/ month. I just hang up on them as soon as I hear a recording or person saying they are from the a$$hat for America campaign
  11. Pat, I can come pick it up sometime this week if you want. Otherwise you should meet up w/ us again this Wednesday at PT's at 8 o clock!
  12. Anyone know what happened at the end of the last finger dune Sat night? Coming back from comp there were emergency vehicles everywhere w/ their lights on. Looked like maybe a collision of some sort.
  13. Ahh ok cool. I wasn't sure whose that was. I didn't get a chance to meet ya. Maybe next time.
  14. I'm getting to the point where I'm gonna turn my ringer off at home. These bastards keep calling my house trying to talk politics with me. Do they really think a phone call is gonna sway someone's opinion anyways? I hate politics in the first place, let alone some jackass solicitor calling me at home to talk about a an election and canidates. rant off
  15. Great pics, Woody. The Canon takes way better pics than this damn Olympus.
  16. Could have been the same guy- not sure. These guys were gettin some BIG air. They were prolly late teens-early 20's...still ballzy and no fear.
  17. Sitting at a camp out past bathroom 3 we see a crowd of people gathering around the finger dunes. I see in the distance a two wheeler go sailing in the air! :ah: We had to go check it out. I got some pics of these crazy mofos. sorry, some of the pics suck cause my camera is lame and it was overcast , but some are pretty decent our d-max Rhino got us up right where we wanted to be To the people that were there: there are some larger resolution pics in the gallery, just click on them to make em larger if you want to have them printed. I talked to a chick that was standing up there and told her I'd post these up and gave her some DDR stickers. Nice meeting you guys. gallery link... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/gallery/th...s.php?album=371 (there's 2 pages)
  18. south pole... the south pole grew a flimsy tip checking out Co-driver's badass ride and refridgerator in his rail! sanddunesaddict's rc car AL T Sandsoulja Eliminator showing how old skool his is w/ a Mickeys effed up clutch towing sand~snake back. You can't see it in the pic, but he was so thankful for the tow he said I was number 1 when I took a pic of him. headed to vendor row Steveo waitin for some Hog dark and gloomy Halloween weekend sitting at comp and I see sandseeker in the distance pulling in w/ the McFlurry What's really in a McFlurry? May contain peanuts? Shhhiat...may contain peeps. In the VIP McFlurry howse! kris, Steveo, and sandseeker
  19. That's what I was gonna say. That would give us time to get everything cleaned up from the poker run and then do a run and meet up. Post up yo thoughts. :B
  20. A few buddies and I headed out to D for a day trip on Saturday. We weren't planning on doing D this Halloween, but decided to hop in the truck and head out just to spectate and say hi to everyone. (no toys) We got there around 1 ish in the afternoon. It was pretty warm out. We headed over to vendor row right away to wait for wsky70 to meet up w/ us. We stoppped at Sandcrazd and saw a ton of DDR peeps all over vendor row. First Joe Duner and vegas style met us over there, then we saw Mark (mdnbb1) and wife, then maxdout, then lvnalolife, then Capt's truck cruisin through.....etc etc. After Woods got there we hit up the south pole for the meet and greet. We barely made it. I had full air pressure in my tires still and that sand was soft by comp. The dmax pulled us through though. The meet and greet was a very good turnout as usual. I got to meet a few new faces (dune demon, jorge and a few of his buddies, BeerMeNow, yfzkyle, and a couple others whose names I can't remember now ) It was great seeing all the familiar DDR peeps from the site. After the south pole I towed sand~snake back to camp due to a clutch issue. I had to parade him through everyone sitting at comp first though. We got him back to camp and then headed over to a few others to say hi. We hit Beatdown Dave's camp, then vendor row for some Hog Heaven pulled pork , then Mario G's camp, then Barefoot and Capt. It's kinda cool knowing ya got friends at so many different camps where you can just pull up and kick it and be welcome. Then we headed over to comp Sat night. The crowd was so-so. It was a pretty good turnout, but I'd say less then year's past. The word was Friday night was going on over there. I bet the weather had something to do w/ it. It started raining throughout the night while we were there. :porn: Brice and camp cruised over to comp w/ the McFlurry on the trailer. There was a stripper pole nearby that the BLM put a stop to real quick. We had enough of the rain around 9:30 and headed back to Joe Duner's and sand~snake's. We were gettin soaked. Then wWe hopped on the road about 10 ish and got home around midnight. All in all it was a great trip. We got to see the holiday bullshit, but didn't really have to deal with it. Thanks again to BaBerrrrt for driving. A DD is always very much appreciated so the rest of us can be stupid drunks and party. It seemed like everywhere we went that day Jill and Charlie were right there in the Ranger. Good times you guys. I always love hangin out w/ you and laughing at rediculous chit. Sucks your "cat" got wet, but that's how Charlie likes it. I'd have to say the Halloween crowd as a whole out at D this year was less than usual, but still a very good turnout for the tough economic times. Great seeing everyone! See you at the poker run next weekend!!! I took some pics. Give me a few and I'll post them up.
  21. Yeah we'll figure something out hopefully. It just bums me out that everytime we come together and are able to make a difference or a positive impact for our riding area, we hit a road block.
  22. yeah right. Not gonna happen. You gotta make sure you GET to Dumont first before you start talkin smack.
  23. Speaking of following protocol to a tee.... I don't wanna sound like a jerk, but isn't there something in your contract or employer agreement about not discussing or sharing information regarding school or work related business. I know even our work has such a rule. I know you didn't mention any names, but still. Just might wanna be careful, J.
  24. That's some scary chit, Sean! Be careful bro. stop it.....oh god congrats Brain! That's awesome. Now you don't have to take that male protitute job you were worried about having to take. :porn: Fuggin warrior Looks like him- damn! My story for today so far... woke up started a pot of coffeee logged in to DDR while I'm waiting for the coffee. Action packed huh?
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