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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I have to admit...good one skyz hahaaaa
  2. sanddunesaddict and I might make an appearance in the Dmax for most of the day Saturday. (no toys, just the truck to cruise around, say hi, and take pics) Maybe I'll see you guys at the south pole if I don't get stuck. That opening off to the left of comp is crazy different now.
  3. Well good news and bad news. Good news: we have raised about 150 bucks so far! Bad news: It has been brought my attention that the camp hosts are technically BLM employees even though they are volunteers. This means they cannot accept donations due to some stupid political governmant reasons or laws. I'm gonna figure out how we can still make use of the funds to go towards them otherwise I will have to get everyone their cash back.
  4. Is there an echo in here? Tim just had to give us the detailed dork version.
  5. ahh that's probably why then. WIth gasoline it burns pretty dang clean. Thanks I will let ya know.
  6. I woke up about every 20 seconds or so. I wasn't completely passed out and was just dozing off instead. I heard everyone laughing and didn't really care. Was just dead azz tired. :laughing:
  7. How are they dirty? Mike330R's seems clean everytime we use it. Hey Eric...mind picking it up for me? The guy selling them, atlas, lives in Redlands. :laughing: Otherwise OGP said he could. I think I'm gonna pick one up regardless.
  8. Possibley the funniest costume I've seen so far...retired Hooters girl
  9. He still has his truck. He went back and bought it back. (for more :dumbass: :no_no: )
  10. Jeff sounds like he was a great guy. For those who knew him, I'm very sorry for your loss. You all seem to have a good attitude towards the unfortunate situation and that is exactly what you have to do in times like this. Whenever someone important to you passes on, you have to focus on the positive impact that they had on you and everyone's lives. It sounds like he will be very missed by many but his spirit will live forever. Do you guys maybe have a picture of Jeff for those of us who never got the chance to meet him?
  11. Glad to see some peeps stepping up and being able to help out with this. With just a little help from a small group of people, this is gonna be a good azz time! I'm really looking forward to this.
  12. I highly doubt it. Per Mike Trost (BLM maintenance)- the road will never be paved. It would cost millions of dollars to pave over 3 miles of roadway. That is nowhere in the BLM's budget. Your friend's cousin's dog's roomate's buddy might be referring to another load of recycled asphalt that will be layed down and rolled. It will be better if they do that, but will still be far from being paved.
  13. Anna bought some monkey (actually gorilla) costumes for the two of us. The funny part is this. She didn't buy them for Halloween. She bought them just to have them and cause they were cheap. So is anyone dressing up this year out at Dumont or wherever you're gonna be? Let's hear what you have in mind or see some pics.
  14. yes yes...and you dig on gadgets yo :B
  15. more like captainsomehowstillmanagestopisspeopleoffnomatterwhatbutdoesntgiveafugg
  16. Have you noticed how much they have dropped lately? Diesel is finally almost under 3 bucks a gallon in Vegas. It already is in AZ and CA. I paid 2.97 in Ehrenberg, AZ last weekend. OGP said it's down to 2.49 in Hemet! :ah: Dune trips are getting cheaper every day! I find it pretty damn funny how so many people got scared enough of high fuel prices they decided to sell their diesels.
  17. I'm pretty sure Tim (OGP) and Bert (sanddunesaddict) volunteered as well. Bert planned on manning a checkpoint most or all of the time if I remember correctly. Might want to check with him though. I'm sure I'll be 7 places at a time that day.
  18. I hear ya. Over the past couple seasons a few from our group would go over on the last day of whatever holiday weekend it was and help clean all that chit up. It helped after the fact, but I agree that something should be done. I think this happens because of a couple reasons. People go over there in party mode ("let's go to comp! yeah woo hoo" :mischevious: ) and completely forget to bring trash bags to haul their crap back to camp. THEN, they bring over firewood to have a fire and treat it like the big hot fire that burns stuff up easily that they usually have back at camp. Well, that's not the case at comp. It's usually only a few pieces of wood. They just throw their trash in their little fire thinkin it will magically disappear. It doesn't and you end up with a huge pile of trash (ie: beer cans, paper, bottles and glass, etc etc) People need to think ahead and just be responsible. Take 2 extra seconds to grab some trash bags and throw your chit into them and haul it back to camp! Pack it in, pack it out...remember??? Also, do whatever you can to pick up after these lazy effers. Even if it is a water bottle or beer can laying in the sand. It sucks and I hate doing it, but it shows how much of a true duner you are if you go out of your way to stop and pick something up. You'd be amazed at how many people will start to think about doing the same when they see others doing it.
  19. You need to get the eff outta the house more often! Jezuz Christ, Rebecca!!!!! :mischevious:
  20. I usually don't let it get over 1450 degrees (manifold temp). I have seen higher for VERY short bursts, but I let off if it does. I've heard many stories of 1200-1300 sustained for hours and hours straight and no issues. It's funny though. If you take a stock a$$ D-Max with NO programming, install a pyro, and hold your foot to the floor while towing...your EGT's will peg the effin gauge past 1600 degrees. So 1450-1500 for short intervals is nothing for these motors.
  21. Sounds like a great weekend for you Mike! Thanks for the pics and report.
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