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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. @BearsZX72 Good to hear bud! Hope to see you out there soon. All is great with me and Anna. I think we're heading our for MLK if you can make it. Let me know.
  2. It's time to say goodbye to 2017. Grab a bunch of firewood and bundle up for New Year's weekend at Dumont Dunes, because it's the coldest holiday weekend of the season. Duners will be toasting to 2018 on Sunday evening this year. New Years Day is Monday, Jan 1st. Vendor row should have a few vendors, but it's never been very full for this holiday. Don't forget you'll need a holiday pass. They are required from Dec 25, 2017 thru Jan 2, 2018. Another thing to keep in mind is there will be plenty of fireworks going off. Although they are illegal at Dumont, they are very popular on New Years weekend and cause dogs to get scared and run away from camp. The best thing you can do is leave your pets at home with a sitter, but if that's not possible and you bring them out, keep them on a leash and don't let them get away. We can't stress this enough. Every holiday weekend we help duners find their dogs. Also make sure your pets are tagged and also put some sort of light up collar or harness on them. Have a safe and fun weekend!
  3. I've been going to Dumont since about 1998 and have owned buggies since 2003. In that time, I have seen a TON of buggies come and go at Dumont. Most of the duners I have met by now, but I occasionally see a buggy out there that I've seen many times before but have no idea who it is. We usually just do the friendly "duner wave" as we pass by each other. It's almost become similar to the motorcycle wave you see on the street when two riders pass each other going opposite directions. Since the Polaris RZR came out, I have noticed a significant drop in the number of buggies out at Dumont. I often joke that we are an endangered species of the dunes, slowly being taken over by the side x side boom. Five years ago I thought it would be a great idea to get all of the buggy guys and girls together for a weekend. Here is where the Buggy Roundup was born! This year was our 5th Annual Buggy Roundup. Like all past roundups, we kept the same format...simple. There is no schedule of events. The biggest reason for that is because it's Dumont. Nobody keeps track of time out there. It's a dune trip. The only set time we had for anything was taco night, provided by DDR, free of charge for everyone who came out. Thursday morning there were only a couple of us out there. It was so peaceful and quiet. There wasn't the normal buzz of sand toys coming from the dunes. The silence was deafening! Before everyone showed up, we had to check out that sand. The W had blown strong all week up until Wednesday, clearing away those Thanksgiving weekend ruts and chop. It's like the dune gods knew we were coming and prepped the place for us. The sand dunes resembled what we have seen in the middle of July. The sand was fluff and it was stacked as steep as sand could stack in some spots. It made for some difficult navigating, but in areas where you could see well, it was heaven! Friday morning as the buggy roundup crew rolled in, camp grew larger and larger. We formed a football field-sized camp with our RVs and it started to take shape. Everyone was eager to get out and carve those smooth dunes up. Paddles were being installed, tire pressure was checked, and the final touches were being put on the sandcars before a morning shakedown run. When everyone arrived, the group consisted of 10-25 buggies on every dune run. With very few breakdowns, it was a damn miracle that many buggies could be in one place at the same time without any problems! We all know how those buggy gremlins can be. There ended up being two broken transmissions and two broken wheels out of the whole group. Not too bad considering! Saturday afternoon, Ben brought out his scales again. We did a buggy weigh in to see what all of ours cars weighed. It's always interesting to find out that exact number. Everyone lined up and it was a fun way to bring everyone together and get everyone chatting. With this many cars in one spot, we had to grab a group photo! After "herding cats", Neal Rideout got up on the dune and grabbed a photo of the crew. There were still a few buggies back at camp, either day dreaming or broken, but the final count of cars was about 35. That may be a record! After the photo, a group run was well in order. We covered a good portion of dune real estate without losing too many people. It's so awesome to look back and see that many buggies running together. We stopped for a break near Talladega and then headed over to the "huckfest" hill. Like most late afternoons at Dumont, we closed it out on the sunset hill. Afterwards we treated everyone to a taco dinner with pollo and carne asada. Steve piled the logs on the fire and we all enjoyed some nighttime drinks and laughter. Another successful Buggy Roundup was in the books! Some duners showed up as complete strangers and left as friends. See you guys next year! If you could not make it this year, mark it on the calendar. It always been two weeks after Thanksgiving weekend. More photos in the trip report thread... Photos by Neal Rideout: http://www.nealrideoutphotography.com/ddrbuggy5
  4. Thanks John. No, sorry I was below the jump when you launched to the moon. Wasn't able to catch that.
  5. Saturday morning dune run to the North Pole... @louB tested out our hammock Just after lunch we brought out the scales and did a buggy weigh off. This was the coolest wheelchair I've ever seen. So of course we had to weigh it. Sat afternoon we headed out for a group photo. Big thanks to @FE135 for getting the shot. Then we went duning. Neal captured this awesome shot! We stopped out near Talladega for a break. Then we headed over to "the jump" back behind comp area and a few guys went big, but nobody was feeling like getting crazy. A couple guys played around while Neal and I grabbed some shots. Later in the day we headed out for another run and stopped on the sunset hill. After the sun went down the grills got fired up and it was taco time! Big thanks to Carrie and @bp-guy Tim for cooking! After dinner we had a nice hot fire thanks to @vegas style. He piled that wood on! Great times with some great people. Thanks again to everyone who made it out.
  6. Friday morning camp had started to grow as everyone arrived and got ready for a morning dune run. Friday afternoon camp grew larger as more cars arrived and we hung, BS'd, etc. We headed out for a late day dune run. Tim's wheel/ lugnut acorn washers decided to fail and he destroyed a rim. Luckily he had dirt tires to put on so he could still run afterwards. I took the 500 out for another spin. Sandy the elf, once again, made an appearance this year and came out to party. I turned in early Friday night after a few beers and socializing. I wanted to be charged up for Saturday.
  7. Some more pics... Wednesday night. It was empty and chilly, but the 3/4 supermoon lit up Dumont! Thursday morning was quiet...VERY quiet. It was nice. @sandmandan and I both had radiator cap issues (small leak), so we messed with that for a bit. Then we went out to survey those smooth dunes. They were difficult to read, almost like summertime, but they were so awesome. Although it was just 2 buggies, Buggy Roundup 5 had begun! Back at camp, Anna enjoyed some sunshine in her hammock. Did I mention we had the place all to ourselves? I took my 500 out for a cruise. There was another group of buggies already out there camped behind the rock pile. One of the guys stopped by a couple times to chat. Nice guy and wicked car. Later in the day when the sun got a bit lower, we headed back out to make some more tracks and enjoy the emptiness of the dunes. Our radiator caps were still dripping a little, but if that was the worst thing that happened all weekend we were ok with it! We finished off the day with a quick cruise over to the sunset hill. We were a little late to the show, but it was good enough. Friday to be continued.....
  8. Everything ynot said is spot on. I love my Tech 3! You can't go wrong with one. When they pop up for sale they don't last very long so be ready. They usually are priced in your price range, sometimes even cheaper. The Honda 3.5 or 3.2 is the motor you want. VERY reliable and makes plenty of power even without a turbo, but a turbo is way more fun. Good luck!
  9. The road felt like a paved road this last weekend.
  10. This trip gets better and better every year. I don't know exactly how many cars showed up, but there were about 30 buggies in the group photo and a few back at camp still so probably 35 total. Everyone was super cool. We met a bunch of new friends this weekend and had a great time with everyone. We couldn't have asked for better weather or dune conditions. Having the place pretty much all to ourselves helped with that many buggies running together. Those dunes were soooo good. I'd like to thank everyone for coming out and making this trip come together. Anna and I had a ton of fun. Here's the group photo by Neal Rideout. We attempted to make an oval camp this year but it turned into an "8" of some sort. Still a good sized camp! Drone pics by 619 Action Photo,@bp-guy
  11. Congrats!! Sorry you couldn't make it out last weekend. But there will be many more trips to come.
  12. It was a perfect weekend! Trip report to come. Dead tired for now though. Sucks you couldn't make it out.
  13. The dunes are so smooth you'd never think Thanksgiving was just 2 weeks ago. These are like summertime with weird stuff everywhere...drop offs and shelves where rollers usually are. @sandmandan and I put a small beating on them this morning and we layed some tracks down, but it'll take a couple more runs to get some lines burned in. Don't worry. We'll handle it. 👌 The weather is great and there's only 3 other small camps here but us. Looking forward to seeing everyone for Buggy Roundup 5! Let's do this.
  14. until

    @duniemonkie and I are leaving tonight! Anyone else other than @sandmandan rolling out this evening?
  15. ok looks like @FE135 is the winner afterall.
  16. I don't think I ever saw this when you posted it. lol Great pics and report, Jodi. Looks like a super fun trip.
  17. Good luck man! Hope you can make it happen.
  18. until

    Welcome to DDR! Great. See you this weekend. Awesome, Rod! Looking forward to it. I'm just about ready. Just gotta go shopping, load up and roll out Wed night.
  19. until

    Bummer, Neal, but glad you are making it out.
  20. I added a map for camp location on the event details for those who don't know. As you come up the hill past the ranger station, stay on the road until you see bathroom 10. Camp will be just off the road on the side right. When you pull up to camp and aren't sure where to park, don't sweat it. It's first come, first served. There are no parking assignments. If you are new and don't know many people, just ask for Pete. Keep in mind the circle will have to stay fairly big to accommodate everyone and an outer circle may even be necessary, but we'll all be camping together so keep it tight.
  21. until

    Camp location: off to the right of the entrance road across from bathroom 10.
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