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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Never ...unless you sell all your sh*t I guess. Even then you are always welcome to one of my Craptors. I have TWO now! :ah:
  2. Very clean little car, Pat. Good job...congrats.
  3. Damn Sam! That's pretty close for comfort right there. Nice pics. Let me know if you guys need anything should anything happen.
  4. don't forget... 30 mph (truck) + 30 mph (buggy) = 60 mph collsion that could easily do that damage. I read this today (actually at the exact same time ltr450 was, lol) on GD. VERY sad and tragic for sure. My condolences to the family of the guy in the rail. Thats too bad.
  5. I hope I don't come off the wrong way here to some, but here it goes... Man, you're wives suck! You too desrtskyz. Way to degrade yourself like that. nice! :ah: Check it out..either you can and want to learn to ride or you don't want to and never will. I'm don't think it is a girl thing. Some people just don't grasp the concept or have the courage to get better, take some chances and actually learn to ride and get better. Anna started out on a big azz Grizzly. After that...Raptor 660. I think the larger the quad, the easier it is to get up stuff. Larger quads have more power to get you out of bad situations and they also doesn't beat you to death like the smaller bikes. Speaking of plenty of girls who can ride...what about Christina (tacomama). She could keep up with some of the fastest riders in our group. What about Kayla (GirlWitHorns). They both ride yfz450's and ride VERY well. How bout Kristin (foxysandchick), dunelover, Ashly (Bert's wife), sandchick, 2 WHEELER RIDER Pam, etc etc. They all do just fine. I don't think they started out on any smaller of bikes either. My point here (not to Vic but to the other peeps in this thread) is that some will learn to ride and some never will. It has nothing to do with being a chick. As for my advise.... Unfortunatly it doesn't sound like she really wants to ride, Vic. The RZR might be something for her, but those can actually be MORE dangerous for unexperienced duners. Just something to keep in mind. Make sure she really wants to do this before you invest a bunch of time or money in searching for a quad that doesn't exist. Where has she tried learning to ride these quads? Is it in the dunes? Cause that is intimidating for beginners. Try and get her to become more comfortable in whatever terrain she feels least intimidated and go from there.
  6. yup, unfortunatley. Closed up shop.
  7. We're have you been? http://www.cafepress.com/ddr_store/3292098
  8. You're having a bad day aren't you? I don't see anything wrong with posting about it. Hell, I post just about every single concert I go to. Don't sweat it Brian.
  9. He asked and I had time to kill.
  10. Congratulations Paul. Now take a pic of him holding a DDR sticker.
  11. Great thread, Bill. You ready for this? Wow...all the places I have ridden. There have been quite a few really good ones over the years. Pabco aka "the swamps": where I started out riding. Some good trails and technical hillclimb chit. Also broke my wrist out there on a MX track out there. That area is where my buddies and I went to "freeride" as we called it. We weren't really into tracks that much. We liked trails but never stuck to them. Therefore, we called it freeridin at the time. Carey Hart's dad owned a contruction company & always ran his equipment out there to make some SICK jumps and stepups for those peeps. It was always fun watching those crazy ma fackas go big. :ah: One of those jumps out there was filmed and on a Crusty video. Not sure which one though. Jean Dry Lake area and trails: good times out there drifting the 2 wheelers and chasing rabbits. Also did alot of wheelin and mud boggin action w/ the trucks. Apex/ Nellis: Ridden may of trails out there and the tiny bit of sand that is there. Test drove my first Busa car there before I bought it too! Wheeler Pass/ Lovell Canyon: some relaxing cruising up there with some great weather in summertime. Good place to escape from the heat. Every square inch of desert behind my house around Black Mountain & the Eldorado Valley dry lake bed: When I moved to the area in 01 I always rode my buddy's Wolverine out there. It was right about when I met Anna. We'd go out for hours at a time ALL OVER the place out there at night . There were a few really cool lines I'd always hit with the 2 wheeler so I knew them like the back of my hand when we'd take the quad out. That's what inspired me to buy my Grizzly. I took that fugger out ALL the time out there. I would always go out alone....stupid, but I didn't care. I'd climb up some crazy azz hills and rock crawl through some cool stuff just exploring the area. One time I went over the bars coming down a steep az transition. The quad flipped over me with the rear rack landing on the tip of my finger breaking it. ouch. Now, that desert is CLOSED to all OHV travel and I'll nnever be able to legally ride there again. Somewhere near Valencia, CA. My 2 buddies, Jeremy & Tom, and I took a road trip with just the 2 wheelers to visit a friend of his for a birthday party. Good times trhat trip was...including the drunken big wheel races down a very dark, unlit street. :ah: Logandale: Been a few times w/ the 2 wheeler back in the day, but recently went with Kens Colors to do the qaud thing. Beautiful place and very interesting to ride. Coral Pink: One of my favorite places to ride. Gorgeous atmoshere and awesome riding! I've had some damn fun fast rides up there! Been trying to drag ISBB up there since we met him, but he always has something going on when we go. Hopefully next year! I love that place. Glamis: Only been once so far and loved it! Going again at least once, maybe twice this season. Those dunes go forever and make for some nice LONG rides. I love all the different landmarks and places to ride to out there. Little Sahara Utah: Loved it also. Only went once for Memorial Day weekend 07. I wish we had more people in our group that trip that loved to actually dune, but Anna & I managed to check out some of the dune system behind Sand Mtn. It was amazing. There's some really big roller coaster style dunes back there that go for quite a while. Gonna try at least one trip a year up there. Dumont (aka home): Some of the fastest riding and duning I have ever done in my life! :ah: :ah: :ah: Seriously though. Riding (and driving) Dumont has taught me some skills big time over the years. Those huge steep hills and razors are like no place else. You can pick some really fast lines and also mix it up with some cool technical stuff too. Your mom: Anna made me list that one. There's probably many more, but can't remember right now all the places I've ridden. Places I still haven't been that I WILL go before my time is up. -St Anthony: #1 place on my list that I wanna check out next -Pismo: not so much for the riding, but for the atmospehere. Besides, who has never had the urge to do a wheelie down the beach on the 2 dirtbike? I can't WAIT to do that one day. -Oregon (Winchester & Coos Bay): at least once in my life I ned to do a trip. I have never been much for driving so the 17 hour drive turns me away every time I think about it. -Kelso: going Halloween 08! yeah right -Cinders: gotta check it out at least once -Marysvale/ Paiute trails: still haven't been. This is the biggest reason I have no plans to sell my Grizzly. -Buttercup, Gordons, Ocotillo: still wanna hit em all sometime. wow
  12. I don't have any plastics for ya, but welcome to the site.
  13. Fantastic news, G! Glad to hear it.
  14. Right on Aaron. Bout time you made it back out there. Will that be your 1st trip of the season or what?
  15. no prob, Call him first just to make sure. I haven't talked with him in a while so things might have changed.
  16. It's not too bad, just time consuming. I put on on racnjasen's ltr when he bought his. Some of the plastics had to come off.
  17. Welcome to Vegas. Going thru Tecopa is the fastest way from Vegas. If you go through Pahrump I think it's about 12 miles longer. Going through Baker is about another 30 minutes longer. As for VP, I think you can get it at S&M Motorsports in Henderson. Talk to Matt and tell him your from DDR.com 411 Mark Leany Ct Ste A (off Boulder Hwy, south of Sunset) Henderson, NV 89011 702-565-4193
  18. Other than Verizon that always works out there, I thought one of the other companys put up a new tower in that area and can get signal now.
  19. Not sure what the difference is with the 2, but maybe this will help. I put a Motion Pro 1/4 turn twist throttle on my Raptor about 5 years ago and haven't had ANY issues with it. I love it. At first it took a little bit to get used to the the quick repsonse of the 1/4 turn throttle, especially over bumps, but now it's just second nature. I love it. Did I mention that already? I'll take the quick "burpy" response over bumps any day over the really long throw that fatigues your arm with the added range of motion on the other conventional twist throttles.
  20. yes I agree. It really does look badass. But I could only imagine what is looks like while IN MOTION THRU THE DUNES!!!! :stir:
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