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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Hell yeah Ian. Good times. ...and nice meeting you, SANDAWG!
  2. crazymexEd! Nice, I see that Gary is stoked about dune season finally getting here.
  3. Let me get this straight -You bought a non-holiday weekly pass from the BLM office for $40? Or is that for Halloween? If so thats the price. -She said they would have people selling passes out there or giving out TICKETS? lol
  4. As long as it has a DDR logo on it...NO. Go see Steve at Sandcrazd. He can hook you up w/ one though. But to answer your question, no it does NOT have to lighted.
  5. They must not be DUNERS. I didn't watch it. What all was it about?
  6. No problem, Chirs! Anytime brutha. I'm glad he had a good time on it. That's what it's for. I just hope all the fat guys who ride it can chip in for rebuild whenever one's due. j/k Aw damn Marc that sucks. Sorry to hear that. Heal up quick bud. The season is just now starting so you have plenty of time to get better and go duning. Look at the bright side...you can still ride b*tch in a sidexside or rail. I did when I had two broken arms. Thanksgiving a few years ago I still went out for 4 days....crippled as hell and all. I just brought ALOT of beer and pain pills and mostly chilled in camp with everyone. Anytime in the sand is still fun.
  7. Damn been a while since we bumped this ma facka up! lol I'll be there about 7:30 I think. I'm thirsty. Lookin forward to meetin ya Pat. Come on out. We usually grab a table to the far right up by the bar. (Couple tables down from the ATM machine )
  8. I'll have to see if I can dig it up. I might have it. Nope, that was corporate peter. You need to study up on your DDR facts. ding ding ding ^
  9. looks like you'll have the dunes all to yourself, Mike! :chkn:
  10. harsh? I was also kidding. Come on!!!!
  11. I bet it's lame. What's it about...other than...um... riding at Dumont?
  12. Did you not realize I wasn't serious about a race this stupid? :moon: :porn:
  13. what was that? ....was someone talking about politics???? I wasn't paying attention because I was drinking my beer thinking of my next dune trip.
  14. My speakers were up and my cat just jumped big time!
  15. No, you don't get it. I DON'T have any money because of reasons stated above!
  16. :porn: :moon: wahhh Well luckily, even with the crappy economy and lower values of everything... -my home still has plenty of equity -all my toys are paid for -the D Max is getting very close to being paid off -I have been managing to pay down some debt - and still have some beer and dune trip money left over. I don't plan on selling a thing anytime soon so none of this matters much to me right now. I've actually BOUGHT 2 new toys since everything went down in value. yiah yiah
  17. Sweet! I knew I was doing something right this whole time.
  18. Who all is planning on coming out for this?
  19. Sweet...congrats John. I'll still race ya on my 70 though, biatch.
  20. Yep, Tommy told me bout it like over a year ago or sumthin like that. I know you've mentioned it too. I just never gave it much of a shot until now. I had chit to do w/ the site and I knew I was gonna be on the pc for a couple hours so I needed some new tunes while I was workin. :fro_smokin:
  21. Now THAT'S funny!!! :moon: Go make me a slurpee ma facka!
  22. Jeez. Well ya know sometimes when you come in with a laundry list of chit that needs repairing and have a p.o.s. ext warranty company it's not really becuase of US (the Chevy dealership) why it takes so long. Sorry I couldn't expedite it Stacey. You must not understand how ext warranty companies work.
  23. Thaaats right....I thought you mentioned it once before, but wasn't sure. Oh well. It was actually my buddy Tommy down the street that told me about it a long time ago. I just never checked it out till now. How's that for some thunda stealing? :angry2:
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